This then leads to the question how did this money that is now in Thailand come into your possession in Thailand. Answer that and I can answer your question.
DWP is initials for the UK government Department of Work and Pensions.
The certificate is a form sent out to pensioners living outside of the UK, for completion and return to the DWP so that they can be assured that the pensioner is still reasonably alive enough to enjoy such a wealthy gift of pension money from the UKL government.
I use a % on a ped fan. The % depends on how hot it is as the cloth obviously reduces the air flowing out.
I cover ALL of the air-con intake when the AC is needed when air temp/humidity gets too high for the ped fan.
As mentioned above by another, the 3M HEPA cloth is over-priced. Lazada has much cheaper cloth options which work just as good.
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