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Oh, The Topic in question as well as mine seem to meet the abovementioned criteria.

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I actually PM'd Endure about this. Ok i was talking about Sydney but was comparing prices to Sukumvit. I believe that the thread should have stayed open and have said so in my PM i have also asked for it to be reopened.

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I had a popular thread removed a month or two back that contained a link, and asked why. Got a pm explaining

"Your topic regarding tv-links.co.uk has been removed from view while it is discussed amongst the moderators. Apologies for not contacting you sooner" I pmed back saying i hope they decide to reopen because it feIt it was heIpful to other members. Never heard back. BUT thats ok...until i see someone post the same link and now its ok to have it.... <_>

Its one thing having a thread closed for good reason (aIthough i still think the link was appropriate and harmless) but at least be consistant (although i hope the new thread containing the link stays!)

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As we are all aware, discussion of moderation action is against the rules, please pm admin if you feel you have been unfairly treated or have had unsatisfactory response to your concerns or queries.

Merci :o

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