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Russian embassy warns outsiders not to volunteer to fight in Ukraine


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8 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

Putin's mafia clan lied to everyone. Lies his own population with ever new lies. At first it was just a special mission against the Ukrainian Nazis. It's just a pity that the right-wing got less than 2% of the votes in the last election and aren't even represented in the parliament of Ukraine. Then he lied to his own soldiers that the whole thing was just an exercise. In truth, it is a war of conquest of the entire Ukraine. Anyone in Russia who publicly opposes the war against the so-called brother people is going to prison for 15 years. Then the perpetrator Putin becomes the victim. NATO is to blame. Although many of the Eastern European states have been NATO members since 1999 and 2004. Against this background, Putin's pseudo-argument that NATO would then stand on the Russian border in the event of Ukrainian membership is completely absurd. Then the war is now being justified with the existence of biological laboratories, except that no Antrax is being produced there, but medical research is being carried out on vaccines, etc., just like in any other country. Putin is afraid of his own people. When a bit of democracy flares up and the population asks how such a small KGB officer could become the richest man in the world and why all his 300 mafia friends are billionaires. Putin has shut down and blocked all critical media in his own country. But sooner or later,  the truth will come out and then his own people will eliminate him. With this war Putin and his mafia clan bring only misery to the people of Ukraine, Russia and to the people across Europe.

There's a name for it - 'small man syndrome'.  Think back a few hundred years.  Does the name Napoleon Bonaparte spring to mind?

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On 3/15/2022 at 7:36 AM, arithai12 said:

Defensive pact? They are the main responsibles of how this crisis was created. NATO has one single purpose: make sure that Russia is perceived as a threat. Or how could they justify all their expensive directors and generals and weapons and military bases.

In fact, NATO should be dismantled. EU should have their own european army, without being joined at the hip with the US. But this will not be allowed.

Agree about NATO. it should have been disbanded after Soviet Union died. IMO it's been an organisation in search of a mission to justify it's existence since.

Militaries without a war are not happy places, as I can say, since I was in one when Vietnam finished and we had no real purpose in life. I got out because it became overwhelmed with the bovine dust once all those that had fought left, and the idiots took over.

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On 3/15/2022 at 8:56 AM, Mister Fixit said:

There's a name for it - 'small man syndrome'.  Think back a few hundred years.  Does the name Napoleon Bonaparte spring to mind?

Apparently he was not particularly short....of average height for the times at 5ft 5in. The image of being short was due to a portrayal by a British cartoonist that caught on. 

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On 3/15/2022 at 6:15 AM, tomacht8 said:

But sooner or later,  the truth will come out and then his own people will eliminate him. With this war Putin and his mafia clan bring only misery to the people of Ukraine, Russia and to the people across Europe.

Sure about that? Stalin ordered the deaths of millions of his own citizens and died in his bed.

Short of a war with Russia by the west, I don't see Putin at risk of being removed.

They've been saying for years that Bashar Hafez al-Assad will be gone, but he's still there.


BTW, seems to me that the Russians like strong men for leaders, unlike in the west where we elect people like Tony.

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On 3/15/2022 at 2:56 PM, Mister Fixit said:

There's a name for it - 'small man syndrome'.  Think back a few hundred years.  Does the name Napoleon Bonaparte spring to mind?

Ask google "What was the average height of a French man during the French Revolution?" and the answer is "The estimated average height of a French man in 1820 was 5 feet 4 inches (about 1.65 meters). At the time of his death in 1821, Napoleon measured about 5 feet 7 inches (roughly 1.68 meters) tall, meaning that he was actually of above-average height."

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14 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Sure about that? Stalin ordered the deaths of millions of his own citizens and died in his bed.

Short of a war with Russia by the west, I don't see Putin at risk of being removed.

They've been saying for years that Bashar Hafez al-Assad will be gone, but he's still there.


BTW, seems to me that the Russians like strong men for leaders, unlike in the west where we elect people like Tony.

The west getting involved is a whisker away . I watched an interview with Biden and he was asked 

" do you think Russia will use chemical weapons ? " he replied that it may happen and that would trigger the start of WW3 . Russia is already muttering that the west are guilty of acts against them because of association and supply of weapons to Ukraine . At the same time Biden has warned China not to aid Russia in any shape or form . In recent cease fire talks Russia has demanded that the Ukraine hand over part of their country to Russia , surrender and not attempt to join NATO . None of those demands will be met . The Russian army , although many , are not as schooled as western forces and appear to be suffering from poorly thought out logistics . Biden has been criticised by his countrymen as being too soft and a wimp but he is about to show the opposite . Nearby NATO countries are building up their defences and weaponry . The situation is in a sensitive place with Putin facing defeat with normal warfare but would he press the button ? 

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1 minute ago, superal said:

Nearby NATO countries are building up their defences and weaponry . The situation is in a sensitive place with Putin facing defeat with normal warfare but would he press the button ? 

I have perhaps missed reports of this or I am watching the wrong sources, but to what extent? It is something I felt very necessary, bordering (Nato) countries need to be 'ready'.....(Poland, Slovakia. Hungary and Romania). Allowing missions from any airfields in these countries would incite Putin and he may well be of a mindset to put them out of action... a very likely escalation scenario. 

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1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

I have perhaps missed reports of this or I am watching the wrong sources, but to what extent? It is something I felt very necessary, bordering (Nato) countries need to be 'ready'.....(Poland, Slovakia. Hungary and Romania). Allowing missions from any airfields in these countries would incite Putin and he may well be of a mindset to put them out of action... a very likely escalation scenario. 

Prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine you will no doubt be aware of the tensions over the previous 8 years between Russia and the Ukraine . It was because of this that the nearby NATO countries built up armed defences which included the American military  that have recently been increased along with the inclusion of the UK military . 

From my point of view and conjecture there will be a lot of activity going on behind the scenes in preparation for a NATO involvement .  Indeed NATO were slow out of the blocks and should have intervened a long time ago .  The Ukraine president Selenskyy has begged for help but got only weapons but no aircraft or boots on the ground . He has warned NATO that Putin will not stop in the Ukraine ( he may know from intelligence ) . Some say it is better to throw the first punch .



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