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Does Thailand offer a uranium futures market?

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Is there a futures market in Thailand where an average Thai national can trade uranium futures? 


If not, is anyone aware of an overseas market that makes it easy for an average Thai national to invest? When I say average, I don't mean a wealthy Thai with millions. I mean just a typical Thai investor who would like to stake around 30,000 baht. My previous experience trying to help a Thai national establish an overseas brokerage account is they require a utility bill, in the name of the Thai national, in English as part of the KYC process. Obviously, that is extremely hard to come by. In some cases you can overcome that by replacing a utility bill with a bank statement, but not every firm will accept that. And then you have to fund that account with a SWIFT transfer from a Thai bank, which can be extremely difficult as it is not a reason that is on the approved list from the BoT for outward remittance.


Does anyone have any thoughts on how to a Thai can make money on the Uranium market?




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Thailand has no nuclear power industry and no need of uranium futures.  Even the CME uranium futures are very illiquid and difficult to trade.  One of the attractions of investing in uranium is actually that there is no substantial futures market, so it is not manipulated by bank traders in the way that gold and silver are. The spot price is dependent on demand from utilities to make up short falls at the margins, although they get most of their fuel requirements from long-term contracts direct with miners. There is also a substantial amount of recycling of uranium by utilities.


The easiest way to get exposure to uranium spot prices is by buying the Sprott Physical Uranium Trust listed in Canada that actually holds physical uranium https://sprott.com/investment-strategies/physical-commodity-funds/uranium/. There are also listed uranium mining companies.  The largest in the West is Cameco listed in Canada and the US.  The largest in the world is Kazatomprom, majority owned by Kazachistand and listed in London. There are many smaller uranium miners listed in the US, Canada, Australia and the UK. 


If you want more information on investing in uranium look up Uranium Minute on YouTube.


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