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Squatter's Rights?

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Endure, SBk, Boo.....

round of drinks at Jet's place :D ....she doesnt know yet....but we are throwing a party for our fav mods there :o

Ill bring the chocolates...Jet's providing the wine :D NR will bring entertainment..........doggy show :D

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I came back to add that I forgot to invite Tywais and Jaidee...and basically all the other nice mods :D

ok that should get me outta trouble now :o

Jet...am also inviting Moss...eventhough hes not a MOD...simply cos I like him :D and hes always been nice to the ladies

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..am also inviting Moss...eventhough hes not a MOD...simply cos I like him :o and hes always been nice to the ladies

Hey my friend, don't drag me into this fire fight, I only came here by accident after being referred to this forum by another, regarding a separate thread, and by the way I am a MOD, but not in the way you refer to, they are my initials :D

See you in Oxford


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OK, Miggy. Moss and all the ladies and the MODS. Then we have to invite Suegha, FS, Bopper, Grover, DSK, Terry, Robski, and Kayo. I'll get some nice Merlot for NR and Tigs. I think my Lear jet could handle 20 or so comfortably. Sheeshagunga. Next I'll have to hire the Stones for entertainment.

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back to the topic, this is a public forum don't take it so serious. chances are you will get the worst possible answer to a question on here, just take it with a pinch of salt. if you have a real problem don't rely on strangers for the answers and don't be surpised if someone says something you don't want to hear.

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I agree with what everyone's been saying about ignore, report, don't take it too seriously etc. Yes, you're all 100% correct. But that isn't (& never was) my point. My point was that these idiots shouldn't be able to come in here just to flame & try to get reactions.

I take my chances, same as anyone else, in General & other places. As a side note, in 47, I find the guys to be the nicest & most respectful of anywhere on the forum. They are unfailingly friendly & I've not been flamed there, once. That's how it should be HERE! This is the ladies forum; this is where we should get polite & useful input from males - or no input at all, if they've got nothing worthwhile to offer.

Mind you, with the exception of one person, who has made 2 comments on another thread, there has been nothing since this thread started. In that respect, I feel this thread does seem to have done some good. Not sure of the exact reason, but I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. :o

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I agree with what everyone's been saying about ignore, report, don't take it too seriously etc. Yes, you're all 100% correct. But that isn't (& never was) my point. My point was that these idiots shouldn't be able to come in here just to flame & try to get reactions.

I take my chances, same as anyone else, in General & other places. As a side note, in 47, I find the guys to be the nicest & most respectful of anywhere on the forum. They are unfailingly friendly & I've not been flamed there, once. That's how it should be HERE! This is the ladies forum; this is where we should get polite & useful input from males - or no input at all, if they've got nothing worthwhile to offer.

Mind you, with the exception of one person, who has made 2 comments on another thread, there has been nothing since this thread started. In that respect, I feel this thread does seem to have done some good. Not sure of the exact reason, but I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. :o

There was a deletion of a new post on the thread that you mentioned, by the poster you are taking about so it hasn't gotten through to everybody yet. Since I have been reading this forum, I will say that it's much better now than it was a few years ago.

I agree with NR about respect, but I wouldn't want to exclude all male posters so a few jackasses will come and post once in a while. I live and work in Bangkok and used to go to Pattaya for holidays and these types of guys can be outright hostile to foreign women in person. If I were to post a question about dealing with it on this forum I'd be shocked not to attract the flamers and I'd be surprised if the question didn't get sidetracked and go unanswered. So, some things I don't post and just deal with. A while ago, a woman posted a question about getting a breast lift surgery and was obviously sensitive about it. A seventeen year old female (now banned) poster that enjoyed flirting with some guys on the forum posted a reply about how great her own breasts are. So, it's not always the guys. We DO have questions that are specific to being female in Thailand and it would be nice not to have to confront these sentiments while seeking support from other women.

Since it's almost never an original thought that vairies from: we are all obese man-hating feminazis with no business being here. Maybe the forum can give these guys a smiley that they can use to express these sentiments as briefly as possible:


or maybe


What's 47?

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I agree with what everyone's been saying about ignore, report, don't take it too seriously etc. Yes, you're all 100% correct. But that isn't (& never was) my point. My point was that these idiots shouldn't be able to come in here just to flame & try to get reactions.

I take my chances, same as anyone else, in General & other places. As a side note, in 47, I find the guys to be the nicest & most respectful of anywhere on the forum. They are unfailingly friendly & I've not been flamed there, once. That's how it should be HERE! This is the ladies forum; this is where we should get polite & useful input from males - or no input at all, if they've got nothing worthwhile to offer.

Mind you, with the exception of one person, who has made 2 comments on another thread, there has been nothing since this thread started. In that respect, I feel this thread does seem to have done some good. Not sure of the exact reason, but I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. :D

There was a deletion of a new post on the thread that you mentioned, by the poster you are taking about so it hasn't gotten through to everybody yet.

Yes, I know. I thought I'd be a good girl & do what I was supposed to rather than employing a stiletto to the groin :o

Loved your feminazi smiley! Can you copy smileys to your signature? I'd love the small one in mine :D :D

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an idea perhaps?

some have said they accidentally come to the ladies thread cos they see it on the View New Posts function....

I dont know if this will work in keeping the bad ones away, or will it also work in making the Ladies see less of the discussion...but at least for me..I come to the ladies forum directly, and Ive subscribed to any new thread added to this forum, so anytime someone posts a new thread I become aware of it right away.

Maybe...just maybe? removing the ladies threads from the View New Posts ...might offer some limited solution to what you are looking for?

debate your views :D

and by the way...since he doesnt want it...I will un-invite Moss :o it was purely an appreciation party....the way I see it..there was no fight...and I certainly wasnt dragging anyone into any fight.....

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and by the way...since he doesnt want it...I will un-invite Moss :o it was purely an appreciation party....the way I see it..there was no fight...and I certainly wasnt dragging anyone into any fight.....

Hey Mig, I was only joking.

I was making a joking reference to the posters who, it would appear, come here just to flame and dilute your forum, not the actual party.

Badly worded on my part.


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MiGgy, I used the word "squatters" knowing exactly what I meant. As far as I was concerned they were "living" in here, trying to cause trouble. I wasn't talking about the odd guy who made an 'off' comment, because he happened to stray in because of "view new posts". These guys, IMO, were doing it on purpose, and I believe at least 2 of them were deliberately targetting some of the newer members. Maybe "stalkers" rather than "squatters"? :o

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and by the way...since he doesnt want it...I will un-invite Moss :o it was purely an appreciation party.....

Hey Mig, I was only joking.


too late now! :D

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3 stricks your out of Thaivisa!

2 stricks your out of womans forum! Us men need one good lashing at first to realize where in restricted teritory, just hit use hard ladys the men will just say what you doing posting s.......t in the ladys room? Now ya gota buy all the beer for whole week wile we listen to them complain. If ya wana talk bad with the ladys its easy to fix, but on a dress and bend over! The ladys room is foringe country and visas are restricted :o

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Who: To all TV members (minus the pricks)

What: Hot-tub Bubble Party

Where: PlainJane's Castle

When: Right Now

Dress Code: Birthday Suit advised

Passes the ball to November Rain....... Hands MiG a jar of M&Ms...... PlainJane sits on someone's lap. :o

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As a female member of ThaiVisa, I would like to say that I do not mind guys dropping by in the women's forum as long as they are nice. I hate the **w**an**kers and rude males that drop by.

It's a forum. If you ladies feel that strongly about keeping this a women's forum, then maybe, someone should suggest that only females are allowed entry.

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"If you ladies"? :o shouldn't that be "If ladies?" I for one think it adds spice to the forum and the Mods usually root out the flamers/trolls.Sure there are the serial offenders but better to ignore them or they just keep coming back.It's like saying if you are not gay stay out of the gay forum.

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This is a recurrent problem and each time it is raised the suggestion to keep this forum out of the "view new posts" section is made but AFAIK it hasn't been tried.

I think it should be.

I always go directly to the Ladies Forum since, as a woman, I want to communicate with other women. "View New Posts" is a function I use to scan for possibly interesting topics in foprums I don;t rorutinely frequent.

I think most women in LOS will go to the Ladies Forum automatically too, for the same reason.

Let's give it a try (not being on the "View New Posts". It won't completely stop the problem but I bet it will reduce it, and also help improve the female:male ratio of the posts here. Like others have said, no problem with having men make appropriate posts from time to time, but I am with Cathyy in that I would prefer to see the majority of posts be female....after all, that's what the forum is for.

As for "3 strikes"...make it 2 maximum; only 1 if the post was really really offensive.

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This is a recurrent problem and each time it is raised the suggestion to keep this forum out of the "view new posts" section is made but AFAIK it hasn't been tried.

Looking into it now Sheryl and will get back to you as to the mod/admin consensus and viability.

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This is a recurrent problem and each time it is raised the suggestion to keep this forum out of the "view new posts" section is made but AFAIK it hasn't been tried.

Looking into it now Sheryl and will get back to you as to the mod/admin consensus and viability.

Any update?

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.Sure there are the serial offenders but better to ignore them or they just keep coming back.It's like saying if you are not gay stay out of the gay forum.

No, it's not like saying "if you're not gay stay out of the gay forum" -- it's like saying "if you hate gays, and just want to make disparaging comments about gays that contribute nothing to the discussion, then stay out of the gay forum."

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I also agree with sbk, why should we restrict our forum from the rest of it. May as well get rid of the ladies section altogether if we are going to start hiding from the idiots & trolls.

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The suggestion wasn't to hide it, just exclude it from the View New Posts list so that people didn't post in here with out realising. Anyone, male or female, troll or non-troll, would be able to see the forum perfectly well from the main, master forum menu list.

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