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Alternatives to Bravecto and Nexgard for Dogs?

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I've noticed a couple of things recently regarding 'bug meds' for dogs in the last year.
1. The prices have almost tripled in many cases; and
2. That's if you can find it online.

Like many things in my life, I set a "this is BS price limit" on certain items that I are convenient but not absolute necessities.  I was able to buy pill form bug meds for my dogs for between 600 to 800 THB for three tabs not that long ago.  Now the same meds are selling at least twice the amount if not triple.  Me?  The manufacturer's have price themselves out of the range I'm willing to pay.  I'm simply not going to buy them at their new prices.

So, I'm looking for alternatives.  Anyone have suggestion as to what you're using that is still affordable?

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I’ve currently got seven dogs but have had 10 in the recent past. 

I used to purchase the brown chew believing that swallowing 100 of the tab is better and worth the extra money. In practice. One of up to 10 dogs, I gave it to would just ate the chew. I had to make it moist and create a paste and put it on some food or something to get it to swallow it a very big hassle when you’re trying to feed it to up to 10 dogs. I then opted for the Spot on version. This also has its pitfalls. My advice is don’t put it on the neck in one go put it in various spots along its back, so there’s not too much in one place because the dog will try and shake his body and shake it off. If you’ve put it in small spots, there won’t be enough to shake off, but if you’ve got a large wet patch, you’ve just administered you will see the droplets flying through the air as he shakes its self immediately after you administer it.


After first eight months of this two years trip i used to used to pay for Bravecto at about 600Baht a tablet, which lasts three months. At that time we didn’t have so many dogs, about 5.   The drugs don’t get sick regularly and I was always back and forward to the vets which was a hassle and expensive because the vet, the only one in town, would first say we need to check the blood and charge me 400 baht to check the blood on his machine. Then he would find that it was a low red blood cell count, and he would prescribe treatment for blood parasite. From what I can gather this comes from ticks. After treating nearly all my dogs over a period of nearly a year, I decided to bite the bullet and get some Bravecto that he had suggested only one time, I bought from Lazada, his price for a three month treatment was extortionate, and the reason why I had never bought it in the past. I also believe that he didn’t push it hard because this is how he made his money dogs constantly coming in with blood parasite from ticks and he didn’t want to kill his golden goose. Anybody who wanted the best for dogs would always suggest, just get some Bravecto from a cheap source which I did and I’ve never looked back.


The dogs always had skin problems worms, trying to borrow into their skin, which I believe is maybe stall fly. And general open sores and obviously ticks and fleas. After the Bravecto had become established in there system, the dogs look like show dogs all of them, biting, and scratching of their bodies, stopped no more maggots underneath their skin from the stall flies, no more, turning their head around, and trying to bite their back near to the tail where fleas had buried their eggs. The first time I saw a tick and our property ( our property ????????) was a few days ago where next doors dog came round and he had them all between his toes and some in his ears. 

There is a Facebook page called ‘Nexguard Bravecto and the Simparica etc kills dogs’ It’s got 1000s of members and is full of hysterical women commenting on posts where new members come on and post “my dog died after after taking Bravecto or similar ‘ Also the members push not vaccinating of dogs saying that that is causing I’ll effects of ‘ over vaccination’  anybody who reads that Facebook page or come away with her head is spinning, not knowing what to believe.


The women who runs it will have no dissent and if anybody tries to put a balanced argument for Bravecto she deletes the post and bans the member. 

These women on there refering to their dogs as fur babies and everyone is giving each other natural remedy recipes usually involving Garlic. Before I got banned last week I would always chime in and drop a “ I rub grated garlic and olive oil on all my fur babies “ the girls lapped it up. 

Im open to debate and it’s good to be aware of dangers from these pesticides but this group is frightening the members and stopping some dog’s getting a med which would considerably change a dogs quality of life. 

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