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Lazada - ordered a fitbit watch and received plastic items in an envelope ?

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I use Lazada quite often and rarely have issues.... but have learned to be careful with reviews, seller feedback etc.


I ordered an SMP Saddle (from a Shop in Chiang Mai), I received rubbish iPhone 6 cases.

I complained to Lazada, they said to file a return. 

I filed a return. Seller did not accept return. 

Lazada said I have to wait. I waited xx days. 

Lazada then took-on my complaint and sent me a return label. 

I returned the item and received a refund to my credit card. 


Its obvious the Shop tried to scam me - I wonder if Lazada penalised the shop after xx number of complaints or simply allows it to continue. Continued scams obviously ruin the legitimacy of using a platform such as Lazada... but I’ve had the same issue with Amazon in the UK.... 


It’s all just a facet and risk of online shopping - we take the risk, but ultimately if Lazada or Amazon are taking responsibility and protecting the customer its ok. 

1 minute ago, richard_smith237 said:

I use Lazada quite often and rarely have issues.... but have learned to be careful with reviews, seller feedback etc.


I ordered an SMP Saddle (from a Shop in Chiang Mai), I received rubbish iPhone 6 cases.

I complained to Lazada, they said to file a return. 

I filed a return. Seller did not accept return. 

Lazada said I have to wait. I waited xx days. 

Lazada then took-on my complaint and sent me a return label. 

I returned the item and received a refund to my credit card. 


Its obvious the Shop tried to scam me - I wonder if Lazada penalised the shop after xx number of complaints or simply allows it to continue. Continued scams obviously ruin the legitimacy of using a platform such as Lazada... but I’ve had the same issue with Amazon in the UK.... 


It’s all just a facet and risk of online shopping - we take the risk, but ultimately if Lazada or Amazon are taking responsibility and protecting the customer its ok. 

Lazada should have removed the seller from their site as it's obvious they were running a scam... couple months ago had similar problem with Shopee, one of their sellers advertised an item at one price and when contacting them they wanted to be paid directly over passing Shopee, I complained to Shopee 4 times send them messages from seller scam, the first 2 times received an answer from their service telling me they were looking at it, but the guy kept displaying the same scam, re send more complains and was told he was removed from their site... pure BS as they want money, they all do Laza, Shop, Amaz, Baidu, Alibab, etc.... all pretend doing something to protect the customer but theyr don't give a damn as long as they make money.... the seller at Shopee still there showing items they don't have at the prices they publish and they still want to deal directly with potential buyers to receive payment to their bank account, I am quite sure if anybody fails for their scam and pays them directly, surely after paying to their bank no goods will be received and not returns/money back be honored/allowed  by Shopee

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11 hours ago, contico said:

Ordered 4 tires got a bar of soap in an envelope.

They asked me to return the soap to the seller!!

Then they want  a copy of my bankbook and  passport  which I refused to supply. Since I paid with my Credit Card. The case is still pending.



From Lazada;

"P l e a s e   p r o v i d e   a d d i t i o n a l   i n f o r m a t i
o n   f o r   r e f u n d . 

 -   F i r s t   p a g e   o f   y o u r   b a n k   a c c o u n t   b
o o k   t h a t   t h e   c u s t o m e r   w a n t   t o   t r a n f
e r   t h e   r e f u n d
 -   T h e   c o p y   o f   i d e n t i f i c a t i o n   c a r d   o
r   p a s s p o r t   t h a t   t h e   n a m e   i s   a s   s a m e
 a s   t h e   b a n k   a c c o u n t   b o o k .
 P l e a s e   a t t a c h   t h e   p r o o f   o f   d e l i v e r y
  a n d   i n f o r m   t h e   p a r c e l   n u m b e r   b a c k
f o r   t h e   s t a f f   t o   c h e c k .
 H o w e v e r ,   i f   t h e   c u s t o m e r   d o e s   n o t   r
e s p o n d   w i t h i n   4 8   h o u r s .   L a z a d a   i s   h
e r e b y   r e q u e s t i n g   p e r m i s s i o n   t o   c l o s
e   t h i s   r e t u r n   r e q u e s t ."



You should post evidence on https://pantip.com/search?q=Lazada 


Lazada doesn't care about the small irrelevant foreign community, I bet they don't check here. I have read where a lazada representative suddenly posts in a thread at pantip though so it seems they check that.  


All of you with scams should post there. Then, at least Lazada would know you're active with your complaints


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