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CELIBACY!!!... Is this state of mind the New Normal???

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1 minute ago, GammaGlobulin said:

You have done very well in that you have reached such a ripe old age.


As you know, only things such as the Hindenburg disaster is older than you.


But, seriously, I think it is inspirational to the rest of us young sons to know that there is still some life possible at almost 80.


May you continue to improve your cardio, your swimming, some light weight lifting, and some in and out, if necessary.


The thing is...

For most people, we begin to learn how precious life truly is only after we approach decrepitude.


May decrepitude never happen to the likes of you!


(Please note:  As we age, it is natural for our BPM to slow.  Even Chomsky knows this, and he is now a spry 93 years young with 98 percent of his memory still intact.  Unfortunately, he is still despised by 92 percent of Americans, give or take. )


I can be a couch potato with the best on Netflix, it's a matter of staying balanced. One of my pleasures in life is the sex that I have when I can arouse my GF to orgasm as well. Not every time, of course. I am far from a stud.


To me, it is just as important to stay mentally alert and active. I regularly add to my autobiography ( 143,000 words ), trade on the stock exchange, and take my scooter out into Thai traffic every day. IMO no better prophylactic for Alzheimer's.


One cannot tell when we are going to cark it. My parents both did their level best to kill themselves with sugar, alcohol and cigarettes for all of their adult lives, and still lived to 83 each. OTOH, a friend of mine who was convinced he had a genetic inheritance that would see him well into his nineties was taken by melanoma at age 72.


Thanks for your good wishes, and stay well.


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11 minutes ago, 1FinickyOne said:

hmmmm. does that count for celibacy or not? 

(It counts)


No worries. 


I will soon vacate this old barn for a proper stable. After which, it will be blue skies and hay. 



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6 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Perhaps, the reason for this is that they are unable to visualize a better future for themselves. 



There is a very old study published in The Economist which demonstrated the birth rate among women of any nationality is inversely correlated to their level of education.


Which explains why Muslim nations still have a comparatively high birth rate.

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7 minutes ago, 1FinickyOne said:

???????? sure, the dawning of the age of Aquarius is behind us but??? Is prozac gone too? 

Prozac, probably, has rarely been effective, although I have never sampled it.

Given time, the brain will adjust, and, therefore, these types of psychoactive drugs are arguably quite useless, in the long term.


Psychoactive drugs, so far, are pretty much a complete failure, except for their use in sedating the inmates at Bedlam.


Still, we should not lose hope.


Some day, in the near future, we may be able to cure mental illness through either gene manipulation, or, in severe cases of mental disease, then there is the option for a complete brain transplant.





Transplantation is the final solution, but there is no going back.



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35 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

There is a very old study published in The Economist which demonstrated the birth rate among women of any nationality is inversely correlated to their level of education.


Which explains why Muslim nations still have a comparatively high birth rate.

The Economist does not publish peer-reviewed science articles. 


Also, economists are not scientists. 


Even Chimpsky knows this. 


Also, there exists some recent and seemingly valid controversy concerning your claim, which is a claim that has been generally accepted, as you say. 


Nothing is either completely black or white, even a black hole. 

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It is the westernization of these countries and females taking more control over men's lives.

They want to make sex with men challenging and difficult.  Men need to beg for it then maybe after spending a 500 hundred bucks,  get a kiss on the cheek.  Testosterone levels are down worldwide and masturbation is at an all time high.

For many males sadly, it is not worth the hassle which makes being in Thailand so much more enjoyable.  

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3 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

If this is what you believe then....

Unfortunately, so very unfortunately, you will NEVER see a declining world population in your lifetime.

Not unless, perhaps, you discover a cure for aging.

   Analysts at Morgan Stanley said in a note to investors in July that the “movement to not have children owing to fears over climate change is growing and impacting fertility rates quicker than any preceding trend in the field of fertility decline.”

To support their argument, they pointed to surveys, academic research, and Google data that show climate change is, directly and indirectly, accelerating the decline in fertility rates. 

UCLA researchers have shown that the number of births in the U.S. fell in the nine months following an extreme heat event, while a study of 18,000 couples in China last year showed that climate change, and particulate pollution specifically, were associated with a 20% increased likelihood of infertility.

Of course, if everyone stopped having children, then humanity would eventually cease to exist. A fringe group of anti-natalists believe that’s exactly what should happen, but most people don’t share this view.

Indeed, many people see having children as a fundamental human right and one that can bring happiness and joy to families.

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    What you think to be celibacy is only the suppression of sex. It is forcibly jumping out of the pond of sex. And that is why the life of those who try to suppress sex goes on becoming dry in every way. They become empty, hollow, and lifeless. That is why your so-called celibates have not contributed anything to the world. Celibacy is the ultimate bliss, and when ultimate bliss comes, then ordinary pleasure disappears. Abridged from Breaking All, Those who chose celibacy - it was a chosen thing, it had not happened to them - became perverted sexually. They were not beyond sex, hence celibacy. They tried the other way: celibacy first, thinking that then the transformation would come. It does not work that way.

The transformation has to be first. Then, without any inhibition, without fighting with sex, without condemning sex, a transformation comes on its own. But it does not come by celibacy, it comes by meditation. It does not come by repression, it comes by a loving atmosphere. The celibate lives in an atmosphere of repression, inhibition, and perversion; his whole atmosphere is psychologically sick. This was one fundamental point where all religions went wrong.

Scientific studies have shown that months without lack of physical touch can have adverse health impacts like increased anxiety, depression, and trouble sleeping. Lack of physical intimacy can also lead to touch starvation, which can contribute to loneliness, isolation, and even compromise your immune system.

    Celibacy is an unnatural act in nature. All living organisms are meant to reproduce. The sexual act is critical for the survival of the species. Thus, nature does not endorse celibacy.

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5 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

It is the westernization of these countries and females taking more control over men's lives.

They want to make sex with men challenging and difficult.  Men need to beg for it then maybe after spending a 500 hundred bucks,  get a kiss on the cheek.  Testosterone levels are down worldwide and masturbation is at an all time high.

For many males sadly, it is not worth the hassle which makes being in Thailand so much more enjoyable.  

Right you are! 


Western Girls are just too much into kissing for my taste. 


Likewise, although I enjoy chick flicks, it is the kissing scenes which truly makes me squirm. 


Kissing in public is the worst. 


Nobody does that here. 


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1 hour ago, kiteman9 said:

   Analysts at Morgan Stanley said in a note to investors in July that the “movement to not have children owing to fears over climate change is growing and impacting fertility rates quicker than any preceding trend in the field of fertility decline.”

To support their argument, they pointed to surveys, academic research, and Google data that show climate change is, directly and indirectly, accelerating the decline in fertility rates. 

UCLA researchers have shown that the number of births in the U.S. fell in the nine months following an extreme heat event, while a study of 18,000 couples in China last year showed that climate change, and particulate pollution specifically, were associated with a 20% increased likelihood of infertility.

Of course, if everyone stopped having children, then humanity would eventually cease to exist. A fringe group of anti-natalists believe that’s exactly what should happen, but most people don’t share this view.

Indeed, many people see having children as a fundamental human right and one that can bring happiness and joy to families.

Hey, Man! 


Thank you very much for supporting my argument. 


I have been observing this phenomenon for many years, now. 


Never a truer observation was ever made. 


Of course, you gotta know how young people view our present-day world. 


Not only is it that fertility is being affected, but, just as importantly, so many other facets of social interaction among youth are being warped, as well. 


Let's not forget to mention the ways in which children develop personal plans and aspirations and goals for their future. 


The data continues to be collected. It is what it is. 


These days, the IPCC, which is a political organization, is behaving as children do, as most of us clearly realize. 


So, then what? 


Stiff upper lip? Pray to the tooth fairy? Escape into fantasy until the next major tipping point rears its ugly head? 


I don't discuss these obviously impending issues with anyone other than friends who are between the ages of 70 and 93. 


And, my 93-year-old friend considers himself lucky. 


Still, don't worry 'but the future, 'cause that day might never come. 


What a pretty pickle. 


Speaking of pickles, yesterday I visited the local mall. And, in one big box store, I priced a jar of imported pickles. Very expensive, about Bt.500. But I am up north. Maybe pickles are cheaper in the south, in cities like Pattaya, where pickles might be more plentiful. I don't like them sweet. 


Speaking of cheese, it has been 25 years since I had a wedge of decent Stilton. 


If I were to buy a wedge, then I would probably be unable to enjoy it, fully, just knowing that each bite had contributed to my carbon footprint. 


So, these days, pre-1997 in HK is beginning to seem more and more like the Heaven from where I was so sadly cast out. 


Call me Lucifer. 

Don't you know my name? 


His names are legend. 


Evidence-based science is all we have left, these days. No need to pretend otherwise. 


Also, Harry Potter. 




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1 hour ago, 1FinickyOne said:

Zoloft was a wonder drug for my mother... 

There is always the placebo effect to consider.


As well, when you take a look at the trials and the data, then you also must consider that, when looking at the trials, after averaging out....there is probably only a few percentage points of difference between the experimental group and the control group. Because...IF there were a huge difference, which there is not, then everybody and his sister would take this hugely effective drug.


So, do these few percentage points warrant the "possibly crazy" claims touted on American TV, and elsewhere?

Just a question.


And, please add in the side effects, which even the drug manufacturers readily admit.


Psychoactive drugs come and go, as they gain and lose popularity.


Psychoactive drugs posses nowhere near the efficacy of antibiotics, for example.

Even the drug companies must admit this.


There is no silver bullet for brain dysfunction, other than brain transplant, which I think I mentioned somewhere, above.


By the way, we know that some individuals are just naturally happier than others.  Yet, we do not have a clear answer why.


Also, of course, there are those who are slaphappy, a condition which is also incurable, and I have met a few in my life.


Drug companies, at least in the UK and other places, must publish information about their trials which they conduct themselves. Therefore, it is easy to compare the the control group results to the experimental group results.  And, when you do...the results are not so clearly defined as the product marketing might lead one to believe.


Who is to say that I am not wrong, anyway?


Sometimes, pharmaceutical companies are honest, such as was the case with OxyContin.

The manufacturer told the public that they would feel no pain, just as long as the dosage kept increasing.

And, they were right!


The same goes for psychoactive drugs.

These drugs are not candy.

And, when weaning off of them, the physicians are often at a loss for a good plan.


In my view, it is always better to be crazy than to be sorry.


Some psychoactive drugs are thought of as being chemical straitjackets, simply because, with a high enough dosage, almost any patient can be brought under control, and it makes things easier for the nursing staff.


I do not take psychoactive drugs which are intended to alter mood, including cannabis.


Still, chickens flyin' everywhere around the plane, could we ever feel much finer? 


Smoke at your own risk....Far Out!


It's your life to waste if you wish....












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Regarding psychoactive drugs:


Take a lesson here....


This is Van Gogh on mescaline.....



Van Gogh and Munch were fast friends.

When they go high, 

They would forge each others names.

This is why it is so difficult to tell a peach blossom painted by Van Gogh from a sunflower painted by Munch.


Also, while high, Much would sometimes walk naked on the beaches.

This is true.

Just ask Van Gogh.


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One more word concerning psychoactive drugs, either illicit or legally prescribed:


Some have said that drugs might expand your mind.

Some have said that drugs might fry or fog your mind.


In the case of Richard Feynman, how much more mind expansion might have been necessary for him to even more clearly describe the character of physical law, in 1964?


First, of course, he talks about the bongo drums.

But, I don't see him smoking pot, Man.


Feynman was a genius.

Timothy Leary was just another idiot from Harvard.

Cal Tech is where it's at, Man, these days.


Enjoy this long video if you might...from Cornell.

You will not be sorry for spending the time.




So, therefore, stay sober and apply to CalTech, the only good school in America.


Someday, you, too, can be another Richard Feynman, only better.


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