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Strange but True ? - Advice needed


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4 hours ago, The Fugitive said:

Everything that makes life worth living! Plus tea, coffee, wine and lager maybe.

 One might think that after repeating this basic ace Life Coach principle to achieve the goal of a happy but short life, ending during a bonk, our ANF Posters would readily accept its consequences. Not so; later we find them suffering in this forum and desperately seeking advice for docs and more meds--before they finally vanish into the ether.


I find life is more worth living without the need to chase after docs, meds, hospitals, and surgeries, such as for limb amputation. I like not having to worry about going blind or having a stroke or heart attack, among other problems. Feeling good, not carrying around a belly, staying mobile and functionally fit greatly enhance my quality of life and make other things I enjoy possible. 


I don't miss in the slightest any of the things you believe make life worth living. Neither would you, if you went low carb for a couple of months.


Tea, coffee, and a daily glass red wine are all desirable, BTW. Fact, I drink more tea than I used to. Some weeks I'll have a couple of beers or shots o' bourbon and a good cigar.????

Edited by BigStar
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3 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Have you considered talking to a doctor? You know, they studied humans and are generally known to give medical advice. 

In Thailand, that advice is generally out of date or perfunctory when it comes to nutrition. What docs here are best known for is prescribing meds. But in fairness this is what most people prefer rather than having to change anything about their lifestyles.


Here are some docs to consult:



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3 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

They've been healthy and slim for generations on rice and sugar, it's ok, now getting fatter with western fatty junk food

Generations past ate much less in general, ate MUCH less sugar, and got a LOT more exercise. Different now; they get fatter w/o eating any Western junk food.

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Thai curries are usually made with a hefty dose of coconut milk, and that won't do your diet any favors. One cup of the creamy milk packs in 400 calories. It also has 36 grams of saturated fat -- more than three times the recommended daily amount. For a healthier dish, order the grilled or barbecued curry chicken.


https://www.webmd.com/diet/ss/slideshow-thai-food-health#:~:text=Thai curries are usually made,grilled or barbecued curry chicken.

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4 minutes ago, BigStar said:

Generations past ate much less in general, ate MUCH less sugar, and got a LOT more exercise. Different now; they get fatter w/o eating any Western junk food.

People walked more. Sugar in everything now plus breads, chips. Carbs make u fat.

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3 hours ago, 473geo said:

Every time I see the weight watchers threads, I kind of wonder why I am so lucky to enjoy all the stuff others seek to deny themselves,????????????

Ah, lucky you, hee. Or, maybe not.


3 hours ago, 473geo said:

Then I consider how active I am for my age, with the understanding that if my weight creeps up I have luxury of going a week without and everything is ok again ????

Or maybe it's not really everything after all. Have you glanced at your liver lately? Hmm. Well, let's see the numbers and hear about the meds before we celebrate. For some reason, our members are reluctant to reveal all the details about those. 




Everything good? Waist to height ratio?

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14 minutes ago, BigStar said:

 One might think that after repeating this basic ace Life Coach principle to achieve the goal of a happy but short life, ending during a bonk, our ANF Posters would readily accept its consequences. Not so; later we find them suffering in this forum and desperately seeking advice for docs and more meds--before they finally vanish into the ether.


I find life is more worth living without the need to chase after docs, meds, hospitals, and surgeries, such as for limb amputation. I like not having to worry about going blind or having a stroke or heart attack, among other problems. Feeling good, not carrying around a belly, staying mobile and functionally fit greatly enhance my quality of life and make other things I enjoy possible. 


I don't miss in the slightest any of the things you believe make life worth living. Neither would you, if you went low carb for a couple of months.


Tea, coffee, and a daily glass red wine are all desirable, BTW. Fact, I drink more tea than I used to. Some weeks I'll have a couple of beers or shots o' bourbon and a good cigar.????

Point taken, reducing carbohydrates is definitely a good idea. Smoking never was and glad I gave it up decades ago. Being a regular blood donor my blood pressure and certain other things get checked but I'm sure that alone won't guarantee my longevity!

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6 hours ago, skippybangkok said:

BMI 30+ and eating way too much sugary stuff, my last blood sugar measurement was 117 on the 120 = Diabetes scale.  A worry for many reasons...

That's a worry I'd say you should take VERY seriously, the sooner the better. The HbA1c test has been recommended. Yet fasting glucose and HbA1c are not entirely reliable indicators. If I were you, I'd get the much more indicative oral glucose tolerance test. If you do have diabetes, you gotta get on it and stay on it. I've seen what it can do w/o proactive interventions, meds or no.

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8 minutes ago, The Fugitive said:

Being a regular blood donor my blood pressure and certain other things get checked but I'm sure that alone won't guarantee my longevity!

Good far as that goes. Blood donation, BTW, helps reduce iron, which some gurus insist is a good thing, contrary to conventional wisdom.


Anyway, if you get all the other numbers (above) into the optimal range, the BP and heart rate will take care of themselves. Conversely, numbers in the risk categories will probably be reflected in high BP and the need for--oh, meds of course!

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26 minutes ago, BigStar said:

Generations past ate much less in general, ate MUCH less sugar, and got a LOT more exercise. Different now; they get fatter w/o eating any Western junk food.

Many of us realise if you want to lose weight it's 90% down to what you eat and drink rather than exercise. Lot's of fat cyclists around

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9 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Many of us realise if you want to lose weight it's 90% down to what you eat and drink rather than exercise. Lot's of fat cyclists around

Bicycle messengers, no. Recreational weekend cyclists were probably fat before they got a bicycle.


The Thais of past generations, excluding congenital issues, didn't start out fat and were never fat. Their exercise therefore helped them to maintain their leanness.


Exercise does that a lot better--maintenance of a better metabolic level--than it does helping you lose weight, 'Course, lot of folks don't know that. So you see fatties out destroying their joints trying to run when they should just be walking.

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24 minutes ago, The Fugitive said:

Point taken, reducing carbohydrates is definitely a good idea.

Not necessarily, that's just his view and we know all the fads out there. i would go for low fat, don't worry about carbs they fill you up and make you feel good eating when you want. Minimise fatty junk food.


People often confuse carbs = doughnuts, chips, crisps, chocolate, ice cream - these are fatty junk food


Carbs = rice, potatoes, pasta, bread

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6 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

oh dear, your mate Atkins loved fat, died obese and with heart disease, good luck

False info.


The document, a report of external examination from the chief medical examiner's office in New York, also says that at his death Dr. Atkins weighed 258 pounds. Dr. Atkins died in April last year at age 72 of a head injury from a fall on ice while walking to work.3 July 2020



Veronica Atkins was outraged by the treatment of her deceased husband in the press. She explained her husband’s weight gain was the result of the fluids pumped into his body while he was in a coma:

My husband was so bloated. He had very slender hands. And when he was in this bed, his hands were like ham hocks, this big. He was bloated, he did look like a balloon.

Her story was corroborated by Atkins’ hospital admissions form, which listed his weight at 195 lb. Numerous attending physicians attested to the weight gain during his final days of 


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6 minutes ago, BigStar said:

This is an ignorant lie you keep repeating even when you've been informed of the truth. Guess you must need it.

You like reading read these







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Most people might be shocked to learn that they consume 100 times more sugar than their ancestors did back in the 1800s. Dr. Pedre says most patients are also unaware that their sugar overload is at the root of their nagging health issues, and that when people give up sugar, these issues disappear.



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6 hours ago, The Fugitive said:
6 hours ago, Andre0720 said:

Stay away from refined sugar, not just cutting down.

This means no more Thai food, as all Thai food contains some 20% added refined sugar, granular, or from added commercial sauces.

Stay away from it...

Can't understand my Mrs. Whenever we go to a noodle restaurant she puts at least two spoonfulls of sugar in my bowl. I tell her I neither want nor need it but she persists.

Does she know she's the primary benefactor on your life insurance or is she just winging it?

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1 hour ago, BigStar said:

Ah, lucky you, hee. Or, maybe not.


Or maybe it's not really everything after all. Have you glanced at your liver lately? Hmm. Well, let's see the numbers and hear about the meds before we celebrate. For some reason, our members are reluctant to reveal all the details about those. 




Everything good? Waist to height ratio?

Last I had checks done after cycling accident all was fine, I take one amlodopine not sure of the spelling, have done for the last 20 years 

I don't weigh myself or visit doctors for check ups, why? Becase I feel great all my body functions give me no cause for concern

I fit into shorts and trousers stored in Thailand for 20 years ????

During my last 14 years working in the Uk I cycled a 30klm round trip, often working 7 days a week 


Nah I earned my icecreams and cakes, liver is great I have not touched alcohol for 16 years, but hey before that dangerous levels, for sure fish and chips almost daily, worked on a farm fried breakfast every morning,,???? guy I worked for same diet, smoked until 60, never drank a drop, died at 92 


I am happy with my health loving cycling to and fro to the farm, lugging bales and grass 

I will keep 'earning' my ice cream and cakes thank you it seems to increase my 'luck' health-wise never been one to ask doctors if they can find something wrong or if my waist is too wide for my height ???? you see I know because my trousers get too tight ????

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8 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

Does she know she's the primary benefactor on your life insurance or is she just winging it?

Oh yes, she knows. She took it out because her friend's husband recently passed away from alcoholism at my age leaving no savings. Widow had to find 150,000 baht for his funeral. Pay out upon my death will be 300,000.

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