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Why is it so important to avoid Sexual Objectification of Thai Women? IF you wish to make friends with them....

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Dear Friends, 


You know, my friends, that I actually DO have a few female friends. I mean that, as far as I know, I have TRUE female friends, and I value their friendship SOOOO Much!


One thing that I do is to treat Thai women as I would wish to treated, myself.


Also, in every instance, I communicate my respect for them, through many subtle but important ways which women seem to value. Also, I tell them, in an honest way, just how much I truly appreciate their friendship.


I never lie to them.


I am always very sincere.


There is no lying, however.  Thai women despise deceit.  Even though I treat women with great respect, still, in my off moments, I cannot help imagining them being naked.  And, even, sometimes, I wonder about what their bush might look like, if only I could see it.  And, likewise, I can only assume that some women wonder about my package, too, small as it might be, compared to other men who might be well hung.  No doubt, some women might dream of horses, for example, and we know this to be true. I am not hung like a horse, and I would not wish to be, having my member swinging to and fro, bumping between my thighs while walking.


Being a person of ultimate celibacy, I am in a better position to make friends with Thai women, I think.


Sure, they know that I am not gay. Yet, still, they realize that I am not a threat.  Thai women see me as harmless, mostly.


There is no doubt that I miss the old in an out, the foreplay, the innuendo, the excitement of the chase.  However, I have given this up in order to develop a higher order of bonding to the women I know.  The chemistry is still there.  The wish to sexually conjugate is still there.  Yet, I have given up this wish to conjugate in favor of a Higher Love.


I have no doubt that you might think I am joking, but I am not.


I am talking about a higher plane, a plane of interaction with women which leads to more pleasure, and far less pain.


Love is Pain, we have been told.  Yet, love need not be this way, if only you conduct yourselves in a better manor. 


Please keep in mind, my friends:  Anytime you objectify women, you will get kicked in the stones, big time.  Women might be considered the weaker sex, however, they are not.  And, women are stronger than men.  And, you will pay, and pay, if you do not respect them, as they should be respected.



You might, if you are not careful, even lose your life, or even your thing.  Yeah, women here are strong.


BUT, if you treat women well, the way they should be treated, then you will be paid back in kind, maybe two-fold.


Asian women here demand respect.

And, if you pay them the respect they deserve....then.....you will reap great rewards, and not only the reward between their legs.


You will get their respect, which is not so easy.

In the end, they might even consider you to be their equal.


Just a thought.


Best regards,



Note:  Bring me a higher love, is what everyone wants, something so elusive that so few ever can achieve it, and most just sing about it.









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Also, looking back on it, I believe that one of the main reasons I still have my member, without having it snipped off, is because I do not cheat.


In the past, when I was sleeping with women, I was able to sleep peacefully.


I never needed to worry about having my thing cut off, and thrown into the jungle.


So, treat women well.


And, you, too, will be able to sleep peacefully.



Edited by GammaGlobulin
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Do you use the Scientific Method while pleasuring women?


I used to.


For example, what is the Scientific Method, anyway?


You make an hypothesis, and then test it.


And then, after many tests, you develop a theory about the weaker sex, and what she likes.


In my opinion, most women prefer candles, sweet smelling men, and tenderness.


Please do not mistake me, because I prefer women to men, in almost every way.


I prefer butter rather and guns.






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Still, when warming up a woman, by putting your finger on her sweet spot, doing so is not the same thing as the Science required to cure Global Warming.


Anyone can make a woman lubricate, if she is receptive. Just as a woman can do the same for a man, even if not so receptive.


However, in order to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, this takes real science, and not something that you can do in bed.


Making a woman lubricate takes no more than just pure blind faith.


Curing the world's CO2 ills takes Science.


Anyone can sleep with a woman.

Especially, in Pattaya.


Not so easy to do something useful, maybe.
















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22 minutes ago, jerrymahoney said:

That's right soliloquy as in putting up an opening topic and then the next r4 replies are you replying to yourself.

Probably just a habit developed over two years, having been locked up for 24 months, thanks to a virus affecting most parts of the world.


Please do not blame me.


Obviously, the blame goes to a recombinant virus, of some type, or another, or another, or another, etc, etc, etc.

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26 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Probably just a habit developed over two years, having been locked up for 24 months, thanks to a virus affecting most parts of the world.


Please do not blame me.


Obviously, the blame goes to a recombinant virus, of some type, or another, or another, or another, etc, etc, etc.

But the virus induced replying-to-oneself syndrome seems to only affect you.

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12 minutes ago, jerrymahoney said:

But the virus induced replying-to-oneself syndrome seems to only affect you.

Perhaps it only affects me more than it does you, due to the fact that I do not have a dog.


Do you have a dog to talk to?



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23 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Perhaps it only affects me more than it does you, due to the fact that I do not have a dog.


Do you have a dog to talk to?



Here is an interesting photo of Rod Steiger and his beloved dog, his only friend, through thick and thin.

His overriding love of this dog, a dog he once hated, proved to be his downfall, and the cause of his demise.




Human behavior is not rational.


Across the Bridge, and through the woods, to grandmother's house, we go.


Do you like Graham Greene?


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1 hour ago, jerrymahoney said:

That's right soliloquy as in putting up an opening topic and then the next r4 replies are you replying to yourself.

Multiple personality disorder...one of them is celibate, one is a play boy...one is priest though not any different than a play boy.

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10 minutes ago, jerrymahoney said:

I like Woody Allen:


If you like Woody Allen, then maybe Mia Farrow might be your enemy.


An enemy of my friend, is my enemy.


Or, is it the other way around: An enemy of my enemy must be my friend.


Annie Hall is not something I would watch.


Far better is the film, Crimes and Misdemeanors.




But you are correct.


Woody Allen films are the best.


Also, Woody's cello playing is not bad.




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Speaking of the cello, this is my favorite instrument, especially when played by Rostropovich, of course.




On the other hand, when a woman plays the cello, no matter how well she plays, it is always a double delight.


In order to play the cello, one must spread one's legs fairly wide.


I have always thought that women, when playing the cello, should play it as if they were on a horse, sidesaddle.


For a woman to play the cello, with the instrument between her knees, it's just not seemly.







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