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is it time to go live in a wooden shack on a deserted island?

bob smith

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On 8/5/2022 at 2:51 PM, LaosLover said:

The half a dozen hookers I talked to on Ko Chang said they were from Phuket, so def a coal to Newcastle situation.


Why can't you escape reality to an older sun brick property with a too-loud air conditioner like everyone else? Currently working fine for me. As the Buddhists say, wherever you go, there you are.

So true. And yet makes you feel so sorry for poor Bob.

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You just better hope that the tree gives enough wood to build a shack. And bring some long spikes; it’s not yet time to live on a desert island with nothing for shelter but the shade of the tree that you cut down, and the timber boards that blew away in the first hurricane.

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