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Sakon Nakhon Dentist


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I needed some teeth adding to my lower denture, so the good wife booked me into one opposite the bus station in town. As she is from the town I had no other thoughts on the practice as most Thai dental clinics are very good in my experience, I even fell asleep in the chair in one. This was not to be the case this time. We were greeted by a middle aged Thai lady dressed in a yellow jersey and black dress I presumed was the assistant, she said to wait a few minutes. I was called in to sit in the chair, no air con just a ceiling fan and the place looked a little grubby. I told here I wanted a cost for four teeth to be added to my lower denture. She took out both lower and upper dentures and asked about colour. Then disappeared into the next room on the phone it was when she came back that I noticed the plastic gloves had yellow stains on them and were dirty. She had had them in my mouth. I told her that I was not happy and she had not given me price and wished to leave. She blocked me in the chair, saying that she never had a complaint before I refused and got my way out of the chair. Only now to be told that the total 14 teeth would cost 14000 B.It was  then I realised she had taken my teeth into a rear room and said I would need to pay 2900B to get them back. I offered her 1000 but she wanted the full amount. My wife had huge argument with her but she demanded the money. I said leave it and said let’s go to the Police even without teeth. The wife went into the back room returns some minutes later my teeth in hand. Wife said Her dental clinic was filthy with old food and rusty tools in the back and that she had hidden my teeth in draw We were out of the shop. Some days later we were called to the. Police station and asked why we went to that dentist as she is known for this and that they  had 20 cases outstanding even one against the Police 157 for negligence. We had a lawyer he too knew if the woman. We are being charge for stealing my teeth obstruction and trespassing, she is asking for 50000B. The Police and my lawyer seem to be scared of her? When I asked why I was told she takes the police to court at the drop of a hat has the time and is backed by an inheritance of 200million B. What a way to go. My next call I got was to tell me my central heating boiler at home in the UK has gone on the blink and needs replacing. Heads up

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Toothmate dental Clinic. As below. Highly recommend. Have had dentures made plus other work. Extremely happy. Female dentist. Speaks fluent English. Unfortunately receptionist doesn't speak english. Get your missus to call for appointment.


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