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US midterms: Republicans narrowly win back the House


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6 hours ago, ozimoron said:

Editorial: Congress needs some toddler-proofing before the GOP House majority takes power


Just as it’s a good idea to child-proof a home before having toddlers over for a birthday party, congressional Democrats should be doing what they can during the current lame-duck session to prepare for the incoming Republican House majority — a crowd that has literally announced its intention to threaten America’s fiscal stability, block election reforms and abandon Ukraine. The current Democratic majority, working with whatever responsible Republicans they can get on board, can extremist-proof Congress in some important ways between now and January.





The extremists are already there as a majority. 

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6 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

Hyperbolic comments I hope, although it is hard to know the purpose of misinformation these days.

The GOP would prefer the Ukraine conflict ended with negotiation and understanding rather than nuclear armageddon. In fact the war should never have started, and had the adults been in charge it likely wouldn't have. I noted how the rhetoric out of Kiev changed dramatically when it appeared the GOP might win both houses. 

I fail to see how bringing back jobs, boosting energy production, riding China hard etc would "threaten America’s fiscal stability", but then isn't it you that keeps saying Biden is paying down the defecit?

Block election reform by insisting on valid photo ID and only legitimate votes be counted? 


The GOP would be more understanding of Putin?  Ok......


What leads you think the Democrats have not been riding China hard?


Only legitimate votes are being counted.  If you have credible evidence to the contrary, please share it.

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33 minutes ago, heybruce said:

The GOP would be more understanding of Putin?  Ok......


What leads you think the Democrats have not been riding China hard?


Only legitimate votes are being counted.  If you have credible evidence to the contrary, please share it.

5 states that had governments that were entirely republican engaged in massive investigations of possible voter fraud. They turned up virtually nothing.

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4 hours ago, placeholder said:

5 states that had governments that were entirely republican engaged in massive investigations of possible voter fraud. They turned up virtually nothing.

Y'know, I've watched at least a couple of dozen episodes of Penn & Teller's "Fool Us" on YouTube. 


On that show, Magician Contestants perform their best magic tricks before Penn & Teller........ two world renowned Magicians........... a studio audience, and the cameras. If Penn & Teller can figure out how the trick was done, the contestant loses. If they cannot figure out how it was done, the contestant wins. For me, the show is great fun!


There have been many, many tricks performed on the show that these acclaimed expert Magicians were unable to figure out.


Do I think there was voter fraud in both 2022 and 2020? Of course, there always is. A little bit, anyway. Do I think there was "massive" voter fraud? No, I don't happen to believe there was.


But nine seasons of Penn & Teller's "Fool Us" reminds me that sometimes.......... even when experts are watching closely........ the trick may be done so expertly, that no one can figure out how it was done!


To all appearances, "magic" is what happened, rather than a Magician simply fooling us with a trick!


I think if Penn & Teller can be fooled by some really clever Magicians.......... so-called "Election Experts" can be fooled by some extremely clever fraudsters!


No, this doesn't prove that massive election fraud has occurred. But it does convince me that even though we've already looked pretty closely and not found any.......... we still shouldn't take for granted that it absolutely  hasn't happened in the past, and it cannot happen in the future!


The lesson from Penn & Teller is......


We have to remain diligent and keep looking. And we have to find ways to remain at least as smart or smarter......... than those who'd like to fool us!


If you've never seen Penn & Teller's "Fool Us," give it a look-see on YouTube! Some of the tricks are just astoundingly good!






Edited by KanchanaburiGuy
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