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Thailand sees "kratom" as export crop now that narcotics laws have changed


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12 hours ago, johnmcc6 said:

i have gone all over the net to learn how to make tea .Nothing Tried chewing it still nothing. For sale now at many intersections  at 50 baht for around 15 leaves. Enough for tea. I sun dried it for two days then put it through A blender. instructions say many things but most say do not boil it just let it steep in hot water. for me No reaction. I was looking to help relax before sleep. But... Nothing??

Leaves must come from old trees, look for strong leaf veins and a decidedly nasty, bitter taste. The taste comes from the alcaloids, mainly mitragynine. You are making a tea, but you need to be aware that the tea is only a transport medium to get the plant material down. The alkaloids themselves are not water soluble, so the tea does absolutely nothing in this respect. Mitragynine is stable well beyond boiling temperature, so no reason to hold back in this regard.


Maybe people just expect too much from this? To really feel something, the dose needed is considerable and even then it compares abslutely not at all to any "real" drug.


Here in Germany, I use around 5 grams of high-quality dried and powdered material (from Indonesia, as they have very old-growth plantations), unheated, together with black pepper (Piperin) and grapefruit juice to prevent fast breakdown of alcaloids in the liver. 15 fresh leaves should be around the equivalent of this dry weight, but the whole leaf brings nothing if the cell structure is not broken up so the alkaloids become accessible, so I have never used those myself.


A lower dose was unfeelable, but I also never tried a higher dose to see if the effects would be stronger, as to date I saw no need for it: my dose will bring me into a very quiet, undisturbed feeling, nothing more, lasting around 1 hour max but taking up to 1.5 hours to start. I use it therefore, very seldomly, in conjunction with meditation if my head is just too much monkeying around and I cannot quiet myself in any other way.


I would not say that I sleep better afterwards, and I cannot say anything if it would help with chronic pain (I am not afflicted with such), as supposedly it does.


As somebody wrote about the side effects: besides chronic pain, Kratom is used for opiate withdrawal, but is itself opioid-like in its effect, hence there is the same risk of addiction and side effects if used indiscriminately often or over a longer period of time. Therefore, as with all drugs, take care and inform yourself beforehand, nobody should ever just "try something out", but make a proper risk asessment based on his own personal circumstances.

Additionally, maybe you should ask somebody actually consuming those same leaves in Thailand, if he is happy with this particular product quality-wise, how he prepares it and what the intended effects for him are and then evaluate if there really is any use case for you there. As they are sold openly and legally, making such an aquaintance should be really easy.

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20 hours ago, Docno said:

Central Narcotics Bureau of Singapore | News (cnb.gov.sg)

Well, I guess I'll be seeing more stories like these... and possibly 5 strokes of the cane

Try this. Pull the stalk from the middle of the leaves. Place a handful in a blender with a bit of water to make a smoothly. Pour content in steel pot squeeze a lemon into it and bring it to boil. Acid (lemon) is needed to extract the active ingredient. Filter out using cloth (coffee filter won’t work). There u have it. If it doesn’t work you ain’t got the right plant! How much you consume will depend on you so try a bit at a time, wait 10mins for it to kick in. 

Edited by AustinRacing
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1 hour ago, AustinRacing said:

Try this. Pull the stalk from the middle of the leaves. Place a handful in a blender with a bit of water to make a smoothly. Pour content in steel pot squeeze a lemon into it and bring it to boil. Acid (lemon) is needed to extract the active ingredient. Filter out using cloth (coffee filter won’t work). There u have it. If it doesn’t work you ain’t got the right plant! How much you consume will depend on you so try a bit at a time, wait 10mins for it to kick in. 

It's akin to drinking a beer. 


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On 3/11/2022 at 3:12 PM, vandeventer said:

Kratom sounds really good if you don't mind any of the following.

Glatter says side effects of kratom include seizures, dangerously high blood pressure, damage to liver and kidneys, swelling of the brain, breathing problems, and cardiac arrest 

I guess it's ok as long as you export it??? Also the swelling of the brain may be good for some people.

Those are the side effects of taking excessive amounts of Kratom, or taking it regularly over a long period.  Almost anything can be harmful if taken in large enough amounts - even water. Ever heard of water toxemia?


Even some of the most commonly used medicines have a list of side effects as long as your arm.


Here are just some of the documented side effects of paracetamol:


Liver failure



Abdominal pain




Enlarged abdomen


Postoperative hemorrhage


Pulmonary edema


Pleural effusion





And that's not even all of them.  In addition, excessive amounts of paracetamol can cause death.


You may not be aware of this (few people are, in my experience) but regular prescription drugs kill hundreds of thousands of people every year.


Each year in the US, about 128,000 people die from drugs prescribed to them. In Europe, the European Commission estimates that adverse reactions from prescription drugs cause 200,000 deaths per year.


Major Health Risks of Prescription Drugs


Edited by GroveHillWanderer
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