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It Seems…The Whole World is now FEELING Great EMPATHY for the LaoBaiXing of China. Do You?

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My Dear Friends,


What is the LaoBaiXing, anyway?


“Baixing (Chinese: 百姓; pinyin: bǎixìng; lit. 'hundred surnames') or lao baixing (Chinese: 老百姓; lit. 'old hundred surnames') is a traditional Chinese term, meaning "the people" or "commoners."[1][2] The word "lao" (Chinese: 老; lit. 'old') is often added as a prefix before "baixing".[3]

A confederation of tribes living along the Yellow River were the ancestors of what later became the Han ethnic group in China.[4][5] Several large tribes, including the Huangdi tribes (Chinese: 黄帝族), Yandi tribes (Chinese: 炎帝族), and the Yi tribes, formed an alliance that consisted of roughly 100 tribes. This alliance is the origin of the baixing (Chinese: 百姓) or the "hundred surnames."

Around 2,000 Han Chinese surnames are currently in use, but 19 of these surnames are used by about half of the Han Chinese people. About 87% of the population shares 100 surnames.”


Knowing what we now know about the predicament of the Chinese People, just how much empathy do you feel for the average commoner in China, today?


As for me, I have spent most of my life in Greater China. Most of my friends are Chinese. It bugs me, year upon year, when I see the commoners in China making the best of a very bad situation that never needed to happen, if only the guy with the Little Red Book had not taken power in 1949.


After so many years, since soon after World War Two, so many lives, so much human life has been completely wasted.


Now we are seeing a sudden, though probably temporary, resurgence in activism and protest in China. This is a symptom of the great frustration felt by people who just want safety, security, a modicum of freedom, and a better life for their families.


But, how would you feel if you were forced to live in such circumstances as those in China?  Could you hack it as well as the average man in China?  My guess is probably not. You would probably totally FREAK OUT and go Bonkers.  So many foreigners do, when they are forced to live in the same conditions as the LaoBaiXing.  Most foreigners in China live very privileged lives, and they always have an escape plan for when the going gets too tough.


These days, during recent years, the repression of basic and simple freedoms is increasing. And, living one’s life under such conditions is really not so easy.




Don’t you feel great sorrow and empathy for the LaoBaiXing?

I know that I do.

Life is truly TOUGH, my friends; please believe me.


Here in Thailand, by comparison, everybody lives a relatively charmed life. There is no question, really, concerning this fact.  You would not disagree with this statement if you were compelled to spend 10 years in China, in some random city, and in some random socioeconomic level of existence in China.


You gotta actually live there to understand what life is like in China.  And, you gotta live like a LaoBaiXing, and not as a foreigner.


Sorry for this overly-long piece of scribbling, but I got carried away with this topic.


However, if you really want to know:


The question posed in this Topic is…. Do you believe that any amount of activism and protest engaged in by the Chinese People will be enough to significantly alter life in China, one inch?


Personally, I believe that the powers that be in China now have such rigid and complete control over the People that no amount of activism will have any appreciable positive impact on the lives of the commoners, the LaoBaiXing.


Don’t you feel sorry for these people?

Can’t you empathize and cry more for the downtrodden 1.2 billion people who are now under the thumb?


I love Chinese culture, and I know many people living in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. They all want the same thing.  They want to be left alone to improve their lot in life, and that of their next generation.  They want education. They want a better life for their children. They would sacrifice almost anything for the betterment of their children’s future.


But…No matter what they do…

Under the present regime…

Their lot in life may not change, appreciably…


Don’t you cry for them, sometimes,...

Knowing their lot in life?



Best regards,




23 minutes ago, Phnom Penh Trader said:

I had a hot Lisu girlfriend in Chiang Mai does that count?


Definitely she counts.

She is ethnic Chinese. 


Most of my friends are Han, however. 


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