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German Shot Dead In Pattaya

Jai Dee

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Shit, for most of us we could be sitting at the same table while the wife and some stranger discuss th manner of our ..shall I say..disapperance. This is a nice little reminder of ...reality...

Oh don't remind me of THAT little lunch party. Even passed around the gun that probably would have been used. But that was over 20 years ago and she doesn't have me, my loot or my castle. BTW, when she said she could have me topped for B5000, I told my Thai buddy and he said that as a favour to me (he knew is both and thought she was a b*t*h), he would top her for B1000. When I told her as much, she tried the reconciliatory tack. But to the OP....

Very sad that this victim was blind-sided, be it willingly or otherwise. In my experience with the very few farang friends whose Thai marriages hit rock bottom (including mine), the last thing they want to believe is the obvious that all their friends and neighbours know about. It's called denial and it crosses cultures, language and customs. We are forever strangers in a strange land and the spouses family (and face) will always be paramount to your happiness together. Money, if there is any, just comes along for the ride.

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I guess the moral of this sad story is...If you are having a dispute over money, property, etc. with your ex-Thai wife then it's time to get out of town. Hire an agent sell the property and relocate to somewhere they can't get to you.

Oh.....if it were so easy. Can't sell something you can't own to start with. His ex is the owner of the house/property.........and the lease just died with the lessee. :o


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Leaving your wife at 64 to marry a 25 year old is never a smart move.

They will do it and they will get caught! But they just dont seem to care!

How very very true, could be because they can stand the jail time *(and it will be short, after the money has passed over...especially if the bib know of a 5 million baht house in the picture)...back down to a matter of face


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Leaving your wife at 64 to marry a 25 year old is never a smart move.
They will do it and they will get caught! But they just dont seem to care!

How very very true, could be because they can stand the jail time *(and it will be short, after the money has passed over...especially if the bib know of a 5 million baht house in the picture)...back down to a matter of face


That does raise an interesting issue. Does anyone here know how much average time is actually served in cases like this, assuming good behavior in prison? Are there mandatory sentencing guidelines or anything? The old "don't do the crime if you can't serve the time" analysis.

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How about this: find me a city in the world where there are more foriegn tourists and residents killed each year, than in Pattaya.  

OK, here are some stats (from the FBI) for various US cities in 2006:

Reno Nevada: population-210,354, Serious Crimes-1,478 (Murders-23, Rapes-100, Robberies-523, Assaults-832)

(North) Las Vegas: population-182,540, Serious Crimes-1,695 (Murders-22, Rapes-57, Robberies-584, Assaults-1,032)

Fort Lauderdale (Florida): population-170,203, Serious Crimes-1,683 (Murders-21, Rapes-83, Robberies-832, Assaults-747)

New Orleans: population (est)-431,153, Serious Crimes-2,255 (Murders-162, Rapes-87, Robberies-761, Assaults-1,245)

Washington (DC): population-581,530, Serious Crimes-8,418 (Murders-169, Rapes-194, Robberies-3,604, Assaults-4,451)

(note these cities are either similar in size to Pattaya's "unofficial" population estimates, or smaller)

Oops. You said "foreign tourists and residents". I don't think there are many places that keep stats on the number of foreign tourists/residents killed (compared to locals).

How ever, as far a Canadians are concerned, the gov't recently released some statistics that showed Mexico as being the most dangerous place for Canadian tourists (based on the number of reported deaths/rapes/assaults/robberies/ect). How ever, one has to take into account that far more Canadians visit/reside in Mexico than in Thailand. For what ever reason, the news article I had a link to has been removed (Maybe the Mexican gov't complained that it would hurt tourism to their country ? :o )

(note 2: Many cities that rely heavily on tourism, don't like to differentiate between victims who are tourists and residents. Bad for business and all)

Some other stats:

Rio de Janeiro registered 4,253 murders in 1993, up from 3,545 in 1992.

Rio de Janeiro had seventy-two murders per 100,000 residents in 1993, compared with thirty per 100,000 in New York City.

(population est at 6 million)

Some more info:

Based on Crimes per Capita (i.e. number of crimes per 1,000 people), Thailand ranks 47th !

Looking at the Top 20 countries in Crimes per Capita and who do we find ?

#2 - New Zealand !

#6 - the UK !

#8 - the USA !

#11 - Germany

#12 - Canada

#14 - France

#20 - Switzerland !

Now lets look at the Total (reported) Crimes per Country stats:

Thailand ranked at #17

Who do you think fills out the Top 5 ?

#1 United States: 23,677,800 total crimes reported

#2 Germany: 6,264,720 total crimes reported

#3 United Kingdom: 5,170,830 total crimes reported

#4 France: 3,771,850 total crimes reported

#5 South Africa: 3,422,740 total crimes reported

To be fair, if we single out the Murder rates per Capita, Thailand ranks 14th.

The top 5 are:

#1 Colombia

#2 South Africa

#3 Jamaica

#4 Venezuela

#5 Russia

But then, these are all just numbers. We could spend days and weeks and months comparing various stats, and some people will still base their assumptions on stories heard from a friend that knew a guy who had a buddy whose cousin went to school with a girl that had an uncle that worked with someone who spoke to a guy in a bar that swore up and down that you'd be murdered the second you set foot in Pattaya.

(I use that analogy based on a "fable" I've heard probably 9-10 times over the years, including 4 times in the last 3 years. The "fable" usually starts when you mention that you live in Thailand, and suddenly someone spouts out something like: "Oh yeah, a buddy of mine went there, he rented a big house on the beach for a month, hired 1 girl to do the cooking, another girl to do the cleaning, they both slept with him every night for the month, and it only cost him a total of $50.00 US !" :D

Sure done some homework!  However, the fact remains there are a lot of tourists and expat residents (commonly known as ferangs) that are brutally murdered in Pats each year.  And i still say show me another city in the world to equal that.

Obviously, the UK press tend to report murders of their citizens overseas - especially tourists - Thailand has the unenvyable record of being number one for as long as i have oberved.  Thats not to mention the high number of 'jumpers' and convenient suicides.

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Sure done some homework!  However, the fact remains there are a lot of tourists and expat residents (commonly known as ferangs) that are brutally murdered in Pats each year.  And i still say show me another city in the world to equal that.

Obviously, the UK press tend to report murders of their citizens overseas - especially tourists - Thailand has the unenvyable record of being number one for as long as i have oberved.  Thats not to mention the high number of 'jumpers' and convenient suicides.

It was my day off, and there isn't a h3ll of a lot to do around here when you have free time. :o

(I think I spent a good 3 hours or so searching and reviewing various websites, just for that one post).

I'm sure though, that if one were to read the news everyday from places like Mexico City, Rio (Sao Paulo is pretty bad, as well as Ecuador), Rome, Amsterdam, Budapest and other places, you'd find loads of tourists dying in those places as well.

Another problem is though, seperating genuine tourists from ex-pat residents and workers and (in some places) illegal immigrants.

One UN site I browsed even mentioned the fact that the stats reported by some countries were more indicative of the police forces willingness to report/record such things (i.e. there may be even higher levels of crime in some areas, but the police/gov't officials are reluctant/incompetent/unable to report/record what's going on).

As mentioned in other threads long ago, perception also plays a role. When one reads/sees/hears selective news presented in a certain manner, it can lead to a skewed view of reality.

For example, when I hear Amsterdam, the first things that pop into my head are "Red Light District" and "Drugs on Every Street Corner". Having spent a little bit of time there (as a tourist in the 80's), I know it's not like that, at least not in the whole city.

Having said that, here is a bit a guy in Amsterdam put on his website (from the summer of 2002):

On the evening of May 11 a 25 year old German tourist runs against a tram on the Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal and dies one week later on his head injury.

On June 19th a 19 year old American tourist falls in the Grimburgwal and drowns.

On July 9th the body of a dead 26 year old Englishman is found in the Open Havenfront near the Central Station.

In the night of July 12/13 an 18 year old American tourist falls out of a window from the fourth floor of hotel Meeting Point in the Warmoesstraat. She dies.

On August 1st an Italian tourist falls from the roof-gutter of the Victoria Hotel on the Damrak and a 32 year old English tourist falls into the river Amstel. Both die.

In the night of August 8 to 9 a 24 year old French tourist falls out of the window of a hotel on the Loosdrechtdreef in Amsterdam South-East. He dies. And a body of a 52 year old French tourist taken out of the Singel canal.

So, as you can see from that little bit, Pattaya isn't alone when it comes to tourists croaking.

I found some more interesting numbers, but I have to get to work.

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Apologies If what I write has been touched on already but I have not read the whole post....

I have seen both Farang and Thai version of this report on the news and as usual, the farang version was carefully edited :D

On the thai version it appeared that the guys injuries looked more sinister than injuries sustained from falling from a condo :o

It looked like he had been stabbed several times as well

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Apologies If what I write has been touched on already but I have not read the whole post....

I have seen both Farang and Thai version of this report on the news and as usual, the farang version was carefully edited :D

On the thai version it appeared that the guys injuries looked more sinister than injuries sustained from falling from a condo :o

It looked like he had been stabbed several times as well


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Sure done some homework!  However, the fact remains there are a lot of tourists and expat residents (commonly known as ferangs) that are brutally murdered in Pats each year.  And i still say show me another city in the world to equal that.

Obviously, the UK press tend to report murders of their citizens overseas - especially tourists - Thailand has the unenvyable record of being number one for as long as i have oberved.  Thats not to mention the high number of 'jumpers' and convenient suicides.

It was my day off, and there isn't a h3ll of a lot to do around here when you have free time. :o

(I think I spent a good 3 hours or so searching and reviewing various websites, just for that one post).

I'm sure though, that if one were to read the news everyday from places like Mexico City, Rio (Sao Paulo is pretty bad, as well as Ecuador), Rome, Amsterdam, Budapest and other places, you'd find loads of tourists dying in those places as well.

Another problem is though, seperating genuine tourists from ex-pat residents and workers and (in some places) illegal immigrants.

One UN site I browsed even mentioned the fact that the stats reported by some countries were more indicative of the police forces willingness to report/record such things (i.e. there may be even higher levels of crime in some areas, but the police/gov't officials are reluctant/incompetent/unable to report/record what's going on).

As mentioned in other threads long ago, perception also plays a role. When one reads/sees/hears selective news presented in a certain manner, it can lead to a skewed view of reality.

For example, when I hear Amsterdam, the first things that pop into my head are "Red Light District" and "Drugs on Every Street Corner". Having spent a little bit of time there (as a tourist in the 80's), I know it's not like that, at least not in the whole city.

Having said that, here is a bit a guy in Amsterdam put on his website (from the summer of 2002):

On the evening of May 11 a 25 year old German tourist runs against a tram on the Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal and dies one week later on his head injury.

On June 19th a 19 year old American tourist falls in the Grimburgwal and drowns.

On July 9th the body of a dead 26 year old Englishman is found in the Open Havenfront near the Central Station.

In the night of July 12/13 an 18 year old American tourist falls out of a window from the fourth floor of hotel Meeting Point in the Warmoesstraat. She dies.

On August 1st an Italian tourist falls from the roof-gutter of the Victoria Hotel on the Damrak and a 32 year old English tourist falls into the river Amstel. Both die.

In the night of August 8 to 9 a 24 year old French tourist falls out of the window of a hotel on the Loosdrechtdreef in Amsterdam South-East. He dies. And a body of a 52 year old French tourist taken out of the Singel canal.

So, as you can see from that little bit, Pattaya isn't alone when it comes to tourists croaking.

I found some more interesting numbers, but I have to get to work.

Keep up the good work!  You make an interesting point about the authorities willingness or reluctance to publish figures. Brings to mind the story - few year ago - of a Kuwati guy found dead in his condo (Centre Condo Pattaya).  The police reported it as a heart attack.  However, this guys family werent happy with the police report as he was only in his 30's and healthy.  After further investigation it was revealed he had numerous stab wounds to his back.  Need i say more :D

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Sure done some homework!  However, the fact remains there are a lot of tourists and expat residents (commonly known as ferangs) that are brutally murdered in Pats each year.  And i still say show me another city in the world to equal that.

Obviously, the UK press tend to report murders of their citizens overseas - especially tourists - Thailand has the unenvyable record of being number one for as long as i have oberved.  Thats not to mention the high number of 'jumpers' and convenient suicides.

It was my day off, and there isn't a h3ll of a lot to do around here when you have free time. :o

(I think I spent a good 3 hours or so searching and reviewing various websites, just for that one post).

I'm sure though, that if one were to read the news everyday from places like Mexico City, Rio (Sao Paulo is pretty bad, as well as Ecuador), Rome, Amsterdam, Budapest and other places, you'd find loads of tourists dying in those places as well.

Another problem is though, seperating genuine tourists from ex-pat residents and workers and (in some places) illegal immigrants.

One UN site I browsed even mentioned the fact that the stats reported by some countries were more indicative of the police forces willingness to report/record such things (i.e. there may be even higher levels of crime in some areas, but the police/gov't officials are reluctant/incompetent/unable to report/record what's going on).

As mentioned in other threads long ago, perception also plays a role. When one reads/sees/hears selective news presented in a certain manner, it can lead to a skewed view of reality.

For example, when I hear Amsterdam, the first things that pop into my head are "Red Light District" and "Drugs on Every Street Corner". Having spent a little bit of time there (as a tourist in the 80's), I know it's not like that, at least not in the whole city.

Having said that, here is a bit a guy in Amsterdam put on his website (from the summer of 2002):

On the evening of May 11 a 25 year old German tourist runs against a tram on the Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal and dies one week later on his head injury.

On June 19th a 19 year old American tourist falls in the Grimburgwal and drowns.

On July 9th the body of a dead 26 year old Englishman is found in the Open Havenfront near the Central Station.

In the night of July 12/13 an 18 year old American tourist falls out of a window from the fourth floor of hotel Meeting Point in the Warmoesstraat. She dies.

On August 1st an Italian tourist falls from the roof-gutter of the Victoria Hotel on the Damrak and a 32 year old English tourist falls into the river Amstel. Both die.

In the night of August 8 to 9 a 24 year old French tourist falls out of the window of a hotel on the Loosdrechtdreef in Amsterdam South-East. He dies. And a body of a 52 year old French tourist taken out of the Singel canal.

So, as you can see from that little bit, Pattaya isn't alone when it comes to tourists croaking.

I found some more interesting numbers, but I have to get to work.

Keep up the good work!  You make an interesting point about the authorities willingness or reluctance to publish figures. Brings to mind the story - few year ago - of a Kuwati guy found dead in his condo (Centre Condo Pattaya).  The police reported it as a heart attack.  However, this guys family werent happy with the police report as he was only in his 30's and healthy.  After further investigation it was revealed he had numerous stab wounds to his back.  Need i say more :D

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Sure done some homework!  However, the fact remains there are a lot of tourists and expat residents (commonly known as ferangs) that are brutally murdered in Pats each year.  And i still say show me another city in the world to equal that.

Obviously, the UK press tend to report murders of their citizens overseas - especially tourists - Thailand has the unenvyable record of being number one for as long as i have oberved.  Thats not to mention the high number of 'jumpers' and convenient suicides.

It was my day off, and there isn't a h3ll of a lot to do around here when you have free time. :o

(I think I spent a good 3 hours or so searching and reviewing various websites, just for that one post).

I'm sure though, that if one were to read the news everyday from places like Mexico City, Rio (Sao Paulo is pretty bad, as well as Ecuador), Rome, Amsterdam, Budapest and other places, you'd find loads of tourists dying in those places as well.

Another problem is though, seperating genuine tourists from ex-pat residents and workers and (in some places) illegal immigrants.

One UN site I browsed even mentioned the fact that the stats reported by some countries were more indicative of the police forces willingness to report/record such things (i.e. there may be even higher levels of crime in some areas, but the police/gov't officials are reluctant/incompetent/unable to report/record what's going on).

As mentioned in other threads long ago, perception also plays a role. When one reads/sees/hears selective news presented in a certain manner, it can lead to a skewed view of reality.

For example, when I hear Amsterdam, the first things that pop into my head are "Red Light District" and "Drugs on Every Street Corner". Having spent a little bit of time there (as a tourist in the 80's), I know it's not like that, at least not in the whole city.

Having said that, here is a bit a guy in Amsterdam put on his website (from the summer of 2002):

On the evening of May 11 a 25 year old German tourist runs against a tram on the Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal and dies one week later on his head injury.

On June 19th a 19 year old American tourist falls in the Grimburgwal and drowns.

On July 9th the body of a dead 26 year old Englishman is found in the Open Havenfront near the Central Station.

In the night of July 12/13 an 18 year old American tourist falls out of a window from the fourth floor of hotel Meeting Point in the Warmoesstraat. She dies.

On August 1st an Italian tourist falls from the roof-gutter of the Victoria Hotel on the Damrak and a 32 year old English tourist falls into the river Amstel. Both die.

In the night of August 8 to 9 a 24 year old French tourist falls out of the window of a hotel on the Loosdrechtdreef in Amsterdam South-East. He dies. And a body of a 52 year old French tourist taken out of the Singel canal.

So, as you can see from that little bit, Pattaya isn't alone when it comes to tourists croaking.

I found some more interesting numbers, but I have to get to work.

Keep up the good work!  You make an interesting point about the authorities willingness or reluctance to publish figures. Brings to mind the story - few year ago - of a Kuwati guy found dead in his condo (Centre Condo Pattaya).  The police reported it as a heart attack.  However, this guys family werent happy with the police report as he was only in his 30's and healthy.  After further investigation it was revealed he had numerous stab wounds to his back.  Need i say more :D

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Acording to the Pattaya Daily News website,


The Germans ex wife ( Roongnapar) has admited that she and her Italian ex husband hired French and Thai hit-men :o

I think what these Thai women in such cases dont understand is that, when a murder of this sort takes place, they are numero uno suspect - and the police will be very persuasive in finding the truth.  They all coff under interogation - quickly!

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there is no town named Kalisch in Germany, at least none with a post code. The name of the victim does also not sound right. Could be the three names are christian names and Kalisch is his family name. Strange piece of news.

Some update on this :

German Province: Posen

Here is a selection of images of the former German town of Kalisch / Kalisz in the province of Posen, Prussia. We hope that by making these old postcards available online that they will be of interest to anyone interested in the history of Kalisch / Kalisz or researching their ancestry.

Here another link: http://www.ak-ansichtskarten.de/ak/index.p...78b63604586b7b0

This poor Men was a poish german and he may had agerman passport.

It is true that Kalish is also a Family Name, but the Name of this Guy "Heinrich Hermann Friedrich" is also a normal German Name, Friedrich is normal used as First Name, but it is also a Family Name. BTW, the names are not right christian Names. Hermann for example comes from HEER = Army and Mann = Man So the meaning of this name is Soldier or Warrior.

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Acording to the Pattaya Daily News website,


The Germans ex wife ( Roongnapar) has admited that she and her Italian ex husband hired French and Thai hit-men :o

How stupid! A rather typical Thai short circuit brain which created the idea to kill her ex husband.

I am wondering how many ex husbands and wifes are in this story however.

French and Thai hit-men....la merde!

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"there is no town named Kalisch in Germany, at least none with a post code. The name of the victim does also not sound right. Could be the three names are christian names and Kalisch is his family name. Strange piece of news."

not strange at all. the published ID-card showed clearly that his family name is Friedrich (not uncommon in Germany) and that his place of birth is Kalisch; formerly located in Germany now located in Poland.

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Apologies If what I write has been touched on already but I have not read the whole post....

I have seen both Farang and Thai version of this report on the news and as usual, the farang version was carefully edited :D

On the thai version it appeared that the guys injuries looked more sinister than injuries sustained from falling from a condo :o

It looked like he had been stabbed several times as well


no need to shout cowboy, i see a great future for heli working with the police forensics

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Acording to the Pattaya Daily News website,


The Germans ex wife ( Roongnapar) has admited that she and her Italian ex husband hired French and Thai hit-men :o

I think what these Thai women in such cases dont understand is that, when a murder of this sort takes place, they are numero uno suspect - and the police will be very persuasive in finding the truth.  They all coff under interogation - quickly!

I think what a lot of folks -often farangs- don't understand is that a lot of bar workers/lower classed Thai women (I know: broad generalization but so is the above) are involved with low level policemen and that more often than not, these weak, minor connections are enough for them to get away with it.


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Acording to the Pattaya Daily News website,


The Germans ex wife ( Roongnapar) has admited that she and her Italian ex husband hired French and Thai hit-men :o

I think what these Thai women in such cases dont understand is that, when a murder of this sort takes place, they are numero uno suspect - and the police will be very persuasive in finding the truth. They all coff under interogation - quickly!

I think what a lot of folks -often farangs- don't understand is that a lot of bar workers/lower classed Thai women (I know: broad generalization but so is the above) are involved with low level policemen and that more often than not, these weak, minor connections are enough for them to get away with it.


Yes, this is true apart from all the fun and joking we've had on this subject.

Low level policemen are often the first "line of defense" that the BGs encounter in their endeavours, and they often become romantically linked.

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The police are doubting her claims and the Italian -ex denies everything. There would have to be a lot more than a B10m home at stake for some alleged farang 'hit men' to be involved wouldn't you think?

Yup, I'm with you.

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A French gunman, Mr. Jean-Marc Andre Thivind, the suspected killer of Heinrich Hermann Friedrich, the German ex- policeman, who was killed in Soi Suksomboon, Baan Nongket Yai, on June 24th, has finally been arrested after he fled upcountry. The fugitive was eventually tracked down in Sukhothai province.

The ex-wife of Mr.Heinrich, Mrs. Roong-napha, the woman allegedly behind the killing, had been arrested on June 27th, along with another of her ex-husbands, Mr. Fernando Nardini (53); both of whom were implicated in the murder. Major pieces of evidence include a blue Honda Wave motorbike with a Chonburi license-plate and a black helmet, which were stated as having been used in the killing.

According to Deputy Superintendent Pol.Col. Phairat Suphasawas, Pattaya Court issued a warrant on 29th June to arrest Mr. Jean-Marc Andre Thivind aka Mark or Marko, (54) a French national, the alleged killer of Mr. Heinrich, who had since escaped upcountry. On 1st July 2007, a police team raided a house in Yarn Yao, Sawankaloke, Sukhothai province, where the suspect was hiding. However, Thivind had been previously alerted and escaped into a banana plantation behind the house, where he managed to evade the police cordon for 5 hours. When he was eventually cornered Thivind still protested his innocence, denying any involvement in the killing, and refused to speak further until he had sought legal representation.

The police have established that Thivind had been coming to Thailand for about 10 years as a tourist. They further established that he had a previous criminal record and convictions for murder in France, and had sought refuge in Thailand. To avoid being arrested, he had bought a number of houses in other provinces.

Superintendent Pol.Col.Sarayut Sagnuen-phokai of Banglamung Police stated that, despite Thivind’s denial of being the killer, the police had evidence in the form of a cigarette butt and the motorbike that had been used in the killing. However, police will have to find more substantial evidence, especially the gun that was used in the killing, before they can be certain of a conviction.


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Quite the International flavour behind this sorry story.

Dead German

Thai (bereaved) wife

Thai ex-wife

Italian ex-husband of the Thai ex-wife

French Hitman

Norwegian DJ

(Japanese motorbike)

Hmmm, no Brits or Aussies implicated (yet). Time will tell I guess.

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Quite the International flavour behind this sorry story.

Dead German

Thai (bereaved) wife

Thai ex-wife

Italian ex-husband of the Thai ex-wife

French Hitman

Norwegian DJ

(Japanese motorbike)

Hmmm, no Brits or Aussies implicated (yet). Time will tell I guess.

On another thread it was stated that the police heard them talking English - and probably an American gun?

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Two Europeans and One Thai Arrested for Killing German

This is an update on the murder of 63 year old German, Mr. Heinrich Friedrich on 25th June that we reported about in the last issue of Pattaya People Weekly. Like a crime novel written by Agatha

Christie the story gradually unfolded involving four nationalities in this evil act of murder.

At first, many questions arose as to how Police investigations would go for solving this case since the murderer or murderers had disappeared without a trace.

However the questioning of the German’s partner, Miss Nanta Luckdee, led the police to find Mr. Friedrich’s legally wedded wife; Rungnapha Sridet, aged 32, who is from Tark province. Investigations on her were made since she was in the process of a divorce case with Mr. Friedrich; and was demanding large amounts of assets from him.

The police tried to trace down Rungnapha and found her elder sister who is working in a beer bar in Soi Buakhao. She stated that she hadn’t seen her sister for a long time but told the police where her sister resided.

The police went to the location to find Rungnapha at the Niran Grand Condo in Soi Arunothai. When at the police station, she was very stubborn and at first refused to give any statement.

Rungnapha eventually talked about her divorce case with Mr. Friedrich. The court had given Mr. Friedrich the right of the house. It didn’t look good for her so she filed an appeal to demand other assets from her husband.

Rungnapha stated that before she married Mr. Friedrich she had previously been married to 52 year old Fernando Nardini, an Italian national. She talked to her ex-husband about this matter and he told her not to worry because he would take care of everything for her.

The next thing she knew was Mr. Friedrich had been shot dead. She denied having anything to do with the murder.

On 27th June at 8 pm the police arrested Nardini at his room in Jomtien Condo View on Jomtien Beach Road, and escorted him to the station for questioning. Fernando denied being involved with the murder.

The police investigated deeper to learn that Nardini had a French bodyguard named “Marc” protecting him. This man is known to be a wanted person in France since he killed someone there some time ago.

He confessed that he was supporting the Frenchman nicknamed Marc who had now moved to Bangkok. That day the police had to let the two suspects go.

When Nardini stepped out of the questioning room he proved his aggressiveness to the public by attacking the Media that were waiting outside to get an update on this news.

However, the police did not stop there. They asked for arrest warrants to be issued from court to arrest Nardini and Rungnapha Seridet for conspiring to murder Mr. Friedrich.

On 28th June both were arrested in their rooms and finally after intense interrogation, Rungnapha confessed that she and Nardini had hired ‘Marc’ to do the killing. Even though Nardini was still denying all charges, the police say that from the evidence, witnesses and statements; it is believed that he is also behind the murder.

Also on 1st July; the police were able to trace down and arrest ‘Marc’, a Frenchman named Jean-Marc Andre Thivind, aged 54, at a banana plantation in the former Thai capital Sukhothai in North Thailand. He was brought back to Banglamung Police Station for questioning together with evidence of a motorbike thought to have been used in the killing.

It was discovered that Thivind is wanted in France for murder and has been hiding in Thailand for 12 years.

He denied killing Mr. Friedrich and refused to co-operate and argued that he had cancer and is going to die soon anyway. He is being detained at the Banglamung Police Station while police hopefully will solve the final act of this dreadful crime.

Pattaya People Media Group will keep you informed.


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  • 7 months later...

Another story just disappears from the radar.

Was the ex-wife, Rungnapha from Tak convicted?

Did the French criminal go from a banana plantation in Sukhothai to a Chonburi prison? Was he convicted?

What about the Italian first husband of Rungnapha, was he the link or not involved? Was he ever charged?

Who got the 10 million Baht house, the young and beautiful Nanta, the girlfriend of the victim?

How much disappeared into the pockets of the Pattaya police?

Always in Thailand somebody rips out the last few chapters of every storybook?

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