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Sea sick: how we are destroying our oceans and what we can do about it


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My issue is with those damn styrofoam containers.  At minimum change to paper.  Years ago, McDonald's, BK, Wendy's all served thier Big Macs, Whoppers, etc. in styrofoam containers.  They eventually changed to paper and don't use anymore styrofoam at all.  It's a small step but at least it's something.

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On 4/22/2022 at 2:14 AM, monsieurhappy said:

In 1800 the population of planet earth was estimated at one billion!

Now we are at eight billion!!

When are people going to realise that planet earth CANNOT sustain all this population??

It's because of this population explosion that the world is being contaminated!

Maybe we should be pouring contraceptives into the water supply??


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