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Thai police check - documents required?

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My new employer has informed me that they require me to obtain a Thai police clearance certificate. 


I am based in Nonthaburi and plan on travelling into the city to get it done today or tomorrow. From their website here  https://pcscenter.sbpolice.go.th/en am I correct in thinking that all I am required to bring is the application form, the testimony memorandum, a copy of my passport and a copy of my work permit? 


Does anyone have recent experience of visiting the police headquarters to get this done? Am I missing any other documents? 


I just don't want to get a taxi all the way there to be told that I a missing a letter from the school or something else. 



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1 hour ago, mrwebb8825 said:

You need a document from the school, listing it as the requester so the report is sent directly to them. Don't plan on waiting for it.

Thank you for this, I had a feeling this might be required, I'll ask the school to provide this for me. 

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Just been there in January.
The office was almost empty, the whole process took 20 minutes.
Funny enough, the digital fingerprint scanner is not used anymore, they took fingerprints the old fashioned way, so bring some wet wipes with you.
As mentioned already, you need a letter of request stating the purpose of the police certificate from your employer.
They seem to require a letter of confirmation of residency too.
There is an extra fee of 50 Baht for the EMS postal service, they will provide an envelope on which you can write your adress on.
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