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Don't mention the war?

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20 minutes ago, Saanim said:

That's why all what's originating in that country has to be blocked (a bit of gas supply we will not mind).


Even performing the music composed more than 100 years ago (e.g. Tchaikovsky), not to speak about the classic writers (Tschechow, Dostoyevsky), and Solzhenitsyn as well (hadn't he been a friend of Putin?).



I believe its Chekhov but no matter.
y 5 cents are about Solzhenitsyn, the Soviet era dissident, US citizen and once fierce enemy of USSR. His hatred toward anything soviet went so far he called USA to nuke Soviet Union. About the same time Tzar Vlad was working in Soviet Embassy in DDR [it was Eastern Germany, kids] and obviously got this news first hand - he was KGB operative. So obviously they couldn't be friends, by that time they were arch-enemies.

However sometime in 90's [after fall of Soviet Union] Solzhenitsyn decided to return to Russia in a freakish way possible - by train from Russia's Far East to Moscow with stops and meetings with grateful readers on every station during long (5-7 days) trip through Mother Russia. It turns out that nobody appeared, just a bunch of old folk in Moscow with silly flowers and that was it. 

Yes, he met Tzar Vlad but their meeting was rather formal and fruitless. He published few articles on his visions of Russia's development, later followed monarchists and soon went to cemetery in a wooden tuxedo.

He is unbearably difficult to read, lengthy sentences, and very grim and dark stories. Wouldn't call his a writer either.

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On 3/26/2022 at 10:21 AM, Will B Good said:

I doubt many Thais could locate Russia on a globe let alone Ukraine.....for the moment it is a war in a far away place between people (other than tourists of course) for whom they have little concern.

My ex told me that she knows a girl who went to Ukraine to do massage job and earned big money.

I told her that Ukraine is one of the poorest countries in Europe and average salary probably under 10,000 Baht a month.

How could she earn big money.

If they hear what they don't want to hear. Brain switched off and they move on.

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14 minutes ago, NativeBob said:

I believe its Chekhov but no matter.
y 5 cents are about Solzhenitsyn, the Soviet era dissident, US citizen and once fierce enemy of USSR. His hatred toward anything soviet went so far he called USA to nuke Soviet Union. About the same time Tzar Vlad was working in Soviet Embassy in DDR [it was Eastern Germany, kids] and obviously got this news first hand - he was KGB operative. So obviously they couldn't be friends, by that time they were arch-enemies.

However sometime in 90's [after fall of Soviet Union] Solzhenitsyn decided to return to Russia in a freakish way possible - by train from Russia's Far East to Moscow with stops and meetings with grateful readers on every station during long (5-7 days) trip through Mother Russia. It turns out that nobody appeared, just a bunch of old folk in Moscow with silly flowers and that was it. 

Yes, he met Tzar Vlad but their meeting was rather formal and fruitless. He published few articles on his visions of Russia's development, later followed monarchists and soon went to cemetery in a wooden tuxedo.

He is unbearably difficult to read, lengthy sentences, and very grim and dark stories. Wouldn't call his a writer either.

Solzhenitsyn was never able to find a common language with the Russia of the Boris Yeltsin era.
But then came Vladimir Putin.

Solzhenitsyn agreed to meet and chat with him as someone who had restored the Russian state. The writer practically ceased all criticism of Putin's regime. https://www.rferl.org/a/The_Successful_Tragedy_Of_Aleksandr_Solzhenitsyn/1358601.html


Once back in Russia Solzhenitsyn hosted a television talk show program.[76] Its eventual format was Solzhenitsyn delivering a 15-minute monologue twice a month; it was discontinued in 1995.[77] Solzhenitsyn became a supporter of Vladimir Putin, who said he shared Solzhenitsyn's critical view towards the Russian Revolution.[78]  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Solzhenitsyn

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There's fantasy, and there is fact.


Sergei Rudskoy, Russian General Staff:


"Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is being conducted by the General Staff in strict accordance with the approved plan"


Ukrainian Intelligence, verified by US satellite observation:


 "Russia installed helicopters and other forces in a captured Ukrainian air base in the town of Chornobayivka, only to have them all destroyed by Ukrainian artillery bombardments. Ten times." An astonishing failure to learn from experience.


If it was planned to have 50 km of tanks stalled outside Kiev for a week, Putin should be wielding an axe. Apparently he is. Although he might be running out of generals, with seven of them killed in battle thus far.


There is no way to fact check Rudskoy's statement. There are many ways to fact check the actual progress of battle - eyes on the ground, drones and satellites.


As Mike Tyson said, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.


Source: theage.com.au

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9 hours ago, RafPinto said:

My ex told me that she knows a girl who went to Ukraine to do massage job and earned big money.

I told her that Ukraine is one of the poorest countries in Europe and average salary probably under 10,000 Baht a month.

How could she earn big money.

If they hear what they don't want to hear. Brain switched off and they move on.

Correct, Ukraine is the poorest country and average salary is laughable. However there's certain "elites" that feed from import-exports, International aids, IT developments and crypto-exchanges. Also Silicon Valley heavily outsourced to Ukraine so while average is [say] THB10K, there are kids with Porsche cars, penthouses and million dollars bank accounts. I knew few Russian fellas in Bangkok who recruited, trained and sent Thai women to Russia and Ukraine for years (!) and yes, they earned quite well. I think each was sending at least 10 heads a week since 2003 (when I met him).

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8 hours ago, zzaa09 said:

Ho hum.

The usual read.

Competitive and culturally-centric misdirection and sleight-of-hand. 

Please disclose to us how many news reported by other side did you read? And where from? 


All stations around the world (almost) are showing daily the appeals of Zelenskiy. Have we had a chance to see what the leaders of the two Donbass republics are saying to the world? Their plight for the last 8 years was why the Minsk treaties were about, endorsed by the superpowers, however, to no avail.    

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15 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Donbass Republics DO NOT EXIST. They are part of Ukraine.




When Kosovo needed to exist Yugoslavia had to be bombarded by a defensive military alliance (strongly suggested by the present POTUS, besides many others).  


(But when two do the same it's not always the same, is it?)

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1 minute ago, Saanim said:

When Kosovo needed to exist Yugoslavia had to be bombarded by a defensive military alliance (strongly suggested by the present POTUS, besides many others).  


(But when two do the same it's not always the same, is it?)

The topic here is Ukraine.

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7 minutes ago, lazygourmet said:

The International Community



The international community.....................


'Unconditionally withdraw'

The resolution demands that Russia “immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.”


193 UN Member States have a voice. A total of 141 countries voted in favour of the resolution, which reaffirms Ukrainian sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. 


Only Five countries - Belarus, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (more commonly known as North Korea) Eritrea, Russia and Syria - voted against it




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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Is that a surprise to anyone? How about from our side?

Well, let's see:


Russia has yet to update its casualties from March 3, when it claimed 500 - odd.

Their chief of staff has stated the invasion ( slip of the tongue there ) is going to plan, when a five-year-old could tell it is not.

Referring to the conflict with Ukraine as an invasion or war gets anyone in Russia a 15 year jail sentence.

Facebook and Twitter have been shut down in Russia.


No doubt there is exaggeration on the Ukrainian side, but not this industrial-strength BS. AFAIK social media is still alive and well in most other countries.



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30 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Referring to the conflict with Ukraine as an invasion or war gets anyone in Russia a 15 year jail sentence.

Perhaps they follow the suit of some European countries where similar criminalisation was concluded few weeks ago. Of course not because of mentioning a war or invasion but for reports favorable to Russia. Then, immediately, the govts has blocked airing some webs that did not followed the narration of the EU.


And Zelenskyy also have followed the suit, he suspended 11 political parties.


In Germany they criminalise displaying "Z" symbol, liable for prosecution. Therefore, some companies want to change their name, some require the big insurer Zurich to change to Urich...  


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1 hour ago, Saanim said:

Perhaps they follow the suit of some European countries where similar criminalisation was concluded few weeks ago. Of course not because of mentioning a war or invasion but for reports favorable to Russia. Then, immediately, the govts has blocked airing some webs that did not followed the narration of the EU.


And Zelenskyy also have followed the suit, he suspended 11 political parties.


In Germany they criminalise displaying "Z" symbol, liable for prosecution. Therefore, some companies want to change their name, some require the big insurer Zurich to change to Urich...  


Let's assume what you say is true, which I seriously doubt, given what you have posted previously.

Please show me where publishing reports favorable to Russia, or displaying the symbol "Z" , will get you 15 years in jail.

Government gazetted orders please, not your BS disinformation links.

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2 minutes ago, Will B Good said:

Moscow refused to allow another OSCE mission to keep monitoring the border between the rebel-controlled area in east Ukraine and Russia in September. Pro-Russian separatists blocked its monitors in their hotel in Donetsk for a week in October.




Yes, thanks my link was to the same article but different media outlet

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10 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Only till they ain't.

The Republic of Ireland used to be part of Britain till it wasn't. Nothing stays the same for ever.

i can only wait for the day (please be soon)   when the other side of the hot stories of today are the ones being championed .     Bob Dylan says it well...... the times will be a changin

Edited by rumak
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11 hours ago, Lacessit said:

Well, let's see:


Russia has yet to update its casualties from March 3, when it claimed 500 - odd.

Their chief of staff has stated the invasion ( slip of the tongue there ) is going to plan, when a five-year-old could tell it is not.

Referring to the conflict with Ukraine as an invasion or war gets anyone in Russia a 15 year jail sentence.

Facebook and Twitter have been shut down in Russia.


No doubt there is exaggeration on the Ukrainian side, but not this industrial-strength BS. AFAIK social media is still alive and well in most other countries.



Not so. I heard ( think on Al Jazeera ) that they admitted Russian casualties were over 1,000 ( I don't remember exact number ) some days ago. I have no idea of the real number of casualties on either side.

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7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Not so. I heard ( think on Al Jazeera ) that they admitted Russian casualties were over 1,000 ( I don't remember exact number ) some days ago. I have no idea of the real number of casualties on either side.

I'd suggest it's a lot higher than the Russians will ever admit. Killing 7 Russian generals is unprecedented, if true.

I found this article interesting, probably the US knows better than anyone else what the true state of play is.


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