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Cancel non ox visa

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Asking for a friend(really)

He went to immigration to cancel his Non ox visa and immigration told him he could not...

He will be completing his first year but he does not want to continue with this visa, what should he do? He can't just leave the country and come back in as it is for 4 more years... He plans to come back at some point but unsure when and doesn't want to leave his money in a Thai bank until then.

Can not find anything online about the procedure

Please advise

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Immigration does not cancel visas.

The only way to cancel his visa would be to apply for a new passport while outside the country and use it to enter the country.

Having a valid non-ox visa would not prevent from withdrawing the money he has a a bank. 

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Thanks for replying so quickly @ubonjoe. Wouldn't the Immigration officer at the airport link his new passport to his old and see that he is on the NON OX in their computer? 

What if he went to his 1 year review and showed that he didn't have enough funds to qualify for it? Would that be a way? Then they would deny him based on that, like the sames as an O or OA if insufficient funds, then he leaves and comes back at another time? Visa exempt or with new tourist visa? Would that be a solution to dissolve the OX...

He is afraid to leave and then be denied entry due not meeting the extensive requirements?

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34 minutes ago, LadyBugnal said:

Thanks for replying so quickly @ubonjoe. Wouldn't the Immigration officer at the airport link his new passport to his old and see that he is on the NON OX in their computer? 


Immigration at a airport could not issue a new non-ox visa.


36 minutes ago, LadyBugnal said:

What if he went to his 1 year review and showed that he didn't have enough funds to qualify for it? Would that be a way?

That might be possible but they would only cancel his current stay from his non-ox visa he got which require him to leave the country.

Then when he entered the country immigration might stamp him in using the non-ox visa.

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2 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

That might be possible but they would only cancel his current stay from his non-ox visa he got which require him to leave the country.

Then when he entered the country immigration might stamp him in using the non-ox visa.

If I remember correctly, you are required to show you have health insurance when entering on a Non-OX visa. If you fail to satisfy that condition would you be given a visa exempt entry?


I would that thought the entity that issued the Non-OX visa (presumably the embassy in his home country) should have the power to cancel the Non-OX visa on request. If not, what on earth needs to happen if someone on a Non-OX visa wants a work permit?

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What he is trying to protect himself from is being denied entry on return, and to successful disengage from the 5 year(4 years left) need to keep the heavy financial obligations of the visa and insurance requirements. If he reenters without the insurance, first I think the airlines wont let him fly in and if they would,will immigration just deny entry or let him come in visa exempt?Like most of us are changing to an non immigrant o from the oa.... insurance premiums have skyrocketed...

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I have a no O-X  and was thinking about changing mine as it is not much use to me now.

Has your friend reported every years to immigration to have documents checked, and at immigration have they checked the medical insurance?

When i went last year, i was told by immigration that there is no need to report yearly( my office is Chang Wattana Bangkok),

i queried it and showed them the print out from London embassy website, they were very blunt,  ask London why that is on their website, they are not our rules ,

i did ask different people and they all said the same i  entered Thailand, last week  and no medical insurance was asked for by immigration.

I called the immigration hot line  1178 and they told me the same no need to go to immigration every year, though they never replied to emails in both English and Thai.

I am considering not renewing my health insurance and was going to change my permission to stay, i found this on the consular website

- Foreigners who enter Thailand with Non-O-X visa may change from Non-O-X to other type of Visa by submitting request to the Immigration Bureau. Spouse and child’s visa approval will be changed according to status of the main applicant. However, spouse can apply for Non-O-X by himself/ herself if he/she meets the qualifications.





This was my plan, though i can see it not working, if this did not work, then i would just leave Thailand and enter on a new passport.


The airline will not check the insurance or anything else, if he has a visa that is good enough for them, have they ever had to show immigration the insurance?



Edited by howerde
missing text
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Thanks for all your responses, I have shared all this info with him and he has decided to call the issuing consulate in his home country...this is a relatively new visa that only a low percentage has used and I don't think they have all the kinks ironed out yet...Will do a reply once there are more developments...appreciate this group immensely... 

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