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Thailand (Still) Plans to Declare Covid-19 as Endemic by July


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21 hours ago, Molly Malone said:

I thought I read the Gov declared covid an endemic months ago?  Hmm


Anyhow, what about Thailand recognizing the WORLD WIDE HUNDREDS OF SCIENTIFIC REPORTS that have ALL declared masks to be "useless" against Covid, which thank GOD and Lord Buddha is now 

effectively the virtual equivalent of the flu. 


And yes I know there are still deaths, BUT if someone is old or in very poor health, obese, a smoker, etc, etc than they are susceptible to dying from the common cold/diabetes'/high blood pressure, etc.


Thailand drop the mask mandate!! Let people decide for themselves! The PM said months ago there was no lawful requirement for masks to be worn.


I will "always" wear a mask in traffic on my bike, because it blocks "some" of the exhaust fumes! But in MBK/Central World/7/11s etc it's a NONSENSE !!! And hey the USA has just dropped all mask mandates,

so do what you always do, and copy them! 

"And hey the USA has just dropped all mask mandates,

so do what you always do, and copy them!"


Think you forgot that China is "Thailand's friend" Wonder what they are up to these days? (Apart from having VERY unhygienic meat markets!) 

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4 hours ago, mania said:

Yes of course!

Would be great for places like Hawaii too that never had disease & pestilence till the falangs arrived


But like Thailand it is far too late for such things

You would easier fit a camel thru the eye of a needle ????

Pandora's box was opened long ago for Thailand


You think the Thai people want to go back to their culture without the money of what foreigners invest & spend in Thailand?

It is a nice thought but not possible nor wanted by the Thai people themselves




".............nor wanted by the Thai people themselves"


In a nutshell, do you think that they would want to have to walk to the next village to have a conversation with their friends?

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easy to say it will be an endemic but still have restrictions in place.  pointless statement as it will change nothing.  maybe they will ease restrictions slightly but the masks will without doubt still have to be worn on public transport and shops, if we're really lucky they might drop the wearing outside of masks but I absolutely guarantee they will not drop the mask wearing for anything else. ill eat my hat if they do.

and they will still have the temp checks everywhere and sanitizer everywhere.  and it will be interesting to see if they finally officially open bars and clubs and drop the ridiculous 11pm closing time, cuz if they don't its a complete joke to call it an endemic.     and watch the date get moved back from july as well.           apart from that everything will be dandy????

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The Test and Go system is for the benefit of the owners of the big resort style hotels where everything is supplied including beautiful grounds and swimming pools. Tourists are not expected to leave the hotel and look around (i.e. the hotel is the holiday). Unfortunately this model isn't viable because the whole point of holidaying in Thailand is to go out and see. Tourists don't want to spend their time in the hotel, they want to walk and gawk. With T&G every entrant to Thailand must stay at least one night in these expensive anachronisms hence it keeps them in business.

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8 hours ago, DjSilver said:

Thailand is a country full or retarded and incompetent politicians. They change their minds like small children (2-5 years).

Only Politicians by corruption,the Thai Parliament should be declared a vacant lot,not a bit of grey matter between them.

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17 hours ago, wealthychef said:

Good timing, because America just ruled mask mandates unconstitutional and we no longer have to wear masks on planes, buses, etc.  

Don't that mean that pants mandates also are unconstitutional? 

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20 hours ago, Petey11 said:

Er, hang on a minute


Good to see internal communication still working well.


17 hours ago, hotchilli said:

Left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing... although I have a shrewd idea.

You beat me to it...

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15 hours ago, Jimbo53 said:

Only Politicians by corruption,the Thai Parliament should be declared a vacant lot,not a bit of grey matter between them.

Other countries shouldn't approve and diplomats, embassies or consulates from Thailand at this point since it haven't been a legit government since the dictator took power.

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  • 1 year later...
On 4/20/2022 at 7:50 AM, mania said:

Sorry Thailand nobody cares.

Your in the rear view mirror of most that use to travel & vacation there

You are no longer relevant as a destination to spend quality time in


One thing many failed states like you forgot is it takes time to reinflate a economy like an accordion the same as your tourist industry will now see in the next few years.

Travelers in fact like to plan way in advance & get the best prices on tickets etc & none will wait till say late June to see if they can travel to Thailand in July


None except maybe those you prefer didn't come, The Mongers

Although they in reality have been your bread & butter most of your existence even since Vietnam war times when you were just a R&R spot for horny tired soldiers


That aside

Anyway good luck Thailand but it is said that your sorry excuse for a government/leadership is a couple tin soldiers masquerading as Prime minister+ assistants & a ex-concrete worker masquerading as a Health Minister

I can relate a bit as an amateur accordion player, where patience and practice are key for improvement.

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