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Updated vaccines?


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Earlier in the year vaccine manufacturers were talking about new versions of their vaccines coming out in April (or thereabouts) which protected against newer variants of the virus.  Has anybody heard whether this is actually going to happen? And if so, when? (I've been holding off having a 4th jab in the expectation of something better for today's viral landscape, but if there's nothing around the corner, I'll bite the bullet.)

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The Europeans plan to have them in time for the autumn wave.

Just as the other poster wrote.

Unfortunately, it is not guaranteed that the autumn wave will be BA.1 or BA.2

And Thailand may not have an autumn wave, it doesn't have an autumn. 

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I would recommend getting the booster that is now available.  Although it appears to be much less effective against Omicron, it does seem to be valuable in preventing serious illness and hospitalization.  


Although the antibodies wane, it's a good idea to keep them boosted especially if you have any conditions that might make Covid riskier, including advanced age, diabetes, overweight or other compromising conditions.  


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18 hours ago, Oxx said:

Has anybody heard whether this is actually going to happen? And if so, when?

Probably 3 variants down the road. Although they said mRNA vaccines can be changed to fit any new variants within 6 weeks in reality the vaccines it there today are still the original vaccines from over a year ago.

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17 hours ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

As far as I'm aware, Omicron-specific vaccines won't be available before autumn.


Moderna expects ‘large amounts’ of omicron booster available by fall


Pfizer may have COVID-19 booster that addresses omicron, other variants by fall


Even if they're available by then though, there's still the question of regulatory approval, which could take months.


So if you're wanting a booster and don't want to wait until around the end of the year (or possibly longer) I'd say just go ahead and get it now.

Good post.


Also unless you prebook or already have prebooked those newer vaccines won't be readily available to just anyone.


Thailand is going to rely heavily on their own unproven vaccines.


There was an article recently saying the health department had no plans to purchase anymore vaccines as it already had plenty.


It's difficult to tell with Thailand as transparency isn't a strong suit.

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