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Welcome To The New Thaivisa.com Look


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the 'New Look' is looking good with clean modern tones...the newly increased banner sizes seem a bit overwhelming at first though! nice job.

KD :o

I agree with kratindaeng.

Bit a shock at first ,but something,I'm getting used to.

Have a good weekend

:D Wiley Coyote

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The old colour was perfect, the new colour is depressing, change it back lads the people have spoken.

Agree, new colours are abysmal & depressing. Good thing you can change it back to the old style at the bottom left option thingy :o

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The smaller font sizes are doing my head in.

On the plus side it will mean I will spend less time suckered in to trawling the forums.

They pressing "ctrl" and "+" together. Do the fonts grow!!

I like the font - it seems narrower and easier to read, but it reverts back to the old one in the "Post" box when you reply. Maybe George can get that one changed too. :o

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Like the faster load. Color no issue.

Problem: 1. don't see log off button, in new lay out

2. Top advert banner does not load next to Thai Visa Logo. (I suppose there it was meant to be.

Instead it loads over the selection buttons view new etc. on all pages.


I'm suffering the same problem. A banner ad loads over the "view new posts", "My Controls", "My assistant", and "My Friends" links.

Is this being worked on?

Colors fine with me........but I gotta have the "View new posts" button!!


I suggest you go into your internet options and play around with the font sizes. You should be able to sort it.

I have a larger font because I have a big screen, and have no problems with the banner ad covering anything.

iam currently reading the forums in the old blue. it works fine. just pick your colour option at the bottom near the rss feed option.

change can be upsetting, cant it?

Thanks for that.......I'm in default skin and got my "view new posts" back, but I liked the new colors :o

I've got a severe case of "screenis envy" now. All my life I've been telling myself it ain't the size that matters, but how you use it. Your crushing my ego.

Do they make Viagra for computers? :D

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I don't know what you guys have done but this site is now performing on steroids. I just uploaded a 1.5MB file, took 8 seconds. So fast I thought the first time didn't work, tried a second time & eneded up posting it twice.

Good stuff.


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I haven't looked through all of the postings but I think that the new skin is GREAT. Colours are subtle, please don't change them. Text is so easy to read. Loads much faster and it's nice to see the pages on full screen now without the side adverts.

Well done. :o

I concur 100% with Artisan!

I like this theme, especially the faster loading!

The only whinge I have is the left hand "Thread Indicator" icons. I liked the blue, red green envelopes on the old theme. They were easier to distinguish than the current "folder" icons. Possible to add the envelope icons to this theme?

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Hmmm, something's different..., perhaps better, but...

Here's my vote against the gray skin. If I want to read gray text on a gray background, I'd turn my monitor brightness and/or contrast down. At least the text to background contrast in the old skin was reasonably high. Also, I'm using Mozilla on a Mac and the new font shows as a beautiful but impossible to read soft-focus anti-aliased font. I was starting to reach for the eye-glasses I don't have...

PS, I used the instructions here to switch back to the old skin.

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I gave it a try for about a day and a half then I went back to the original.

Reason: eye strain, I could not get that ctrl + thing to work for me to increase font size.

Thanks for leaving the classic skin option and perhaps that is a better name for it than: IPB 2.2.0 Default. A bit counter intuitive wouldn't you say?

I still love Thai Visa

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I think it is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Loads fast. posts fast, farking splendid.

And thanks for nixing the short-lived sponser ads interspersed with posts. They sucked, bigtime.

Colours are fantastic, soothing, and easy on the eyes.

I give you guys a 10.


Edited by mcgriffith
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T-Bell, read Mid's post above to see how you can change it back to blue.

Thanks Jim,

I did it, so good to see my baby blue back. For me I feel the 'blue' is the nice color to look at, I could spend hours on the thread without staining my eyes. :o

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  • 4 weeks later...

Everything except how the reply-posts are displayed is good, but that awful 'tree' of replies is a major downgrade.. :D

You only see the a part of the first line in the posts, cant quickly eye through the postings anymore to see if there is something interesting in them..

Now you have to click on every post to see what people actually wrote, if im not missing a new setting somewhere to bring the look of the posts back as they were before ? then it brings down the total score to a big minus on the new look and useage of the forum sorry to say..

For me i did not see a big change in loading as others have reported..

Edit: Just found and changed it back to 'standard' (big sigh of relief) :o

Edited by Whiplash
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