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Officials in child protection to be probed over alleged involvement in sex trade


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6 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

These kind of allegations will not come as any surprise to anybody who has lived in Thailand or some time.

Something has gone seriously wrong within Thai Society, and these kind of depraved things seem to be the normal nowadays.


Probably find it's been going on for decades or more, it's just that with today's modern media more gets reported. Same in every country unfortunately. People have to report these crimes if they become aware of them. UK now I believe it is an offence to know about child abuse happening and not report it to the authorities.

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5 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Things will change. They have to. Only educated and progressive youth can bring this change. 


If the change does not happen Thailand will continue to move backwards and become completely irrelevant. 

Already irrelevant on world stage …..not the smallest sign of change ….. rice owl materialistic culture…. doomed to continue as is…. cant get any worse for Thais but that’s their choice ….. I’m here for completely different & selfish interests ….. but recognize an unchanging stagnant ancient culture when I see it all around….  These societies are in fact everywhere in Asia even in the  developed nations. 

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Is this what they mean by amazing Thailand? I sure hope the Thai men and women are as sickened by the as me. I think penalties in USA are more severe for people who are in positions of influence.  I believe these people have a sexual perversion that can't be cured.   Lock them up for life. 

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12 hours ago, Petey11 said:

UK now I believe it is an offence to know about child abuse happening and not report it to the authorities.

Where it is promptly downplayed or not acted upon, as recently highlighted by some very sad cases. 

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17 hours ago, Petey11 said:

Probably find it's been going on for decades or more, it's just that with today's modern media more gets reported. Same in every country unfortunately. People have to report these crimes if they become aware of them. UK now I believe it is an offence to know about child abuse happening and not report it to the authorities.

I could not agree with you more.

Before all the Social Media took center stage in peoples lives, these Maggots could hide in the corners .... not any more.

And as for reporting Child Abuse, it should not have to be made into Law. it should be a thing of Social Conscience.

Something that sadly appears to be lacking in many people .

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On 5/5/2022 at 10:46 PM, chickenslegs said:

Children in these care homes are extremely vulnerable to this type of predatory behaviour. Some (maybe most) have already been abused by family members.


This is not unique to Thailand. I am from the UK and, if I mention Cyril Smith (former UK Member of Parliament and disgusting pedo) other Brits will certainly recognise the similarities. A massive cover-up of kids in care homes being sexually abused with the full knowledge of those people whose job it was to protect them.






Cyril Smith was the tip of the iceberg. He was widely known to be a child abuser, but saw no arrest or punishment during his lifetime. Ditto Jimmy Savile (and the blue-blooded people he facilitated for), Lord Mountbatten, Ted Heath, etc.

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