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Opinion: Thailand’s vote against the war in Ukraine is a step in the right direction


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19 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

Wong on all counts. Keep out of it? Where might you be now if the UK and its allies had not taken on Germany when it invaded Poland?  Ukraine is a sovereign nation and has a right to choose its destiny and alliances.  If you believe Putin's rubbish about being threatened by having a Nato member on his border - you need to do a little geography, he has 2 already! 3 if you class Belarus as really being Russia.


What Putin really wants is the Ukraine firmly back in his control but he'll disguise that by installing a puppet government and calling it an independent country (as per Belarus).  If he gains control of Ukraine, he will have then in effect have 4 Nato members on his border.


No, its not about Nato - he just simply wants it back under Russia's control and has said as much.


So in your book this is just big brother fighting with little brother and nobody should help the little one? What if big brother murders his sibling? Thousands have died already and its likely that hundreds of thousands more will die - because of what?  The savage, land grabbing actions of a mentally ill despot that rules his people by controlling them and feeding them 'news' that suits his purposes?  And you think nobody should help?  Should Ukraine's people be forced to live the life and face the same constraints that ordinary Russians do? Be fed with total lies and contrived versions of the truth? Fantasies that the rest of the world hates Russia? I think Ukraine made it quite clear in 1991 and again in 2013/14 that they want to be part of Europe and they have every right to do that - because they are!  They are quite happy to live side by side with Russia and each go about its own business - they jusy don't want to be part of it.


You need to read up on the historical context.


Putin is a murderer and should be punished - hopefully he will be.


Likening this to a dispute between England and Scotland is quite frankly, ridiculous.

Yes, the worlds 'knee jerk reaction' could hardly be more justified. Just remember Prague, Budapest, the Berlin wall, Finland, Eastern Europe behind the Iron curtain. . . . . .

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