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Company Registration Headache

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I am an American citizen living in Thailand. For something like 5 years now I have had a company registered here so that I can do business, get a work permit, and obtain a one year visa. When it was my company was first set up it was under the American Treaty, but after 2 or 3 years my accountants told me that that made things difficult and that an easier route would be to register with 3 Thai employees. That worked for two years, but now my accountants are telling me that the officials want me to have a total of 9 Thai employees. I really don't want to be paying taxes and benefits on the wages of 9 employees when I really don't even need them. It is getting to the point where the expenses involved in maintaining the company registration make the whole thing unprofitable.

So, I have two questions:

1. Is the information I am getting from my accountant correct?;

2. Can anyone recommend a company to help me with this problem if it turns out my accountants are giving me bogus advice?

Thanks, John

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You’ll find that no Thai employee requirement for a work permit or to form a company exists.

That only applies if you are looking to extend a visa based on business, which is 4 Thais to every foreigner.

When it was my company was first set up it was under the American Treaty, but after 2 or 3 years my accountants told me that that made things difficult and that an easier route would be to register with 3 Thai employees.

Sorry but just VERY bad advice. The Amity has NOTHING to do with the number of Thai employees. It simply allows you as a foreigner to own the business 99.94% if you so desire. The Amity gives you the same rights as a Thai owner.

We welcome the chance to help you. It sure sounds like you need some good advice now.


[email protected]

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