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Feng Shui in Thai house building


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Many of you will probably already know most of these, but to Thai people these concepts are very important as far as health, wealth, and happiness are concerned.


The accompanied images and comments are in Thai language only, but most will understand from the imagery.


If need be, get your Thai partner or a friend to interpret and translate them for you.





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I know this all too well.


We recently had to change the way we enter our house because some old lady said that our Entrance is wrong (fortunately not the door) but the way we enter our Patio and via that enter our House.


So my wife was busy with friends all day to move plants and fish etc etc from one part to the other. It just made moving stuff (shopping) into the house a bit more difficult :thumbsup:



Edited by MJCM
Changed She to SWMBO
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7 minutes ago, MJCM said:

Can you post some of the ALLOWED (green checkmark) as well?


Hopefully we have some of those right ????

555... Sorry, no have!


But I know there are many more... for example, if using steps (both inside or outside the house) they must be an odd number (never even).

A bit like the odd number of fish in the tank, as above.

I'm not sure of the reason(s) why but every Thai builder knows this.


And another one, it is considered bad luck and unhealthy to have the head of your bed in the direction that the sun goes down ie. West.

It is better to sleep with your head at the North or South direction, or best in the East where the sun rises.


Feel free to add your own...

Edited by Encid
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7 minutes ago, Encid said:

A bit like the odd number of fish in the tank, as above.

Can't do that as they are multiplying like rabbits and would take a day to count them


7 minutes ago, Encid said:

'm not sure of the reason(s) why but every Thai builder knows this.

Yep you are right, but IMHO they will always do what the client wants even if it contradicts the Feng Shui


7 minutes ago, Encid said:

And another one, it is considered bad luck and unhealthy to have the head of your bed in the direction that the sun goes down ie. West.

It is better to sleep with your head at the North or South direction, or best in the East where the sun rises.

Absolutely true.


In the condo I had before I met my wife it was the other way around and one of the joys of having a new wife is remodelling your condo (not), so when we went to Europe for 2 months our builder changed the layout of the bedroom also changed the aircon and also added soundproofing (noisy neighbours :whistling:)

Edited by MJCM
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32 minutes ago, Encid said:


My Thai son and his Thai wife had a long session with the internal design architect for their new house including much discussion about getting the FUNG SHUI correct.


They immediately got a new copy of the drawings and quickly took the drawings to an old family friend (a Dr. of Medicine) who is an 'expert' re FUNG SHUI, he studied the drawings and suggested a couple of very small adjustments. 

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  • 4 months later...

Another Thai Feng Shui item that I only just learned about... you should never place an air-conditioning unit above your head in a bedroom, or have a ceiling mounted cassette unit that can direct cold air at your face whilst you are sleeping.


Apparently this can cause bad health.

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Feng Shui principles consider many factors relating to the internal layout of a home or unit.

Most attention is usually paid to the master bedroom and living area.

The living area should draw the "yang energy"... it should be airy and bright with good ventilation and a lot of movement.

This is one of the reasons why the balcony should be off the living room rather than bedrooms, as a balcony provides movement from from the natural environment.

This makes sense both from a design and a Feng Shui viewpoint.

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Another classic Thai Feng Shui belief is that “For double-door entrances, it would be auspicious if the two doors are of same size. If the left door is larger, the house owner might remarry, and if the right is larger, the house owner will live in loneliness”.

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