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Thaksin Completes Man City Buyout


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Anything we've accused him of doing in this thread is directly related to rixalex's point.... and pretty much, the accusations and associated points have all been self-evident.

We're not having a go at MCFC, we're having a go at its owner. If he had bought the Nome Alaska Junior Ice Hockey Team, we'd be having a go at him in that thread, as well.

As I pointed out very early on in this thread, this tyrannical despot purchasing MCFC transcends the actual sports team itself. If you chose to accept just any owner for your preferred sports team, that's your right and certainly you are entitled to your own opinion, the same as all of us.

I, personally, would prefer to be a unrepentant fan of my own preferred team, even if they continued to perform like crap, rather than accept the dirty money from a tainted murderous owner whose temporary possessor-ship might improve my team for a transient period of time. I would consider that as having unbroken pride in my life-long team over winning at any and all cost.

Indeed, if you have pride in the club you support, there are some things which are more important than winning.

It's fair to say though that a good many supporters crave success so dearly that they don't care at what cost it comes.

Take for example the times when a team wins because of simulation, ie a player dives to get a penalty that wins the game. If my team ever does that (and it has) i never celebrate the win - just feel let down and saddened. There are however plenty of others who couldn't care less whether their team has won through cheating or not - a win to them is a win. I find that sad but that's the mentality.

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Btw, this thread is about Thaksin buying Man City, club's football life is discussed elsewhere and I (we) don't bother you there, in sports forum.

In my (our) opinion the saga of three Thai players has nothing to do with Man City's actual performance on the pitch but with Thaksin using his position as the owner to use Man City's name for his own purposes.

I don't believe his main concern was Thai national team but his own political standing. Once he got the publicity the players were dumped and forgotten.

These players could have earned the same money playing in Vietnam, and they would have lived life of the kings there, and played first team football.

The idea that when these guys return to Thailand they will introduce modern training methods they picked up in Manchester or Switzerland is implausible. This is a very roundabout way - they could have sent Thai coach to take a course at professional school, or observe western managers in action. Now they will have players telling their manager how to do his job. Ridiculous.

The likelyhood of the three Thai players ever playing in the EPL is pretty slim, and slim is on his way out of town.

The signings coincided with the run up to the general election, and nothing that has been said or done since suggests that they were signed on footballing ability. They have been farmed out to Grasshoppers now, which was always likely, as they are unable to satisfy the criteria for WP's in the UK. I certainly agree, that if they had wanted to play regular football and be rewarded accordingly then a move Vietnam, Malaysia or Singapore would have been more realistic and better for their developing football careers. The sad thing is that the Thai Football Association has been complicit in this complete farce, where they should have been protecting their players and giving the right type of advice at this stage in the career. In the end they were Thaksin's shiny toys for a few weeks, but now they have served their purpose the rest is rather inevitable.

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Rixalex's Grande Personal and Political Gain Promotion Parade continues...

Man City may tour Thailand

Manchester City are likely to tour Thailand in May, according to FAT president Worawi Makudi. The English Premier League side, which is owned by Thaksin Shinawatra, has yet to confirm the trip. Worawi also said Suree Sukha, Kiatprawut Saiwaew and Teerasil Dangda are waiting for a date to join Swiss side Grasshopper Zurich. The trio were signed by City on November 16 last year, but were unable to obtain work permits to play in the UK.

Continued here:



btw, they signed on November 16 and went unpaid for 76 days? :D

and meanwhile, they're still waiting to join a team, even just the Swiss team? :o

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btw, they signed on November 16 and went unpaid for 76 days? :D

I believe they actually signed the contract in November but it didn't start until January. I signed a contract for a house i'm buying 3 weeks ago, we complete March 15th. Normal transaction, nothing different here.

and meanwhile, they're still waiting to join a team, even just the Swiss team? :o

And they are still being paid by City. The visas were only rejected (again) recently and it takes time for paperwork to be sorted.

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Publicity stunt or not, he brought over several players and also asked the national coach his opinion on who had the potential. Sven then had a look at them and agreed there could be potential.

Hold on, he didn't bring several players, he asked Swen specifically to look at three Thai players who have no chance of actually playing for the club, and then asked Swen to fly half around the world and "sign" them.

Wrong. Sven went over to Thailand to sign the players AFTER they had already trialled over here in the UK.

But Swen did a good ass kissing job, flying to Thailand and looking excited, attaboy!

Yep, good old Sven, doing exactly the same as managers of every other club do and that is to promote the club they are being paid by. Fergusson was out in Saudi the other week doing the same

And now Sven is even at the mercy of your wrath. I bet he's quaking in his Volvo.

Swen's only excuse is that he can't say to to the owner. I don't claim to know everything there's to know about football, but no manager would fly to a foreign country to personally sign players who will never ever play, and we are not talking about Ronaldo kind of players who need to be caught before someone else gets them.

I do not believe you think Swen made a professional decision there, political, yes, professional - no.

Maybe your right

BTW, do you know that Thai is not a widely spoken language in Switzerland and the guys don't speak any European languages either?

Do you know Argentinian isn't widely spoken in Manchester? I met Carlos Tevez the other day, can hardly speak a word of English and he seems to be coping just fine.

He's there top goal scorer (after Ronaldo), I bet they have staff assigned to make sure he doesn't get lost.

Just the same as the staff they have assigned at Man City. For any Thai now at Man City it must feel like home. I was there the other week and believe me, there are plenty of official Thai staff (as well as some Chinese), with perfect English speaking ability. Even our web site is in English, Thai and Chinese now.

Now these orphans will be trying to get noticed by the Swiss.

However, if you are trying to make a lame point that they are young and out in the world on their own. Tough, i joined the Royal Navy at sixteen and didn't consider myself an orphan, do you think Christiano Ronaldo and many, many other young foreigners think that way? Get real.

They are orphans in a sense that person who took them out of their home country has abandoned them. It's a bit different than serving in the Navy, don't you think? Do you think are as interested in their well being as if they were three potential Ronaldos?

Do you honestly expect Thaksin to hold their hands every day? Get real man, as i said above, there are plenty of Thai/English speaking staff at City now who can hold these 'adults' hands.

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As they were HIS symbols of Thai football... and were working the publicity for HIS benefit... one would have hoped he had the moral fiber to advance them a bit of money until they got paid officially.

As HE stood to benefit the most of all of this, one would have hoped he would make sure they had a bit more than 15 pounds a day while slogging it around for over two months... on whatever money their poor parents could send them.

One would hope that with all the mileage he was getting out of using them, that he would at least insure that they had more than Mama noodles for the harsh English winters. Instead of taking the keen interest and attention they deserved for serving HIS purposes, he essentially abandoned them before the publicity photo shoots were even dry.

This all, of course, requires a moral compass, which Thaksin broke when he was 20 and never bothered to fix.

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As they were HIS symbols of Thai football... and were working the publicity for HIS benefit... one would have hoped he had the moral fiber to advance them a bit of money until they got paid officially.

As HE stood to benefit the most of all of this, one would have hoped he would make sure they had a bit more than 15 pounds a day while slogging it around for over two months... on whatever money their poor parents could send them.

One would hope that with all the mileage he was getting out of using them, that he would at least insure that they had more than Mama noodles for the harsh English winters. Instead of taking the keen interest and attention they deserved for serving HIS purposes, he essentially abandoned them before the publicity photo shoots were even dry.

This all, of course, requires a moral compass, which Thaksin broke when he was 20 and never bothered to fix.

I can guarantee Thaksin never knew nothing about that. It was reported once and he got it sorted straight away, that's why it's not been heard about since.

He spent a fortune on bringing the Thai national team over and the coaching staff, as well as free food for everyone who went to the match against City reserves. Yes, this was for publicity but why spend so much on publicity to have it ruined because he hasn't paid a few quid to the three Thai players.

Get real, he is probably ripping about that bad publicity, more than the Thai players are about not getting paid.

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When he sent Ericsson to sign those guys they were on the evening TV news and front pages of every paper next day while you need an eagle eye to spot the story about their payments or transfer to Switzerland. I can't even find that story on their website anymore.

Swen went on a business trip to China, I believe, stopover in Thailand was a photo-op on behalf of Thaksin.

As for inviting Thai national team over for training - I have no idea if that did them any good. They were thrashed by Japan 4-0, I believe.

Thai FA should have qualified people to choose their training camps, Thaksin's not that kind of person, if he wants to help, they should take his money.

I suppose you don't expect Swen being forced into similar choices for Man City training. Imagine Thaksin sends them to Thailand for a month in the off season and Swen has no say in it.

Actually all I wanted to say is that you put your blind trust in Thaksin's generousity at your own peril. You are not the first one. Enjoy while it lasts but be careful.

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Actually all I wanted to say is that you put your blind trust in Thaksin's generousity at your own peril.

I know what you are saying Plus (and others) and i don't feel he is generous at all, i just have to speak up when i think something is said which i think isn't the whole picture. I know this is a business transaction for him, he has even had the ghaul to be honest :D and say it upfront. He will sell Man City but when i don't know but one thing is almost for sure, it will be for a profit for him. He has said that he has a five year plan to wake a "sleeping giant". If he does this and and brings us some success and then sells us, i'll be extremely happy with that.

You are not the first one. Enjoy while it lasts but be careful.


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Actually all I wanted to say is that you put your blind trust in Thaksin's generousity at your own peril. You are not the first one. Enjoy while it lasts but be careful.

Hmmmmm........those villagers in Atsamat are still waiting for the payoff too. :o

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It doesn't get much more mixed up than this in terms of priorities...

Thaksin reassures City despite expected arrest on return home

Thaksin Shinawatra, the Manchester City chairman, is expected to be arrested when he returns to Thailand tomorrow after a 17-month exile, but, if that news is likely to alarm the club and their supporters, he has moved to assure City that he expects the process to allow him to clear his name and to reclaim £800 million of frozen assets, some of which will go to Sven-Göran Eriksson’s transfer kitty. :o

Thaksin, the former Prime Minister of Thailand, is due on a flight from Hong Kong to Bangkok this evening for his first visit to his homeland since he was overthrown from government in a bloodless coup in September 2006. He has told confidants that he expects to be arrested on corruption charges relating to his time in power, but that he believes that he will be bailed immediately, allowing him to start the negotiation process with the ruling People’s Power Party, which is regarded in some quarters as a proxy for Thaksin while he is barred from political office.

With fears in Bangkok that his return might spark riots, such are the conflicting emotions he arouses in his countrymen, sources in Thailand have suggested that the process might not be quite so straightforward as Thaksin has been led to believe. But the 58-year-old has assured his colleagues in Manchester that his return to Bangkok will bring benefits to City, who were unable to invest as much money as Eriksson hoped in the January transfer window due to the fact that Thaksin’s assets were frozen. The chairman and owner has assured the club that some of those funds will be given to Eriksson to strengthen his squad in the summer.

Thaksin’s takeover in the summer has transformed City on and off the pitch, but there has been a perception at the City of Manchester Stadium that his focus on the club has lessened somewhat in recent months as he has been in Hong Kong and Dubai, trying to negotiate his return to Thailand. A regular and very visible figure in Manchester in the opening months of the season, he has not attended a City match since the 3-1 home defeat by Arsenal on February 2, prompting some speculation that he might look to sell the club in the medium term.

- The Times (UK)

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He's leading those gullible Man City supporters a merry old dance, eh? All those grand plans a few months ago and now he's looking to possibly ditch the club like a sweet wrapper. Still, Mr BJ got his freemeal, marvelled at the boss's generosity and felt No. 1 for a match or two. Now it's probably back to obscurity when Frank loses interest in the pale blue sideshow I guess and picks up a new rag to worry. :o

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It's a crock alright, but I don't think it's gold...

Thaksin's Thai return could bring City a crock of gold


Sven-Goran Eriksson could be handed significant transfer funds if Thaksin Shinawatra is successful in clearing his name when he returns to Thailand tomorrow to face allegations of multi-million-pound fraud. The former Thai prime minister is preparing to fly from Hong Kong tonight after taking the unexpected decision to return to his native country for the first time since taking over Manchester City last summer.

He expects to be arrested and bailed but, after several weeks of private bargaining, he is confident the ruling PPP party will subsequently clear him and he will then attempt to regain control of the £800 million worth of assets that were seized and frozen last year.

The implications for City are enormous because, if all goes according to plan, Thaksin will redirect some of the money to make them one of the most financially powerful clubs in Europe.

Eriksson will then be in charge of an extensive recruitment programme to ensure that City are in a better position to qualify for the Champions League during his second year in charge. The team are currently eighth in the Premier League, their lowest position of the season, six points off fourth place after losing 2-0 at home to Everton on Monday.

Thaksin has since been living as an exile in London, but his prospects of a return to Thailand were raised at the turn of the year when the PPP was elected.

The party is known to be sympathetic to him even though during his time in government he was frequently challenged with allegations of corruption, dictatorship, tax evasion and human-rights offences.

Thaksin has been described by Human Rights Watch as a "human-rights abuser of the worst kind" but he denies any wrongdoing and has always stated that he would return to Thailand when it was safe to do so.

Thaksin firmly believes that his enemies in Thailand are no longer in a position of power and there is no sense of apprehension at City that his decision could result in him being imprisoned. Thaksin, quite simply, would not be returning if he had not been given categorical assurances.

Eriksson, in turn, could have more transfer money at his disposal than any other club in Europe but would also be under added pressure to end the club's 32-year wait for a trophy.

- The Guardian (UK)

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Thaksin returns to Thailand to clear his name as City hope for summer cash boost

Manchester City chairman Thaksin Shinawatra expects to be arrested in Thailand on Thursday after making the shock decision to return to his home country for the first time since taking control of the Barclays Premier League club last summer.

Wanted on corruption charges, Thaksin expects to be arrested and bailed and will then endeavour to begin the process of negotiation with the ruling PPP party that he hopes will enable him to clear his name and regain control of £800 million of assets that were seized and frozen last year.

Sources have told Sportsmail today that Thaksin expects to redirect some of the money towards City - which will be good news for manager Sven Goran Eriksson as he looks to strengthen the City squad in the summer.

Thaksin's prospects of a return to Thailand were raised at the turn of the year when the PPP party triumphed in his country's elections.

The party is known to be sympathetic to him and it is now expected that the charges against him will eventually be dropped.

In recent weeks Thaksin has been spending most of his time in Hong Kong and Dubai as he has attempted to negotiate his return to Thailand.

He has attended only one City match in recent weeks, the home defeat to Arsenal in January.

- Evening Standard (UK)


This article and the one above both reference how Thaksin is going to be cleared of the charges by the government.

Are things done differently in the UK? :o

Is not the judiciary system the one that determines whether or not someone is cleared of charges in the UK?

It is here in Thailand.

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Welcome to how Thailand is perceived. The implication, probably sourced from Thaksin's press boys {Lord Bell}, is that the charges are/were politically motivated, and with the democracy restored, the legitimate government will move to expunge them. As I noted, the chances are Thaksin will not face any music, and the rest of the world won't care. Will PAD be able to do anything, or civil society here? I doubt it, especially once spin master Jacob is in full control of the positivist media.

By the by, anyone else concerned about the Nation Express move?


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This article and the one above both reference how Thaksin is going to be cleared of the charges by the government.

Are things done differently in the UK? :o

Is not the judiciary system the one that determines whether or not someone is cleared of charges in the UK?

It is here in Thailand.

I think in Thailand agroup can overthrow a democratically elected, popular government and then pass new retroactive laws so that they are not prosecuted for doing such?

I hope PAD can do something about that.

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add another 100 million pounds frozen to the previous articles...

Man City owner Thaksin faces home arrest

Thaksin Shinawatra, the Manchester City chairman, faces arrest when he returns to Thailand tomorrow for the first time in 17 months to fight corruption charges.

Thaksin, the former Thai prime minister who was deposed in a bloodless military coup in September 2006, returns following elections in his homeland earlier this year and expects to be bailed before opening negotiations with the new government about the release of about £900 million of assets that were frozen last year.

The seizure of those assets last summer did not prevent Thaksin completing his £40 million takeover of City, nor the funding of Sven-Goran Eriksson's overhaul of the club's squad. It is believed, however, that should the businessman secure the release of his funds, a significant sum will be fed on to the Premier League club, undoubtedly strengthening Eriksson's hand in the summer transfer market.

Rakkiat Wattapong, the Supreme Court Secretary-General, said earlier this week that Thaksin would be detained when he arrived.

Thaksin remains a divisive figure in his home country and there are fears that his return will trigger further upheaval. His return has been facilitated by the election of a government made up largely of former Thaksin allies, and he is confident of a successful outcome to his legal problems, although opposition parties have warned of the possibility of extensive unrest if there is suspicion of government intervention in the judicial process.

His government faced allegations of corruption, fraud, tax evasion and human-rights abuses, including 2,500 extrajudicial killings that attracted criticism from international agencies including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

At the time of Thaksin's takeover of City, Human Rights Watch claimed Thaksin was "a human-rights abuser of the worst kind" and should not have passed the Premier League's 'fit and proper person' test. While there was some opposition from City supporters to the takeover, it never reached the levels that helped force Thaksin to abandon his efforts to buy Liverpool three years previously, and any dissent there may have been has been effectively silenced by results on the pitch.

The businessman's millions persuaded Eriksson to resume his managerial career at the City of Manchester Stadium and the transformation at the club has been profound. City have unexpectedly challenged for a top-four place, although Monday's insipid display against Everton confirmed that the side remain a work in progress and reinforced the manager's view that a top-seven finish and a place in next season's Uefa Cup is a more realistic ambition.

While Eriksson may have been surprised by the success of his squad, hastily assembled before the start of the season and bolstered last month, he is anxious to mount a serious challenge to the top four over the next two seasons and for that he will need access to Thaksin's millions. :o

- The Telegraph (UK)

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sheesh... add a FURTHER 100 million pounds to the frozen funds kitty...

from the thread:


Deputy Leader Of The People Power Party To Stand Trial For Attempted Murder, Former Thaksin Cabinet Minister and 7 Police Officers accused

The commission's decision comes amid expectations that Thaksin, who has been in exile since a September 2006 military coup that saw his Thai Rak Thai party banned, would return home tomorrow to fight the corruption charges against him and reclaim an estimated £1billion frozen by the government.

- The Financial Times

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Sorry I haven't posted an article, but there is a snippet in the Bangkok Post today regarding the three political dummies that Man Citys signed before Christmas. The plot thickens further now, as it appears at present that they may not even play in Switzerland, as they ave only be granted a 6 month tourist visa. So, maybe they are just going there on holiday, but whatever, it shows what a complete crock of <deleted> the whole thing was in the first place.

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Thanks for the heads up, mrtoad... I don't typically visit their sports section....

Thai trio given tourist visas

The future of the three Thai Manchester City players who are on loan to a Swiss club has taken another twist as they have only received tourist visas from that country. Thailand internationals Suree Sukha, Kiatprawut Saiwaew and Teerasil Dangda were signed for City in November but have failed to get work permits to play for the English club. They have since been loaned to Grasshopper Zurich. The trio said they only got six-month tourist visas and not work permits from the Swiss Embassy in Bangkok. Teerasil initially misunderstood that he had received a work permit but later found that it was a tourist visa. "I cannot do anything. I have to wait for City people to solve the problem. I hope I get a chance to play in Europe," he said.

Continued here:



To clarify my earlier inquiries further, I'm fully aware of the UK's long and proud tradition of judiciary management of criminal cases. My British grandmother is no doubt rolling in her grave over these newspapers' grossly inaccurate reporting and over-zealous slanting of the news.

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Thanks for the heads up, mrtoad... I don't typically visit their sports section....

Thai trio given tourist visas

The future of the three Thai Manchester City players who are on loan to a Swiss club has taken another twist as they have only received tourist visas from that country. Thailand internationals Suree Sukha, Kiatprawut Saiwaew and Teerasil Dangda were signed for City in November but have failed to get work permits to play for the English club. They have since been loaned to Grasshopper Zurich. The trio said they only got six-month tourist visas and not work permits from the Swiss Embassy in Bangkok. Teerasil initially misunderstood that he had received a work permit but later found that it was a tourist visa. "I cannot do anything. I have to wait for City people to solve the problem. I hope I get a chance to play in Europe," he said.

Continued here:



To clarify my earlier inquiries further, I'm fully aware of the UK's long and proud tradition of judiciary management of criminal cases. My British grandmother is no doubt rolling in her grave over these newspapers' grossly inaccurate reporting and over-zealous slanting of the news.

A total farce to be fair, but the Thaialand FA are partly responsible for this total and utter cock up, as they have been complicit in all of this. No doubt that received some kickbacks :o

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He's leading those gullible Man City supporters a merry old dance, eh? All those grand plans a few months ago and now he's looking to possibly ditch the club like a sweet wrapper. Still, Mr BJ got his freemeal, marvelled at the boss's generosity and felt No. 1 for a match or two. Now it's probably back to obscurity when Frank loses interest in the pale blue sideshow I guess and picks up a new rag to worry. :D

Who do you think you're talking to. You know absolutely nothing about me and probably Man City either. By all means give constructive critism about the topic, like SJ, Tony Clifton and Plus etc even though i might not agree with them, i appreciate their honesty of their views.

But you haven't the foggiest idea, so keep referance to me personally out of your posts but by all means carry on posting, i'll just ignore you. :o

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Thaksin’s takeover in the summer has transformed City on and off the pitch, but there has been a perception at the City of Manchester Stadium that his focus on the club has lessened somewhat in recent months as he has been in Hong Kong and Dubai, trying to negotiate his return to Thailand. A regular and very visible figure in Manchester in the opening months of the season, he has not attended a City match since the 3-1 home defeat by Arsenal on February 2, prompting some speculation that he might look to sell the club in the medium term.

Paper talk and scare mongering. Believe me, at City there is no perception that his focus has lessened, EVERY supporter knew the situation and that he would be returning for trial at some point soon.

As for selling the club, nothing new there, i've commented on it already. He stated right at the outset his intentions. And that was to turn Man City round, build it up and eventually (approx 4-5 years) sell the club for a profit. The good thing is that we are all well aware and have been from the beginning, unlike the Liverpool fans who are totally in the dark as to what is happening.

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He's leading those gullible Man City supporters a merry old dance, eh? All those grand plans a few months ago and now he's looking to possibly ditch the club like a sweet wrapper. Still, Mr BJ got his freemeal, marvelled at the boss's generosity and felt No. 1 for a match or two. Now it's probably back to obscurity when Frank loses interest in the pale blue sideshow I guess and picks up a new rag to worry. :D

Who do you think you're talking to. You know absolutely nothing about me and probably Man City either. By all means give constructive critism about the topic, like SJ, Tony Clifton and Plus etc even though i might not agree with them, i appreciate their honesty of their views.

But you haven't the foggiest idea, so keep referance to me personally out of your posts but by all means carry on posting, i'll just ignore you. :o

Sometimes the truth hurts, eh?

I post more in reference to Toxin than Man city, but I do hate to see people used for personal gain, whether the villagers in Isaan or the long-suffering fans of a football club sprung to the limelight by one man's reckless ambition to control a country. :D

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I don't remember if I mentioned this before, but Man City was one of the world's richest clubs when Thaksin bought it? Thaksin paid for all of it, including their debts, he bought players, he hired Ericsson, he promised to invest even more. How much does he intend to sell it for? What would be considered a profit after five years of hard work? He didn't buy it cheap in the first place.

Unless he turns the club into a global brand, all their revenues are gate receits and TV rights, and possibly occasionaly Champion's League place.

I don't think even Abramovich can sell Chelsea and make profit, and it's an undeniable success story.

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Note that Thaksin is asking for permission to travel overseas whilst on trial, quoting his Man City 'commitments'. I don't think he'd come back unless he was sure he'd get that permission, and then if he sees the SC Assets case can't be swung he may decide Man City are very important and need his urgent personal attention.

Don't worry Mr BJ, Thaksin loves you more than I can say.(Leo Sayer mid-70s).

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