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Buy Alcohol In Thailand


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Hi guys,

Saturday, i went to a supermarket to buy some beer for a friend party.

Arrived to the counter, the woman told me than i can't buy these 10 beers :D

She shows me a short notice mentionning: "Alcohol can't be buy during this -strict- hours: 11:00 am to 2:00 pm and from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm".

The time was 4:55 pm...i just need to wait 5 mins...'cause i don't understand why? I don't buy in these shops...but i believe it's in all shops in town.

Did you know why we can't buy alcohol only during this time?

I guess it's for prevent ppl to drink alcohol during the day....but i can buy alcohols before 2:00 pm and drink them just after.

Thanks to give me an aswer to this amazing law...:o


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My understanding is that if you buy a larger quantity that is okay. I'm not totally sure but I think it may be around 15 litres. I'm sure that someone could could confirm the exact amount.

Yes, it can be a pain, when you go shopping for your weekly groceries on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon and you are to early to buy alcohol, but hey chill. There are plenty of other places that will sell it. Supermarkets are just a lot stricter on enforcing this law.

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Apparently this law is to curb alchohol consumption & prevent drink driving. In your opinion, do you think this will work?


if you want to buy 4 bottles of jack daniels you cant but add a box of singha to them and you'll be drinking in no time :o

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yea, most stores will abide by this, although ive seen 7-11 and family mart ignore this a ton of times but i've also been shut down hard by them in the past too. I remember learning about this law when i first came out a few years back when i was picking up a case of sangsom. It was under 10 Litres, so i had to buy a beer or two ( UGH beer is gross) to get over the limit. I guess its pretty offside that you cant get a bottle but you can pick up A CASE during the "sober-hours" but realistically the avg Thai citizen will not be purchasing a case of sangsom in order to get around these regulations. Although any non chain store, or independent store will not pay attention to these laws anyway.

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I see that no one has managed to answer the OP's original question. Nice job all!

The "So Called' Reason behind the law was to make it harder for kids to get there hands on alchohol. 2-5 is when most kids get out of school, and are unsupervised. Prime time for them to buy liquor. Unfortunately, they only enforce the law at the big stores, not the mom and pop stores, where the enforcement would be more beneficial.

I more practical law would have been to actually enforce the existing drinking age, by making alchohol buyers show their IDs. With strict penalties for non compliance. That, of course, won't happen any time soon, so you have this do nothing law, that, as you pointed out, is quite an inconvenience.


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Thank God for the voice of reason that is jbowman. I'm surprised others didnt whine that it's obviously an anti-farang move and if they don't change it immediately, we should all go to Cambodia, which is wonderful and you can do anything you like and you can live for 20 bucks a week, including as many girls as you want blah blah blah blah blah.

Honestly, how difficult our lives must be so that we feel upset enough about something so miniscule as to come to Thaivisa to write about it. Fancy having to structure our freakin days around when we can or cannot buy our cheap as piss bottles of chang? What a disaster.

i despair. I truly despair.

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Thanks to give me an aswer to this amazing law...:o

It used to be the same in some ways in the UK; maybe it still is - I forget.

On a Sunday, the supermarkets would close off their alcohol aisles at certain times, and the local corner shop used to tell me that I was not able to buy the drink I wanted at 3pm on a Sunday afternoon...as he cheerfully put them into a bag for me :-)

Seems like the same here to me. All the 7-11s have the signs up, but when I used to buy alcohol, I never got refused irrespective of the time. But supermarkets seemed a bit more strict.

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  • 3 years later...

In big shops you CAN buy alcohol between 11am and 2pm and 5pm and midnight. So if you want to drink buy it after 5pm or before 2pm.

You CAN'T buy alcohol between 2pm and 5pm (which is wear I usually get caught out if I forget!) - they usually apologise and point at some sign.

*I find that this is only really in national chains e.g: 7/11, family mart, big-c, tesco-lotus, etc or maybe a big shop in town - However, if you are buying a box of beers or large quantity they can still sell it to you.

You could always go to a smaller shop just outside town run privately buy a Thai, they will rarely turn down a sale. What's more it's cheaper at these places anyway, however don't expect to find anything other than Chang or Leo beer or some cheap whiskey.

*This rule also applies in some restaurants and bars, but again only really the chains... e.g: MK etc. Go to a smaller thai or farrang bar or restaurant, no problem.

-- What's more there are also annoying national holidays ;-) where you can't buy alcohol AT ALL, well at least in most places... of course in places like pattaya or certain area in BKK there are those (that have friends in the law ;-) ) who can still serve on these days. My advice if you are planning a party on one of these national holidays buy it a few days before to avoid getting thirsty.

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Bendix: is that really you or did someone inherit your screen name from TV's guide to members with no sense of humour? :)

Anyways welcome back!

Check the date on Bendix' post :) He is still around, last seen in June 2010

Thomas, any particular reason you dredged up a thread whose last post was made a year before you joined TV?

Edited by Crossy
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I forgot the times again today... and found this post and decided to write in it. Why should the age of a post matter?

Bendix: is that really you or did someone inherit your screen name from TV's guide to members with no sense of humour? :)

Anyways welcome back!

Check the date on Bendix' post :) He is still around, last seen in June 2010

Thomas, any particular reason you dredged up a thread whose last post was made a year before you joined TV?

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I forgot the times again today... and found this post and decided to write in it. Why should the age of a post matter?

Bendix: is that really you or did someone inherit your screen name from TV's guide to members with no sense of humour? :)

Anyways welcome back!

Check the date on Bendix' post :) He is still around, last seen in June 2010

Thomas, any particular reason you dredged up a thread whose last post was made a year before you joined TV?

It's kind of funny that you did bring this thread back to life. I couldn't remember the hours as I usually shop at Thai wholesale liquor shops and they sell anytime they are open, but they close by 10 PM. I had invited someone over for a gin and tonic last night just past midnight. I went to one 7/11 and they said no, and told me to go to the other 7/11 around the corner and up the street. So I did and they did sell to me after midnight... And this rather lame excuse for a law was made when Thaksin was PM, if I remember correctly... Just added that to stir things up a bit.smile.gif

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Just buy a case of beer. (12 big bottles or 24 small bottles).

10 litres or more can be sold at any time, and although 1 case of beer is 7.68 litres, Thai cashiers just accept a 'bulk sale' and no problem.

The avearge adult farang male can carry a case of beer without difficulty.

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Yeah I find this law very frustrating , I dont know how many times I've been at the cashier with a nice bottle of wine with a menu in my head and told not 5-00 oclock . It just ruins my day ! some times I think buy in bulk with home delivery to cancel this crazy system out,. so I told my wife we need to get a wine fridge to save the day ( a good investment ).

I was at a foodland Patpong the other day and thinking mmm whiskey on special ..try any way , go to the cashier she points to her watch Mai Dai ,the thai lady behind me has 2 thai bottles whiskey pays and walks out.

I understand the laws on selling near schools / universities ,but they should be able to screen underage people that are trying to purchase booze like most countries.

While I'm on the subject the tax on booze is over the top here in the land of smiles .

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Any place that issues receipts and keeps records of sales will observe this stupid law.

'Mom and pop' stores that have the 'cash register' in their apron pocket will sell alcohol at any time to anyone.

I send my 12 year old niece down to the local shop to buy mine if we run out during a session.

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Just buy a case of beer. (12 big bottles or 24 small bottles).

10 litres or more can be sold at any time, and although 1 case of beer is 7.68 litres, Thai cashiers just accept a 'bulk sale' and no problem.

The avearge adult farang male can carry a case of beer without difficulty.

At Makro in Pattaya one time they refused to allow me to buy 1 case (cans) of beer before 11am and made me go back and take a second case.

As someone else said already, the law was made to stop school children from being able to buy alcohol.

Thai logic.

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