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In Anticipation of Your Own Old Age: The Deterioration of ‘Which Three Body Organs’ Worries You Most?

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My Dearest Friends,


Normally, I would post such a topic, and pose such a question, on any given Sunday, as is my bent.  However, after having been myself preoccupied with this question since and throughout the beginning of the week, I had not wished to further delay. This question, and this topic, for me, if I had had to wait further before posting it, would be like waiting overly long for a long-awaited gift on Christmas morning. Hence, I will post my Sunday’s topic on this Thursday morning.  OK?


My question is this:


What three organs would you prefer to maintain, if you had to choose among your many important organs, if you knew that you could maintain ONLY three of your organs in tiptop shape?


And, corollarily speaking (speaking about corollaries), to what LENGTHS would you go to preserve these three organs?


In my case:


I care about my eyes and visual acuity, though I have not yet begun to suffer from macular degeneration.


I care about my brain, such as it is, now, after so much abuse of it, during the Pandemic Lockdown, and due to other abuses, such as social isolation.  


I care about my cochlea, since I also care about J.S. Bach, and listening to the cello played by Rostropovich, a sybarite-cellist if there ever was one. Rostropovich’s cochlea worked fine.


But, what about you?


What organs, if the limit were only three, would you choose to keep in tiptop operating condition?  And, what steps are you taking to ensure that your three most beloved organs will remain functional throughout your life, until the day you say, “Bye-bye”?


This is a great topic for a Sunday, while meeting with chums over brunch.


I will now post this on a Thursday, just as a warmup for the 24th of July, a Sunday.


Best regards,



Note:  Please, nobody need mention the alimentary canal, and all related organs which make up the alimentary canal.  This topic only pertains to organs not included in what is lovingly referred to as our alimentary canal.   After all, friends, we humans are not just tubes within tubes.


Speaking slightly further about "Body Organs Deteriorating Over Time":


Some famous authors have expressed opinions, right or wrong, about the loss of an organ.


For example, D.H. Lawrence wrote the short novel, titled, “The Escaped Cock”.


According to Wikipedia, DH Lawrence wrote about his “Escaped Cock” thusly in a letter to somebody"


“I wrote a story of the Resurrection, where Jesus gets up and feels very sick about everything, and can't stand the old crowd any more — so cuts out — and as he heals up, he begins to find what an astonishing place the phenomenal world is, far more marvellous than any salvation or heaven — and thanks his stars he needn't have a 'mission' any more.”


And then, in another novel, DH Lawrence goes on to describe something as a lonely, erect pistil of an invisible flower, in both reverential and poetical terms, according to “The Guardian” (‘News Website of the year’)


"The penis is much overvalued," he declared to Connie. "But if you are desperate for a child, I would overlook an act of congress on your part and raise whatever may result as my own."


Elsewhere, DH writes:  “All her body clung with tender love to the unknown man, and blindly to the wilting penis, as it so tenderly, frailly, unknowingly withdrew, after the fierce thrust of its potency.”




“Later that day she walked alone to the gamekeeper's hut. "What's your name?" she asked. "And what are you doing?"

"Mellors, mi' Lady," he replied. "Ah've bin killin' a bad pussy."



So, my friends, with books aplenty written by the likes of DH Lawerence, I have no need, in my old age, for any organ of such unimportance, compared to my eyes, ears, and brain.  As you inevitably and continually age, you will evermore agree with me:


===Protect your most important organs, while ye may.===


And, therefore, in summary, my friends, I will say once more:


I can easily live without my joint working properly.

However, I would not wish to continue living without my eyes, without my ears, and without my beautiful mind.


Surely, you will agree, given a moment of thought.


Protect your most important organs, lest you lose them too soon.


This is my best advice to young people. And, this is NOT a joke, baby!


We now know, as a result of modern medicine, what we must do to protect our most precious organs, organs which are irreplaceable.


Keep your blood sugar within acceptable limits.

Don't eat sugar, in any form, other than Brown Sugar, any chance you get.

And, Brown Sugar ain't bad.


Stay healthy, and don't listen to loud music, too, which might damage your big cochlea.



Note:  I hope you don't got too much... Tinnitus...so far!







20 years ago and when in perfect health, don't really care. but now, the ones which contribute (personally) to my appearance...

1. skin



if these weaken, you will look like...

Another chang anyone...? 

16 minutes ago, jastheace said:

20 years ago and when in perfect health, don't really care. but now, the ones which contribute (personally) to my appearance...

1. skin



if these weaken, you will look like...

Another chang anyone...? 

Some guys don't realize that "skin" is an organ.

Skin is our biggest and heaviest organ.

Skin is the organ which provides much of our pleasure in life.

Skin is also an organ which plagues us when skin goes wrong.

Hope your skin is feeling.... up to par...




Note:  Please grow your hair long; your long hair will protect your skin, and thereby protect you. Let your freak flag fly. After the pandemic, anyway, very few barbers are now in business, one might think.








Just a further note about body hair, the proper growth of which, there is no doubt, is important for health and wellbeing:


I come from a culture, at least during the past 45 years, where women let their natural underarm hair grow.


For some strange reason, at the beginning of the last century, USA women began shaving, or otherwise removing, body hair.


This makes no sense from a health perspective.

In fact, I like body hair on women, unless they suffer from hypertrichosis, or the well-known werewolf syndrome.


In fact, this practice of women's shaving hair under their arms is both idiotic and just due to their foolishly following fashion, mindlessly, and illogically.


And, in recent years, women have taken to shaving hair from other unmentionable places.


Where will this hair-shaving of women end?

Will there be, in the near future, women walking around completely hairless?


This is all down to fickle fashion, and this stupid fashion which has persisted for over a century.


I hope that women will put an end to this practice, just as they began burning their bras in the 60s.


In fact, I think that going without a brassier is healthy, too.

Breast muscles need exercise, and they can't get it if they are hampered by a brassiere.


Please do remember that skin is an organ.

And, hair protects skin.

Female breasts did not evolve the way they did, without a brassiere.

If Evolution had required a brassiere for female breasts, then Evolution would have provided one.


And so, to ladies who are aging, I would say, burn your bras, and stop shaving your hair.

Don't become fools to fickle fashion.


Your breasts will love you for this.


Why do women take the time to shave their underarms, anyway?

For example, I have never thought of shaving my armpits.

Have you?


I would not shave anywhere I did not have to.

I want to protect my skin in my old age.

Don't get too much UVB exposure.

And, shave as little as possible.


Please Note:  I have read various articles concerning the advantages for women who choose to go braless. There are definitely some health benefits, according to some literature. I am not qualified to give an opinion. It's up to women to make their own choice based on best advice provided by their physicians.  However, from my point of view, it is always best for women to go braless.  And, if I were a woman, I would never wear a bra.  I mean that I would wish to give myself the best chance for pert breasts, as I age, according to what I have read, so far, online.









If I get Alzheimer's (specific)  or dementia in general, I don't care if my liver is good.


eyesight does get worse.     mind isn't as sharp, reflexes not completely trusted.   Red flags, nothing to lose sleep over just yet.  Maybe in 10 years.  probably less.


one organ?  like i said, brain.


then heart.   heart problems.......doomed.  of course.  



38 minutes ago, Iamfalang said:

If I get Alzheimer's (specific)  or dementia in general, I don't care if my liver is good.


eyesight does get worse.     mind isn't as sharp, reflexes not completely trusted.   Red flags, nothing to lose sleep over just yet.  Maybe in 10 years.  probably less.


one organ?  like i said, brain.


then heart.   heart problems.......doomed.  of course.  



In the end, few of us, if any, will be able to avoid the "human predicament".


And, just what is this "human predicament" about which we so often hear?


Each of the millions of philosophers who live among us has their own idea of what the "human predicament" truly is.


As you say, I think that the "human predicament" must involve, in the end, dementia.


Because, with Alzheimer's dementia, then one, sooner or later, becomes like the living dead.


In my view, even though this might not be the popular view, when dementia eats away at the human cerebral cortex, then our bodies become mere shells, or husks, of what once held a sentient being.  In fact, in the end, we become ..... The Living Dead.










6 hours ago, Hummin said:

My central nerve system!

The CNS is composed of two organs, the brain and the spinal cord.


Without these two, you would not be much, and this is true.


Other than the brain and the spinal cord, what is your third organ of choice which you would most wish to protect as you age, above the rest?


After having used up two of your wishes, you have one final wish.


Kidneys, lungs and liver. Most elderly people die of kidney failure or pneumonia. The alcoholics usually die of liver disease.

6 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

The CNS is composed of two organs, the brain and the spinal cord.


Without these two, you would not be much, and this is true.


Other than the brain and the spinal cord, what is your third organ of choice which you would most wish to protect as you age, above the rest?


After having used up two of your wishes, you have one final wish.

If you say so, I choosed the nervous system that make up the most critical organ system in the human body, and if I have to choose between other organs, it is a impossible task because each and one is important  to my happiness and health. 

My digestive system is not yet classified as one organ, but it should, so If I can bend the rule, I would say My digestive system. 


The skin is the largest organ. Visible skin is already "death tissue".(Flaking off as the only purpose left). Underneath the skin, "new skin" is being produced, to end up as "death tissue". Tell that to a fast aging woman. using "skin moisterisers".

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