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IF you are finding the massage uncomfortable, ask to change the masseuse. Thai’s do it. 

It's obviously more difficult to do so politely and discretely due to a language barrier, it wouldn’t hurt to tip the lady (as a form of apology for changing her out). 


I don’t like Thai massage. Massage for me is something to relax to and I often find myself falling asleep and waking myself up with a ’snore-snort’ !!!...  I’ve digressed...  While I find massage something to relax to, I want to me massaged, not just ‘rubbed’... thus a happy medium needs to be found where the massage is good, but not too strong and getting towards discomfort. 


I recall a few years back having an ‘aroma massage’... the lady put oil on my back and just wiped it from side to side... I gave her a few mins and realised this was just going to be a waste of time.

I simply sat up and asked for a different masseuse - there was little point in going through the harder, harder, too hard palaver...  I wanted to relax. 



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3 hours ago, Lacessit said:

One marriage was enough to convince me never again. 28 years of it, I was a slow learner.


My Thai GF will do 10 minutes of massage for me. She is not professionally trained, just village teaching. If I want a thorough massage, I'll use my regular lady.


I'd disagree with the proposition the best sex is in long term relationships.   I have had some of my best sex with women whom I only knew overnight, or for a week at most. Although I will admit my GF of 8 years still has my attention. And also admit I encountered an equal number of short-term duds.



Thank you very much for your sincere reply, one which honestly related your experiences, without exaggeration or prevarication, something for which Sam Clemens was rightly criticized. 


Strangely enough, my experience goes somewhat contrary to yours. 


My first wife was an American, and her father was a Lockheed engineer with a PhD. She was slightly plump. But, in all honesty, she was the tastiest of them. Maybe it was her diet, or something. 


My second wife was the most beautiful, by far, by far. She was the Jiangxi-HK-Kowloon woman of 26, which I mentioned in one of my earlier comments. Her ambition was to enter grad school to study international law. We were the same age, and after we graduated, I traveled to Formosa, the beautiful isle, while she stayed in NYC, before she returned to HK, to live temporarily with her mother, and I visited her occasionally, although most of the nights, after 11pm, I would religiously visit the bars in Kowloon and HK. That was in 1980. 


My send wife, despite her spectacular Asian beauty and brains, was never as tasty as my first plump American wife. And soon we separated. But these days, I often wonder just how plump my 2nd Asian wife must be, today, after 42 years. Would she still have kept her figure? And her waist-length jet black oval hair? I guess you know that Chinese hair is oval in cross-section. Such a beauty she was, if only she hadn't been nuts, too. 


After my HK bride, I spent time with a married woman whose husband lived with her, one floor below my apartment, which they rented to me for about two or three years. 


And here, I must admit that, as you have stated, cuddling/consorting with a Hester Prynne is just about the most exciting of experiences. In fact, so exciting was it that we cuddled pretty much everywhere, in the building garage under surveillance cameras, in hotel rooms with doors left ajar, almost anywhere, always cuddling like gerbals. 


However, I still beg to differ with you, and I maintain that the cuddling with my first wife was best. 


I almost forgot to mention to you that, after being separated from this first wife, I returned to the Main Line, and while there, paid my respects to her in her Datsun 240Z. But I think it must have been a 260Z, or even a 280Z. Those were the days before Datsun was rebranded. And, at the time, my first wife had remarried. 


Also, I recall that, during our reunion that evening, we had been expelled from a bar for necking in public, after only three warnings. American barkeeps are such prudes. If only we had been in Pattaya, nobody would have noticed a thing. 


(Please bear with me. I am replying to your comment using only my index finger on an old Note4. Only one line of what I'm typing is visible to me at any given time.) 


After leaving my first wife, the second time, after driving down to the museum in Philly, I returned to Asia. 


I did not return for the purpose of meeting Asian women. 


In 1990, I met my long-term GF of 20 years. But again, she wasn't as tasty as my first wife. 


I really can't recall much of those years, from 1990 to 2010, except where I was on 9/11. Even now, I can recall my days in Chinatown, NYC, when my second wife's older brother was getting married. Chinese immigrants truly love New York, and I remember that we stood under the Twin Towers. Standing below and looking directly up to the roof made me feel dizzy. I think it must have been around 1977, in fact, sometime after the film Taxi Driver was released. It must have been then, because I recall that we were hesitant to board NYC taxis at that time. 


Before I was married, around the age of 11, I attended, for three years, a boarding school in the state of New York. It was a school for boys. I had a roommate from St. Croix whose father was some sort of senator or elected official. 


Those days, in fact, with enforced separation from young girls, were the best of times and the worst of times and the horniest of times. But those were our Victorian days, even while Dylan and Spoonful were happening outside the confines of the school. I think I mentioned previously that one of my roommates, the next year, loved Jade East. 


So if you really want to know, at boarding school, I never read The Catcher in the Rye. 


Mostly, we read good books like, Fanny Hill, Lolita, The Spy Who Loved Me, and other uplifting titles. 


I can fully empathize with men, young and old, who see Asia as their last resort to get lucky. 


Unfortunately, there is no amount of logic, cogent or persuasive enough, to lead the blind into the light of understanding. Republicans will always remain Republicans. Same goes for the Democrats, even though both live in the same world. 


But as far as cuddling goes, for me, the best times I ever had were with my first wife, and hers with me. We always had all the spotlights in the room turned on. She above me, and me below her, making our night moves. 


Just listening and practicing. 



4 hours ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:

I agree with your comments and had that situation before. At first I blamed myself but then noted those massages did not appear to have a longer term benefit so I just didn't go back. Life's too short to have a massage that hurts and just makes you more tired and stressed.

As others have said it is probably trial and error but looking at their sites and finding properly qualified staff will help. If you want to go to the same shop and she is next then just smile and say thankyou but I'd like someone else. She'll forget it 5 minutes and if not she might realise she needs more training. 

A lot of thai massage is about manipulation. It shouldnt actually hurt but if done correctly isnt always comfortable or pleasant. 

27 minutes ago, starky said:

A lot of thai massage is about manipulation. It shouldnt actually hurt but if done correctly isnt always comfortable or pleasant. 

True. Sometimes they would get into my shoulders and it would hurt but you'd feel better by the end.   I had some foot massages from old ladies and it was like they were digging for something in my foot and at some point you got to think that the no pain no gain thing only applies so far. 

  • Like 1

You can not walk around and be afraid a masseuse will loose face if you want to try someone else. I understand the trouble it can create in a beer bar, but in a massage saloon? Grow up!

I prefer oil massage, and if I need a bit more work I go to a dedicated educated physiotherapist and pay same price as for something I would call uneducated workers who can do things worse and not better. A few weeks is in best case better than nothing, but really?

14 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Thank you very much for your sincere reply, one which honestly related your experiences, without exaggeration or prevarication, something for which Sam Clemens was rightly criticized. 


Strangely enough, my experience goes somewhat contrary to yours. 


My first wife was an American, and her father was a Lockheed engineer with a PhD. She was slightly plump. But, in all honesty, she was the tastiest of them. Maybe it was her diet, or something. 


My second wife was the most beautiful, by far, by far. She was the Jiangxi-HK-Kowloon woman of 26, which I mentioned in one of my earlier comments. Her ambition was to enter grad school to study international law. We were the same age, and after we graduated, I traveled to Formosa the beautiful isle, while she stayed in NYC, before she returned to HK, to live temporarily with her mother, and I visited her occasionally, although most of the nights, after 11pm, I would religiously visit the bars in Kowloon and HK. That was in 1980. 


My send wife, despite her spectacular Asian beauty and brains, was never as tasty as my first plump American wife. And soon we separated. But these days, I often wonder just how plump my 2nd Asian wife must be, today, after 42 years. Would she still have kept her figure? And her waist-length jet black oval hair? I guess you know that Chinese hair is oval in cross-section. Such a beauty she was, if only she hadn't been nuts, too. 


After my HK bride, I spent time with a married woman whose husband lived with her, one floor below my apartment, which they rented to me for about two or three years. 


And here, I must admit that, as you have stated, cuddling/consorting with a Hester Prynne is just about the most exciting of experiences. In fact, so exciting was it that we cuddled pretty much everywhere, in the building garage under surveillance cameras, in hotel rooms with doors left ajar, almost anywhere, always cuddling like gerbals. 


However, I still beg to differ with you, and I maintain that the cuddling with my first wife was best. 


I almost forgot to mention to you that, after being separated from this first wife, I returned to the Main Line, and while there, paid my respects to her in her Datsun 240Z. But I think it must have been a 260Z, or even a 280Z. Those were the days before Datsun was rebranded. And, at the time, my first wife had remarried. 


Also, I recall that, during our reunion that evening, we had been expelled from a bar for necking in public, after only three warnings. American barkeeps are such prudes. If only we had been in Pattaya, nobody would have noticed a thing. 


(Please bear with me. I am replying to your comment using only my index finger on an old Note4. Only one line of what I'm typing is visible to me at any given time.) 


After leaving my first wife, the second time, after driving down to the museum in Philly, I returned to Asia. 


I did not return for the purpose of meeting Asian women. 


In 1990, I met my long-term GF of 20 years. But again, she wasn't as tasty as my first wife. 


I really can't recall much of those years, from 1990 to 2010, except where I was on 9/11. Even now, I can recall my days in Chinatown, NYC,when my second wife's older brother was getting married. Chinese immigrants truly love New York, and I remember that we stood under the Twin Towers. Standing below and looking directly up to the roof made me feel dizzy. I think it must have been around 1977, in fact, sometime after the film Taxi Driver was released. It must have been then, because I recall that we were hesitant to board NYC taxis at that time. 


Before I was married, around the age of 11, I attended, for three years, a boarding school in the state of New York. It was a school for boys. I had a roommate from St. Croix whose father was some sort of senator or elected official. 


Those days, in fact, with enforced separation from young girls, were the best of times and the worst of times and the horniest of times. But those were our Victorian days, even while Dylan and Spoonful were happening outside the confines of the school. I think I mentioned previously that one of my roommates, the next year, loved Jade East. 


So if you really want to know, at boarding school, I never read The Catcher in the Rye. 


Mostly, we read good books like, Fanny Hill, Lolita, The Spy Who Loved Me, and other uplifting titles. 


I can fully empathize with men, young and old, who see Asia as their last resort to get lucky. 


Unfortunately, there is no amount of logic, cogent or persuasive enough, to lead the blind into the light of understanding. Republicans will always remain Republicans. Same goes for the Democrats, even though both live in the same world. 


But as far as cuddling goes, for me, the best times I ever had were with my first wife, and hers with me. We always had all the spotlights in the room turned on. She above me, and me below her, making our night moves. 


Just listening and practicing. 



For a guy typing with only one finger, you do pretty well.


I guess it depends on the luck of the draw. My 16 yo defacto relationship in Australia was OK as far as the sex went, it was the other stuff that had me looking for greener pastures. Liking watching TV programs that were more brain-dead than any Thai lakorn. Or insisting she was still beautiful as she blew out past 80 kg.


My GF here is not the greatest sex I have had, but she is pretty close. As we age, our frequency is declining, although I have not reached celibacy, nor do I want to.


She has not let herself go, like so many Western women. She exercises daily, as I do.

  • Thanks 1
11 hours ago, chalawaan said:

Do you post to get advice on changing your socks as well?


Just do it. 

A Thai male wouldn't agonize over such trivia  for a Bangkok second.

Divide and rule!

Well....if my socks lined up every time I walked past the drawer yelling "take a sock mister", gave me dirty sock stink if I tried to change them in the middle of the day, had their Boss Sock collecting 300b from me after I took them off, and expected a tip, then yeah....I might use some advice on changing socks.


2 hours ago, Hummin said:

You can not walk around and be afraid a masseuse will loose face if you want to try someone else. I understand the trouble it can create in a beer bar, but in a massage saloon? Grow up!

I prefer oil massage, and if I need a bit more work I go to a dedicated educated physiotherapist and pay same price as for something I would call uneducated workers who can do things worse and not better. A few weeks is in best case better than nothing, but really?

Well...I'd say you got it the other way around.... way less concern changing a lady in a beer bar.  Although between your personal growth advice, and the previous guy's comparison of changing massage ladies to changing socks, the socks guy wins the motivational speaker award of the day  ????

Agree on physiotherapists, those are the way to go if you got a specific body issue.

  • Haha 1

Search out a physiotherapist or a chiropractor who also does soft tissue work.


Thai massage is worthless, usually, because they are trained well, mostly don't give a <deleted>, and don't listen to you. It's their way or the highway. They don't think the (farang) customer should tell them how to do their job.


And in tourist areas a lot of them are just there for the happy endings that they offer their oil massage customers,  so they don't really want to be massaging anyways.



2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

My GF here is not the greatest sex I have had, but she is pretty close. As we age, our frequency is declining, although I have not reached celibacy, nor do I want to.

Thanks for keeping us informed.

  • Haha 2
4 hours ago, starky said:

A lot of thai massage is about manipulation. It shouldnt actually hurt but if done correctly isnt always comfortable or pleasant. 

But these people are about as qualified to do manipulations as an 11 year old is to operate a motorcycle.


I got a fractured rib from one of these numbskulls recently.


Should have just went with the happy ending.


  • Haha 1

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