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Covid’s Harmful Effects on the Brain Reverberate Years Later

(Bloomberg) -- Covid-19 survivors remain at higher risk of psychotic disorders, dementia and similar conditions for at least two years, according to a large study that highlights the mounting burden of chronic illness left in the pandemic’s wake.


The findings, based on the records of more than 1.25 million patients, add to evidence of the virus’s potential to cause profound damage to the central nervous system and exacerbate the global burden of dementia -- which cost an estimated $1.3 trillion in the year the pandemic began. Oxford researchers showed in March that even a mild case is associated with brain shrinkage equivalent to as much as a decade of normal aging. 









"The fact that neurological and psychiatric outcomes were similar during the delta and omicron waves indicates that the burden on the health-care system might continue even with variants that are less severe in other respects. Our findings are relevant to understanding individual-level and population-level risks of neurological and psychiatric disorders after SARS-CoV-2 infection and can help inform our responses to them."




I have a friend who claims these same symptoms but she has never had Covid

She feels it was due to the vaccination as the symptoms started a month after

Funny Brain Fog is her exact wording


It would be interesting if those studies mentioned how many of their brain fog examples were also vaccinated

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