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Had Abdominal pain for 7 months 24/7 been to Hospital many times, many tests all clear, Hospital this morning for Blood tests Kidney Function, Liver Function, Pancreas, all good, CBC all good, Abdomin clear.

Booked in for Endoscopy this coming Thursday, what could my problem be knowing that everything is good, I'm thinking it's Acid Reflux(faulty Sphincter valve) if Endoscopy shows nothing then why have I had this pain for so long? What do If all clear?


Depends where the pain is ....... gallstones are often missed.

Symptoms, burning sensation in upper stomach like acid reflux, often worse in evening or when you lie down at night. Identified using an utlrasound scan of the area above the appendix, just below your lowest rib.


Do abdominal ultrasound, i think just couple thousands at the governmental hospital. 
Check also for parasites, probably with a specialist doctor. Try several different medicines to see, if anybof them will work. If strong herx effect might mean you have some bug


If I underrstand correctly you are booked for an endoscopy, have nt yet had it.


Wait until you have.


Acid reflux will show on endoscopy if present.


Have you had an abdominal ultrasound?

5 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

If I underrstand correctly you are booked for an endoscopy, have nt yet had it.


Wait until you have.


Acid reflux will show on endoscopy if present.


Have you had an abdominal ultrasound?

Did not have Utrasound this time but have had in the last Year that was clear.


Describe the pain, dull ache? Sharp stabbing? Location? Constant? 

Anything that makes it worse? Anything that makes it better?

Any other past or current medical problems/conditions?


The problem with diagnosing abdominal pain, is there can be so many reasons as there's a lot going on in that area.  All you'll get here are guesses.

2 minutes ago, bbko said:

Describe the pain, dull ache? Sharp stabbing? Location? Constant? 

Anything that makes it worse? Anything that makes it better?

Any other past or current medical problems/conditions?


The problem with diagnosing abdominal pain, is there can be so many reasons as there's a lot going on in that area.  All you'll get here are guesses.

Yes I know all I will get are guesses, sometimes a guess can help but obviously not solve, hopefully the Endoscopy will solve the problem if not then Dr wll tell me what to do next.

49 minutes ago, Badrabbit said:

Did not have Utrasound this time but have had in the last Year that was clear.

But that, apparently, was before the pain began.


Have the endoscopy. If it does nto show anything, ultrasound might make sense as next step. If still nothing CT should be considered.




Back in the UK, my father had persistent, recurrent upper abdominal pain, sometimes gnawing, sometimes seemed like a backache but it remained undiagnosed by the family doctor so he was admitted to hospital. Since his age and symptoms suggested cancer or maybe gallbladder or kidney issues, he had a week of ultrasounds, endoscopy and other tests focusing on the lower thoracic and abdomen. All clear so they were going to transfer him to the chest clinic but they were out of beds. So he was set to be discharged to home with an appointment to be readmitted in about 10 days. On the day of his discharge, lying in bed and waiting for the doctor to do the morning rounds and 'sign him out', his descending aorta ruptured; an aortic aneurysm. He lost about 6 units of blood into his abdominal cavity in the 12 minutes or so it took to get him from the general ward and into the operating theater. The emergency operation saw them fit a 4" bit of 'plastic plumbing'. He survived but if it had ruptured at home, he wouldn't have.


He was 67, retired and had a history of hypertension that was being managed by prescription medications. He'd stopped smoking maybe 15 years earlier. Not overweight but a sedentary lifestyle and probably not the healthiest of diets.


I have recently been notified by the NHS that I am illegible for free Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) screening. I have checked and the main private and some larger public hospitals in Thailand are also able to do this.

7 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Back in the UK, my father had persistent, recurrent upper abdominal pain, sometimes gnawing, sometimes seemed like a backache but it remained undiagnosed by the family doctor so he was admitted to hospital. Since his age and symptoms suggested cancer or maybe gallbladder or kidney issues, he had a week of ultrasounds, endoscopy and other tests focusing on the lower thoracic and abdomen. All clear so they were going to transfer him to the chest clinic but they were out of beds. So he was set to be discharged to home with an appointment to be readmitted in about 10 days. On the day of his discharge, lying in bed and waiting for the doctor to do the morning rounds and 'sign him out', his descending aorta ruptured; an aortic aneurysm. He lost about 6 units of blood into his abdominal cavity in the 12 minutes or so it took to get him from the general ward and into the operating theater. The emergency operation saw them fit a 4" bit of 'plastic plumbing'. He survived but if it had ruptured at home, he wouldn't have.


He was 67, retired and had a history of hypertension that was being managed by prescription medications. He'd stopped smoking maybe 15 years earlier. Not overweight but a sedentary lifestyle and probably not the healthiest of diets.


I have recently been notified by the NHS that I am illegible for free Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) screening. I have checked and the main private and some larger public hospitals in Thailand are also able to do this.

That I'm sure would be very very expensive here, my Insurance is 1.2 million so if what you describe happens to me I'm a gonna, let's hope it's something much simpler and less expensive.


Well a simple stomach ulcer will give you abdominal pain, very common, should have done endoscopy like many months ago, i would say 2 weeks of pain is already a sign that something is wrong and endoscopy is like pretty much 2nd step after ultrasound.

8 hours ago, Badrabbit said:

Yes I know all I will get are guesses, sometimes a guess can help but obviously not solve, hopefully the Endoscopy will solve the problem if not then Dr wll tell me what to do next.

Sooo can you answer the following questions or do you only want wild guesses?



Describe the pain, dull ache? Sharp stabbing? Location; upper or lower, left or right? Constant? 

Anything that makes it worse? Anything that makes it better?

Any other past or current medical problems/conditions?


2 hours ago, bbko said:

Sooo can you answer the following questions or do you only want wild guesses?



Describe the pain, dull ache? Sharp stabbing? Location; upper or lower, left or right? Constant? 

Anything that makes it worse? Anything that makes it better?

Any other past or current medical problems/conditions?


Dull ache which is constant, all around the belly button area left and right, made better by applying Heat, pain killers work most of the time but sometimes take a while to take effect.

No past conditions other than a bad pain I had in my right side which lasted for a few months and went on its own, in the last Yr I have had 2 CT scans which showed nothing, had many X Ray's plus many blood tests, Urine and Stool test all showed nothing, Ultra Sound showed nothing, ECG's normal. All this has been during the last year.

I take 1 Aspirin 82mg per day on the instruction of a Specialist here after I had a minor Stroke about 5 yrs ago.

It feels like it is a burning sensation sometimes hence why I think it is Acid Reflux, Endoscopy should confirm if that is my problem.

I'm not good at describing medical things so hope all this makes sense.


6 minutes ago, Badrabbit said:

I take 1 Aspirin 82mg per day on the instruction of a Specialist here

I'd suggest you visit your specialist, he'd be the one most familiar with your past medical/stroke history.  Again, all you'll get here are wild guesses. Good Luck.

  • Like 1
46 minutes ago, Badrabbit said:

I take 1 Aspirin 82mg per day

Have you considered that this itself could be the cause of it? From what I've read, aspirin is caustic and potentially dangerous when used daily for any length of time. And it sounds like you've been using it for five years?  That would easily be the #1 suspect to my mind (though I'm not a doctor).


From https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heart-disease/in-depth/daily-aspirin-therapy/art-20046797:

While taking an occasional aspirin or two is safe for most adults to use for headaches, body aches or fever, daily use of aspirin can have serious side effects, including gastrointestinal bleeding.

2 hours ago, PadPrikKhing said:

Have you considered that this itself could be the cause of it? From what I've read, aspirin is caustic and potentially dangerous when used daily for any length of time. And it sounds like you've been using it for five years?  That would easily be the #1 suspect to my mind (though I'm not a doctor).


From https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heart-disease/in-depth/daily-aspirin-therapy/art-20046797:

While taking an occasional aspirin or two is safe for most adults to use for headaches, body aches or fever, daily use of aspirin can have serious side effects, including gastrointestinal bleeding.

I was thinking that myself but the Dr said I should take it for life, I tend to trust that a Dr knows what he is doing, I'll see what is found on Thursday if anything, maybe I'll ask this Dr what I should do about taking Asprin.

3 hours ago, Badrabbit said:

I was thinking that myself but the Dr said I should take it for life, I tend to trust that a Dr knows what he is doing,

Nationality of doctor?

It makes a big difference IMHO, Thai doctors often totally incompetent.

1 minute ago, BritManToo said:

Nationality of doctor?

It makes a big difference IMHO, Thai doctors often totally incompetent.

Thai Specialist Dr

1 minute ago, Badrabbit said:

Thai Specialist Dr

Not that valid an opinion then.

I've had a Thai specialist doctor suggest appendix removal for constipation (on my 5yo son).

8 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Not that valid an opinion then.

I've had a Thai specialist doctor suggest appendix removal for constipation (on my 5yo son).

That's scary, I'll still go for Endoscopy as best check inside.

Just now, Badrabbit said:

That's scary, I'll still go for Endoscopy as best check inside.

It may be a good idea to have a different doctor check your insides.

If your current one is an idiot, he won't understand any of the test results.


I stopped taking daily small dose aspirin as a preventative about 20 years ago after reading a report from Mayo clinic which indicated that smsll daily aspirin doses did not lessen your chances of stroke.


An ultrasound is worth doing, as well as the endoscopy.

About 4 years ago, I had severe chest pain. Turned out I had bile duct sludge which was preventing my gall bladder from delivering bile to the stomach , to assist in digesting fats.

The OP may want to look at his diet, there may be foods triggering the pain.

6 hours ago, PadPrikKhing said:

Have you considered that this itself could be the cause of it? From what I've read, aspirin is caustic and potentially dangerous when used daily for any length of time. And it sounds like you've been using it for five years?  That would easily be the #1 suspect to my mind (though I'm not a doctor).



Caustic is a term used to describe alkaline substances. Aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid. I'd agree putting acid into a stomach that may already be excessively acidic is not the best of ideas.


IME, Thai doctors are prone to throwing pills at every ailment, which is why I always check side effects on the internet for anything they prescribe. IMO, they are also negligent in not working up a full medical history as a guide to treatment. I only know one doctor here who has bothered.

25 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

It may be a good idea to have a different doctor check your insides.

If your current one is an idiot, he won't understand any of the test results.

 Previous Dr was at a Phuket Private Hospital current one is at Mission Hospital(Phuket) and He is a She.

  • Like 1
37 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:


I know Wind can be very painful as have had before but I've had many many tests and none have shown Wind in fact not one test has shown anything other than normal, in the last Yr I've had over 20 X-Rays on my Chest which also included my abdomin all clear, I'm convinced the Endoscopy will show nothing and just like the pain I had in my side(very bad and for a few months) it will disappear on its own.

You go to a Dr because you are unwell and need help, you trust them to help you but like many all they seem to be interested in is giving you loads of tablets, I've had 10k worth of tablets in the last 4 months and were useless!!

1 hour ago, norbra said:

I stopped taking daily small dose aspirin as a preventative about 20 years ago after reading a report from Mayo clinic which indicated that smsll daily aspirin doses did not lessen your chances of stroke.

That referred to people without specific risk factors.


It is possible OP has been advised to take this because of a specific risk factor/condition.

7 hours ago, PadPrikKhing said:

Have you considered that this itself could be the cause of it? From what I've read, aspirin is caustic and potentially dangerous when used daily for any length of time. And it sounds like you've been using it for five years?  That would easily be the #1 suspect to my mind (though I'm not a doctor).


From https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heart-disease/in-depth/daily-aspirin-therapy/art-20046797:

While taking an occasional aspirin or two is safe for most adults to use for headaches, body aches or fever, daily use of aspirin can have serious side effects, including gastrointestinal bleeding.


When aspirin causes abdominal pain it does so by causing gastritis (with or without ulcers).


Endoscopy will indicate if gastritis is present.



26 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

That referred to people without specific risk factors.


It is possible OP has been advised to take this because of a specific risk factor/condition.

Was told to take Asprin after a TIA Stoke, Doc also said nothing to worry about as most people have had a Stroke that they knew nothing about and felt nothing, I went dizzy with double vision for about 15 seconds. It scared me so I went to Hospital.

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