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Taling Pling plant.


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I was given a potted Taling Pling, or Bilimbi sapling. A tree that bears sour fruit. For months I just watered it in the pot. I then transplanted it into the ground about a month ago and the leaves are turning yellow and falling off. I can't find any info on google regarding soil and growing conditions. Plenty of info on the fruit. Anyone with any ideas on the ideal ph and best planting conditions? It would be a shame for it to die as I believe it's not a common plant in Thailand. Thanks.  

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Back in my homeland I have a green thumb...it's not so green here, unfortunately.  I would suggest asking the locals.  One interesting thing that some locals do in my area when planting trees (but I'm not familiar with your particular tree or whether this would work for it) is to plant a banana tree just beside it, which will later be chopped out once the other tree has taken off.  They say the banana plant helps keep moisture in the soil, and that it nurtures the tree seedling. 


I think, however, that the banana would surely do something with the soil pH, and whether it would do the right something or not I do not know.  Again, I'd advise that you ask the locals.  They may know.  But, don't just ask one--unless you are certain that he or she would not feed you a line just to look knowledgeable.  I'd ask several people and see if you find a consensus. 


You might look online for: ตะลิงปลิง ต้นไม้  (Taling Pling tree) OR ต้นตะลิงปลิง  (Talin Pling plant)


One of the first sites I found claimed it was easy to plant and grow!  (But it gives no details otherwise.)


This article may be better, but I'm lazy to run it all through Google Translate to make it more readable.

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