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Super Poll: Flooding survey reveals nearly half of all Thais satisfied with Prawit's performance


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...put on women's clothing and hang around in bars. What is he wearing?


"However, most of the people, 45.9% satisfied with the government leader, Gen. Prawit Wongsuwan, went to the flooded area to solve the problems of the people. government flooding solution...

and 83.4 percent said they had no food to eat."


(Google translate link).


Er, doesn't most mean >50%?

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What an amazing survey!  Nothing has been done to prevent Bangkok and surrounding provinces sliding under the sea since the dire warnin signals given off by the great floods of 2011. The Yingluck government had 3 years to work on it and claimed an emergency budget which presumably disappeared into Thaksin's pocket but nothing was done. Prayut and Prawit followed the same trend and have done nothing to prevent flooding in eight years in power.  And yet a survey found that nearly half the people are satisfied with this.  God help us.

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3 hours ago, Photoguy21 said:

1100 out of 67 million that is a super poll to be sure. If you are going to carry out a poll at least have the integrity to take a reasonable percentage of the population not just the people in your local 7-11.

Or those living in the mountains well away from any flooding.. 


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As a whole  the Thai are not good or keen doing very long-term, difficult project to ultimately resolve infrastructure or society or whatever issue.  This is in Thai trait and actually quite different from many other Asians ( Japanese/Koreans/ Chinese etc ) .

Instead the Thai tolerate and endure rather than demand ultimately tackling the long-term problems. 


An example to infrastructure issue,   Bangkok terrible traffic had  been known worldwide even as far as late 1960's,  and how is it now ?


This sampling result does not surprise me.    Many long-stay foreigners/expats do not understand Thai mentality well.   This include the writer of this article noting the last sentence   :     ' They always seem to find the "right" people to ask.  '


About survey,  1105 is a fine sample size.  Anything over 500 is a fairly good size showing data  convergence if not mistakenly ( intended or unintended )  in the draw.   


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and they have the face to post results of a poll from 1,105 people, no social background, no age range, etc., in other words 1,105 relatives/acquaintances of current government cronies how stupid do they think people are ????


Prawit, Thammanat Face Ban From Politics Over ‘Banana-Feeding’ Scandal

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