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Issan Is Turning Me Into A Boozer


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Issan is turning me into a boozer. That’s right after living here four years I think it’s happening. It’s not because I’m bored, because I’m too busy to be bored. It’s not because of the isolation, because I enjoy the village life and the lack of traffic and pollution. It’s not because of the lack of stimulating talk with other Farangs, because in my area there are a bunch of us who get together once a week to chat and eat.

No it’s because of the price. I just bought 6 cans of Archa for 59 baht. That’s right 59 baht, that’s less than 10 baht a can, cheaper than soda pop and not much more than water, and at today’s prices about the same as 91 petrol. I walked into the store with no intention of getting beer, but at 59 baht for a six pack, how could I refuse.

When I first came to Thailand 21 years ago, the only widely distributed beer was Singha, and if you were lucky and in the right place at the right time Kloster. They were a little cheaper than beer in Canada, but not by that much, and compared with other things in Thailand it was relatively expensive. Not now, not at 10 baht a can. I can’t afford to drink Coke or Pepsi anymore and if Archa gets much cheaper water will be out of my price range. Three cheers for Archa. Issangeorge. PS I wonder if a diesel engine would run on beer, now that would be environmentally friendly.

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Issan is turning me into a boozer. That’s right after living here four years I think it’s happening. It’s not because I’m bored, because I’m too busy to be bored. It’s not because of the isolation, because I enjoy the village life and the lack of traffic and pollution. It’s not because of the lack of stimulating talk with other Farangs, because in my area there are a bunch of us who get together once a week to chat and eat.

No it’s because of the price. I just bought 6 cans of Archa for 59 baht. That’s right 59 baht, that’s less than 10 baht a can, cheaper than soda pop and not much more than water, and at today’s prices about the same as 91 petrol. I walked into the store with no intention of getting beer, but at 59 baht for a six pack, how could I refuse.

When I first came to Thailand 21 years ago, the only widely distributed beer was Singha, and if you were lucky and in the right place at the right time Kloster. They were a little cheaper than beer in Canada, but not by that much, and compared with other things in Thailand it was relatively expensive. Not now, not at 10 baht a can. I can’t afford to drink Coke or Pepsi anymore and if Archa gets much cheaper water will be out of my price range. Three cheers for Archa. Issangeorge. PS I wonder if a diesel engine would run on beer, now that would be environmentally friendly.

Wow thats cheap. My local shop is advertising 6 for 60 Baht.

To be honest it tastes terrible but it is cheap. And I buy it.

At weekends I treat myself to Chang.

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I find i drink less when im Home in Issan.

Doesnt help having a drunk as a brother-in-law :o

But as a rule no drink allowed in or near the house because of this pxxxk.

I am in a similar situation, but I will only drink @ home in Issan after 4pm, only beer and no more than 2 bottles of Chang. The Brother in Law only works to drink and I have never seen him buy food. When we are away from the home town I cant help but be suckered in by the cold bottles of Chang in every shop & 7/11. I have got to say I do love a coke from a glass bottle; it's only become available here in AUS recently and in small quantities

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I have lived here in Thailand for many years now. I stopped drinking alcohol 27 years ago because I had to. I now drink large bottles of Singha (Nom Soda) and find that this is very refreshing on a hot day. 

24 bottle case price 4.17 baht per bottle +deposit ( I return the bottle to get the 5 baht deposit back)



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You'll all alkies, that's the trouble.

You don't buy beef from the market cause it's tasteless and 'orrible

You don't eat chickens feet, cause they're 'orrible

Not many Farangs eat Pla Ra cause it's 'orrible

Yet get something cheap with Alkihole in it and even though it's 'orrible as well, you all rave over it.

Bloody alkies the lot of you. :o

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My rule is no beer until 6pm but after that the Leo is consumed with ease. There are no other farangs around our village/town so I happily drink with my wife and friends on our front patio. I have no shortage of drinking companions and they do buy some beers as well. I must admit that I have been drinking beer with ice added for several years, however I would have been lynched if I did that in my previous life in Oz.

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I had no idea that you could buy rotgut beer in Thailand as cheaply as ten baht per bottle. I take it that's a bottle of about 330 ml, same as a regular can of soda or beer? Let's see, we pay 22 baht for 1.25 liters of Pepsi Max. That comes out to less than 6 baht for 333 ml. Much cheaper. And 1.5 baht for 3 servings of bottled water.

Alkies will use any excuse under the sun to justify their addiction.

"Ay mate, 'ow's old Clyde lately?"

"Died last month. Liver failure. Alcohol poisoning. Not a farthing to 'is name."

"Ah, but 'e could sure drink up a storm, couldn't 'e? Let's go get pissed."

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I had no idea that you could buy rotgut beer in Thailand as cheaply as ten baht per bottle. I take it that's a bottle of about 330 ml, same as a regular can of soda or beer? Let's see, we pay 22 baht for 1.25 liters of Pepsi Max. That comes out to less than 6 baht for 333 ml. Much cheaper. And 1.5 baht for 3 servings of bottled water.

Alkies will use any excuse under the sun to justify their addiction.

"Ay mate, 'ow's old Clyde lately?"

"Died last month. Liver failure. Alcohol poisoning. Not a farthing to 'is name."

"Ah, but 'e could sure drink up a storm, couldn't 'e? Let's go get pissed."

All that caffeine , no good for you. :o

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You'll all alkies, that's the trouble.

You don't buy beef from the market cause it's tasteless and 'orrible

You don't eat chickens feet, cause they're 'orrible

Not many Farangs eat Pla Ra cause it's 'orrible

Yet get something cheap with Alkihole in it and even though it's 'orrible as well, you all rave over it.

Bloody alkies the lot of you. :D

Nothing wrong with Pla Ra compared to an aussie pie or a pommie kebab :D ,Pla Ra is Haute Cuisine :o Nignoy
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I use to like Singha, but it became too strong for me, so I switched to Carlsberg, but the producer and Carlsberg had a falling out so they don't sell it here anymore, so I switched to Chang, but it gave me a headache, then i tried leo and it was okay, but a little expensive for what it was, so I tried Archa. It is not the best beer I have had but it is quite drinkable and the price just makes it that much better. Despite my begining post I really am not a boozer, that post was a bit tongue and cheek. i like to have a beer everyonce in a while, about two times a week two or three, that's it. In my younger days I once drank 16 Singha in one night. I wasn't counting (to drunk) but a Thai friend was and never let's me forget it. Issangeorge.

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The main thing that keeps me from being a boozer is that it is a 7 minute walk to the shop to get a beer and as soon as I get it home and crack it open 2 to 6 thirsty Thais appear out of thin air. I get about 3/4 a cup of beer and a good walk out of each attempt. I swear I have gone from beer gut to flat abs just by tring to enjoy a beer or two a night.

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Quite happily, I was already fond of a drink or 6. The 640ml bottles fill a glass nicely - when I can be bothered being couth enough to use one. I brought some steins from Germany - 1 bottle = 1 glass. Works well. Preference for Chang, although Leo will suffice. Not over fussed on Singha. Probably comes from my time as a brewer - trained by a German brew master.

One thing that is too hard to stomache is Thai 'whisk(e)y' - that rotgut shouldn't be sold for anything more than a firestarter.

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I was a Chang drinker but it was just too hard on me. Three big bottles gave me a hangover and four big bottles gave me a two day hangover. I tried Archa and liked the taste better than Chang. On the rare occasion that I do drink four big bottles, I can at least function the next day. I normally drink three big bottles when I go up on the mountain and feel fine the next day. Since my favorite drinking buddy fell on VERY hard times, I only go up about twice a week. I'm pretty much a social drinker and seldom drink at home. My favorite watering hole charges me 30 baht for a big bottle of Archa. They don't have small bottles.

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Boredom can prevail, I was drinking 2 bottles of whisky a day at one point in the LOS, glad to be out of that scene to honest...it is however still hard to give up old habits when I return, however lucky enough my family have become more important than booze...one must know that you can drink anywhere in the world, why choose somewhere beautiful with lots of other things to do to get mortal?

Hard but you have to reign the problem in mate or other problems will come from your drinking, believe me I know. The dark underbelly of drink crashes you down quick!

Goodluck with your problem, I just hope it doesnt get worse, cheap booze aint evrything. :o

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Boredom can prevail, I was drinking 2 bottles of whisky a day at one point in the LOS, glad to be out of that scene to honest...it is however still hard to give up old habits when I return, however lucky enough my family have become more important than booze...one must know that you can drink anywhere in the world, why choose somewhere beautiful with lots of other things to do to get mortal?

Hard but you have to reign the problem in mate or other problems will come from your drinking, believe me I know. The dark underbelly of drink crashes you down quick!

Goodluck with your problem, I just hope it doesnt get worse, cheap booze aint evrything. :o

I believe that Isaangeorge's OP was very much a p1ss-take, if you'll pardon the pun. But 2 bottles of whisky a day???? I think everyone's glad you're "out of that scene".

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Boredom can prevail, I was drinking 2 bottles of whisky a day at one point in the LOS, glad to be out of that scene to honest...it is however still hard to give up old habits when I return, however lucky enough my family have become more important than booze...one must know that you can drink anywhere in the world, why choose somewhere beautiful with lots of other things to do to get mortal?

Hard but you have to reign the problem in mate or other problems will come from your drinking, believe me I know. The dark underbelly of drink crashes you down quick!

Goodluck with your problem, I just hope it doesnt get worse, cheap booze aint evrything. :o

I believe that Isaangeorge's OP was very much a p1ss-take, if you'll pardon the pun. But 2 bottles of whisky a day???? I think everyone's glad you're "out of that scene".

2 x 150ml. It's hard enough drinking 1 glass of Thai firewater.

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