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Can I please get some clarity on the Thai Teaching License???

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Hey guys, 


I could really use some help...


My final temporary teaching license expires in April of 2023. So now I gotta figure out how to get my permanent teaching license.  


But I feel like pulling my hair out!!!


I can't get clear information about how to do it.  


My school told me the only institution in Thailand that offers a path to a permanent teaching license is St. Theresa International College in Nakorn Nayok. I don't think that's correct. How could there only be one option in all of Thailand???


And I definitely don't want to go this route because I live more than 2 hours away.  So it would be a nightmare getting to and from St. Theresa every Saturday (for 1.5 years!)


What are my other options? 


Ideally I'd like something completely online.  But I could probably make it work if the university is in Chonburi or Bangkok, too. 

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3 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

Op do you have a bachelor's degree in a teaching profession or are you looking for the Teachers test

I have a bachelor's degree, but it's not in education.  It's in business. If there's a way to bypass all the courses and go directly to the teachers test (leading to the permanent teaching license), that would be ideal.

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2 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Try the British Council

Does completion of their course lead to a permanent teaching license? 


This is why I'm frustrated with this whole thing.  It's not easy to find information about what courses will or will not lead to a permanent teaching license.

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7 minutes ago, USslugga said:

Does completion of their course lead to a permanent teaching license? 


This is why I'm frustrated with this whole thing.  It's not easy to find information about what courses will or will not lead to a permanent teaching license.

They are experts in the field of teaching and learning English and educational qualifications  in general.

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On 8/5/2022 at 10:52 AM, USslugga said:

My school told me the only institution in Thailand that offers a path to a permanent teaching license is St. Theresa International College in Nakorn Nayok.

It might be that this is now the only course that's accepted without having to do this new test everyone fails.


Someone I met has enrolled on this (or very similar) and are paying something like 350,000 baht to do it.


The St Roberts Group course is still accepted, but still need to take the test after completing.

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57 minutes ago, cyril sneer said:

It might be that this is now the only course that's accepted without having to do this new test everyone fails.


Someone I met has enrolled on this (or very similar) and are paying something like 350,000 baht to do it.


The St Roberts Group course is still accepted, but still need to take the test after completing.

Hmmm, your friend must be doing something else, then.  The entire 1.5 year course for the St. Theresa course is something like 75K baht. 


But unfortunately, the test is still required after completion of the St. Theresa course.  Their website says this: "Upon completion of the program, you will be eligible to take the licensure exam from the Teacher’s Council of Thailand. After successfully passing the exam you will be granted the official/permanent teaching license."

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Does anyone know if the PGCEi is a suitable program for getting a permanent teaching license?  My friend just completed it and it was entirely online, and ended up costing around 200k baht.


However, I'm not sure if completion of the PGCEi gives him eligibility to take the licensure exam from the Teacher's Council of Thailand. 


If he is able to take the exam, but fails said exam, not sure what happens then either.  


Does anybody know?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I realize that this post wont be particularly helpful in terms of answering the OPs question, but it may help to explain why a clear answer cannot be made.  A few weeks ago a AF poster posted this:


The key words here are "draft" and "yet to be determined".  In other words, you cannot get the answer because no-one knows the answer, even the TCT themselves! 




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On 8/6/2022 at 4:49 PM, USslugga said:

Does anyone know if the PGCEi is a suitable program for getting a permanent teaching license?  My friend just completed it and it was entirely online, and ended up costing around 200k baht.


However, I'm not sure if completion of the PGCEi gives him eligibility to take the licensure exam from the Teacher's Council of Thailand. 


If he is able to take the exam, but fails said exam, not sure what happens then either.  


Does anybody know?

Yes, you will be eligible for the test with the PGCEi.


If you fail a test your resit it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/28/2022 at 2:52 PM, Callmeishmael said:

I realize that this post wont be particularly helpful in terms of answering the OPs question, but it may help to explain why a clear answer cannot be made.  A few weeks ago a AF poster posted this:


The key words here are "draft" and "yet to be determined".  In other words, you cannot get the answer because no-one knows the answer, even the TCT themselves! 




Well if they can't even come to an agreement, then surely they can give another extension for the teachers who are coming up to the end of their last temporary teaching license!


That would be the sensible thing to do but this is Thailand after all...

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On 8/28/2022 at 3:01 PM, 2009 said:

Yes, you will be eligible for the test with the PGCEi.


If you fail a test your resit it.

Can I see this in writing somewhere?  I know this used to be the case in the past but I saw more recent documents saying now the PGCEi won't work anymore.

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On 8/5/2022 at 10:10 PM, USslugga said:

I'm sure they're great! 


But I'm more concerned about whether Teachers' Council of Thailand will accept it and give me a permanent teachers license or not (upon completion of the program).

If you dont contact them and find out you will never know.

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There is lots of random information on this thread.


First, BC has no offering.


I believe any post grad diploma or degree you do - you'll still be required to sit the test.


The only people that can tell you if the course is accepted is TCT. Ajarn.com won't have / doesn't this information. It's just hack teacher's unpaid opinions.


I would contact St Bobbits in BKK. They may /not clearly state if the school is (currently) on acceptance list but many had been successful in years past. The edumacayshun there isn't exactly Columbia Teacher's College and will prepare you little if at all for the exam. Moreover, most instructors work at teriary universities outside BKK and will have no clue personally about the exam and they will be older teachers exempt anyway.


No matter which school you go with, presuming it's accepted you'll still need to sit for the exam. It's doubtful St Bobbits will prepare you for that eventuality.


If the exam is anything like the one offered an orc's age ago it will be poorly translated from Thai, not especially well written in the first place, based a great deal on pedagogy and have theory questions, extremely random. Extremely high percentage of people fail (but 99.9% of farang teachers have no deep interest in teaching). Simply getting a seat for the exam seems a mystery.


In all likelihood unless you do a masters degree you will fail the exam based upon what would be taught by teachers here inside Thailand. You'll need to further study pedagogy, additional teacher 'stuff'. There are no sample or old exams, test prep materials in English.


You will probably receive a third waiver. I'd say it's highly likely especially coming from same school as last. If enrolled in a course there is also a good chance you'll receive a fourth. A fifth waiver which you'll need at least 1.5-2 years from now I wouldn't speculate. Judging from what I understand at present from a few teachers simply scheduling the exam seems impossible although I don't think any have gone to TCT nor even doggedly emailed it phoned.


Remember,what you are told may not hold true forever and maybe not even a day.


Even renewing a license is a hassle.


Unless things become crystal clear my advice: Assuming you love being in Thailand, love teaching and are under 50... Do the St Roberts, self study up on the pedagogy, classroom management, training. It's dull stuff so start early... Now is a good time. You'll be a better teacher for it as well. All bets off: TCT accepts StR, you sit for exam, you pass first shot, you pass at all. Have an exit strategy after wasting all this time bc you can't pass or can't seem to even sit for exam.


I presume after you sit for exam and pass you'll still need to apply for the license - it is in no way just given to you. FYI.


TCT is not unlike any other Thai bureaucracy I can't think of any government entity you can call and get a straight answer from. Go visit them, questions literally in hand.


PS the entire process has never been clear for farang so in my estimation never will be. I would venture that it's equally chaos for Thais but I think Thais do some course, sit the exam in Thai (obviously easy pass for them) and the school navigates the license as they navigate waivers for us.


*I think many Thais teach on waivers too.

Edited by BonMot
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7 minutes ago, USslugga said:

I emailed them twice (using the email they provided on their website) with no response either time.

Sorry to hear that but it sounds pretty normal. Is there a DTAC shop near you? If so go in and ask the question and dont leave until you get an answer.

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On 9/11/2022 at 12:29 PM, Photoguy21 said:

Sorry to hear that but it sounds pretty normal. Is there a DTAC shop near you? If so go in and ask the question and dont leave until you get an answer.

Sorry, I'm a bit confused. Isn't DTAC a phone shop?  What do they have to do with the Teacher's Council of Thailand?

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2 hours ago, USslugga said:

Sorry, I'm a bit confused. Isn't DTAC a phone shop?  What do they have to do with the Teacher's Council of Thailand?

You may contact Kurusapa at this phone number:


Call Center โทร. 02-3049899


During business hours, of course.  They have a computerized call reception service that will put you in the queue to speak to a real person.  I think you will press "9" for English service--though they will happily use Thai with you if you speak to them in Thai.


And their website is:




The list other contact information, including phone numbers and email addresses, on their contacts page:



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/7/2022 at 3:32 PM, USslugga said:

I'm on my third one now.  I believe it will end in March or April?

Sorry to bring this up again, I am on he exact same boat as you, into my 3rd waiver, which is about to expire in March. Were you able to get the 4th waiver from your school/KSP? 

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5 hours ago, funkykyle said:

Sorry to bring this up again, I am on he exact same boat as you, into my 3rd waiver, which is about to expire in March. Were you able to get the 4th waiver from your school/KSP? 

Nope. I haven't yet, but I'm not due for my third for another 6-7 months I think. 


But I've been assured by my school that when that time comes, at the very least I can get another 2 years if I just show I enrolled in the St. Theresa program. 


So they said I could pay the initial fee (like 25,000 or something) and just not show up to any of the classes if I want to get another 2 year waiver.  But obviously this is not a long term solution...

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  • 5 weeks later...

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