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Thai Male Wasters


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The Thai people call them ผู้บ่าวไทบ้าน, I call them wasters. These are the teenage males who sit round all day drinking whisky, riding their motorbikes around late at night and harassing other young people. They don't want to work and probably never will.

Luckily, there are none in my wife's family but the advice I give others is to have a word with the local army and when it comes time for their National Service, 10,000-20,000 baht can give a couple of years peace.

Also, if there are any guys out there who are contemplating marriage to a woman, who already hs a male teenage son DON'T do it!

Does anyone have any other ways to deal with these people?

sounds like someone's wife has a few friends. wink wink!

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I hate to see the military touted as a last resort for the worst behaving kids in a country. It only helps to increase the chance that they'll become the worst soldiers. Also, I hate to see the military touted as a benign system that merely helps kids grow up. Kids grow up between 18 and 25, whether or not they serve in the military. The purpose of an army is to kill enemy people (90% of whom are civilians) for the government, whether or not its citizens want the army killing people.

I hope I'm not dragging this silly topic off topic, but putting your kid in the army does not solve all his problem. When's the last time you talked to a Vietnam army veteran? I spent a night recently talking with an Australian who became addicted to heroin for years after returning from the war.

PB, I am a Vietnam army veteran....Most of us came home and got on with our lives. Your anti-military stance is well-noted and is long-standing. Although we agree on many things, it's where you and I part company.

Middle class liberal ideology doesn't sit well with me either.

Yeah, I too am tired of liberals spreading their anti-war propaganda. The Vietnam War might have killed tens of thousands of young American boys, but atleast they werent at home watching television or hanging out with their friends in shopping malls. I would rather see my son legless and armless or dead, then to see him spead his time sitting around drinking with his friends.

Anyways, I cant talk much more because I am off to the pub.

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I hate to see the military touted as a last resort for the worst behaving kids in a country. It only helps to increase the chance that they'll become the worst soldiers. Also, I hate to see the military touted as a benign system that merely helps kids grow up. Kids grow up between 18 and 25, whether or not they serve in the military. The purpose of an army is to kill enemy people (90% of whom are civilians) for the government, whether or not its citizens want the army killing people.

I hope I'm not dragging this silly topic off topic, but putting your kid in the army does not solve all his problem. When's the last time you talked to a Vietnam army veteran? I spent a night recently talking with an Australian who became addicted to heroin for years after returning from the war.

PB, I am a Vietnam army veteran....Most of us came home and got on with our lives. Your anti-military stance is well-noted and is long-standing. Although we agree on many things, it's where you and I part company.

Middle class liberal ideology doesn't sit well with me either.

Yeah, I too am tired of liberals spreading their anti-war propaganda. The Vietnam War might have killed tens of thousands of young American boys, but atleast they werent at home watching television or hanging out with their friends in shopping malls. I would rather see my son legless and armless or dead, then to see him spead his time sitting around drinking with his friends.

Anyways, I cant talk much more because I am off to the pub.

Yes, SiamSquare, and then are some people who never served a day of military duty and are today brainless. Hope you enjoyed the pub.

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The Thai people call them ผู้บ่าวไทบ้าน, I call them wasters. These are the teenage males who sit round all day drinking whisky, riding their motorbikes around late at night and harassing other young people. They don't want to work and probably never will.

Luckily, there are none in my wife's family but the advice I give others is to have a word with the local army and when it comes time for their National Service, 10,000-20,000 baht can give a couple of years peace.

Also, if there are any guys out there who are contemplating marriage to a woman, who already hs a male teenage son DON'T do it!

Does anyone have any other ways to deal with these people?

The Thai people call them ฝรั่งบ่าวไทบ้าน, i call them wasters. These are the ex-pat males who sit around all day drinking beer, riding their motorbikes around late at night and harassing young women. They don't want to work and probably never have.

Mmmmm.... let's say a Thai teenage male had written that about so-called 'Farang wasters', how would Neeranam feel?

Before we can suddenly pounce upon teenage males in today's society we must ponder first our own actions. These folk you call 'wasters' are only a reflection of the adult generation around them.

It is interesting to note too that Neeranam has written about paying 'dirty' money to have such scoundrels do a couple of years of army service. Does encouraging corruption make a fine example for the younger generation to follow?

Before we can simply lambast others, we must look at ourselves first.

Edited by Stephen Cleary
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And why must so many of us find yet another small group of "Not Like The Folks Back Home" to demonize? A great Asian wise man said, "Before you tell your friend he has a small speck in his eye, remove the huge block of wood in your own eye."

Asian? Isn't this a biblical quote from Jesus.


JR Texas: I have seen a lot of this in Thailand........normally they start to change in late teens......they have a "welcome to adult male" ritual where they shave their heads and enter the temple for a few days (in late teens or early 20s I think), then they must serve some military time.......after that they knock up some girl and realize that they have to make money or she will leave with the baby.......they start to mature a bit. It is not that different from USA......rebellious youth!

Really......in the past they had something to do....fight the Burmese, or work in the fields........now what can they do? Terrible education.....no decent jobs......influenced by a culture of irresponsibility that is surrounding them. It must be tough for them. The media presents them with dreams of a better future.......but the vast majority will never get close to reaching those dreams....certainly not if the status quo is maintained.

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I hate to see the military touted as a last resort for the worst behaving kids in a country. It only helps to increase the chance that they'll become the worst soldiers. Also, I hate to see the military touted as a benign system that merely helps kids grow up. Kids grow up between 18 and 25, whether or not they serve in the military. The purpose of an army is to kill enemy people (90% of whom are civilians) for the government, whether or not its citizens want the army killing people.

I hope I'm not dragging this silly topic off topic, but putting your kid in the army does not solve all his problem. When's the last time you talked to a Vietnam army veteran? I spent a night recently talking with an Australian who became addicted to heroin for years after returning from the war.

PB, I am a Vietnam army veteran....Most of us came home and got on with our lives. Your anti-military stance is well-noted and is long-standing. Although we agree on many things, it's where you and I part company.

Middle class liberal ideology doesn't sit well with me either.

Yeah, I too am tired of liberals spreading their anti-war propaganda. The Vietnam War might have killed tens of thousands of young American boys, but atleast they werent at home watching television or hanging out with their friends in shopping malls. I would rather see my son legless and armless or dead, then to see him spead his time sitting around drinking with his friends.

Anyways, I cant talk much more because I am off to the pub.

Yes, SiamSquare, and then are some people who never served a day of military duty and are today brainless. Hope you enjoyed the pub.

He might even be legless when he gets home from the pub but they will be there in the morning.

Thanks to Bush et al they are thousand who will not for a needless war going the same way as Vietnam?

Will they play "White Christmas" again as they run to the helicopter for the last time on the roof?

Being in the military does not make you a numb nut just as being a liberal does not either. there are numb nuts and clever erudite guys in both camps - I even know liberal guys in the military with degree's from Cambridge, speaking 5 languages ;-)))

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The Thai people call them ผู้บ่าวไทบ้าน, I call them wasters. These are the teenage males who sit round all day drinking whisky, riding their motorbikes around late at night and harassing other young people. They don't want to work and probably never will.

Luckily, there are none in my wife's family but the advice I give others is to have a word with the local army and when it comes time for their National Service, 10,000-20,000 baht can give a couple of years peace.

Also, if there are any guys out there who are contemplating marriage to a woman, who already hs a male teenage son DON'T do it!

Does anyone have any other ways to deal with these people?

sounds like someone's wife has a few friends. wink wink!

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The Thai people call them ผู้บ่าวไทบ้าน, I call them wasters. These are the teenage males who sit round all day drinking whisky, riding their motorbikes around late at night and harassing other young people. They don't want to work and probably never will.

Luckily, there are none in my wife's family but the advice I give others is to have a word with the local army and when it comes time for their National Service, 10,000-20,000 baht can give a couple of years peace.

Also, if there are any guys out there who are contemplating marriage to a woman, who already hs a male teenage son DON'T do it!

Does anyone have any other ways to deal with these people?

The Thai people call them ฝรั่งบ่าวไทบ้าน, i call them wasters. These are the ex-pat males who sit around all day drinking beer, riding their motorbikes around late at night and harassing young women. They don't want to work and probably never have.

Mmmmm.... let's say a Thai teenage male had written that about so-called 'Farang wasters', how would Neeranam feel?

Before we can suddenly pounce upon teenage males in today's society we must ponder first our own actions. These folk you call 'wasters' are only a reflection of the adult generation around them.

It is interesting to note too that Neeranam has written about paying 'dirty' money to have such scoundrels do a couple of years of army service. Does encouraging corruption make a fine example for the younger generation to follow?

Before we can simply lambast others, we must look at ourselves first.


Not sure what you're trying to say here. Take a look at myself? Firtly, I'm not a waster, I work 3 jobs - 40 hours a week in a univerity, 9 hours teaching English on Saturdays and at least 5 hours a day working on the internet on top of that. Another few hours of 'community' work. I don't drink alcohol, EVER. I iron my own clothes, lok after the house and garden, take care of my baby, take my daughter to school, etc etc I got myself a degree then a masters.

Corruption - part of life here mate, accept it and use it to your advantage. If you still think I'm a waster, look at yourself.

So, how would I feel if a Thai teenage male had written abut farang wasters? I wouldn't feel anything relly, why should I?

This thread is about ways members deal with these wastrs, and believe me there are a lot of them around.

Edited by Neeranam
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What a load of crap this thread is. As for the Protestant work ethic, get a grip on your self righteous selves.

The Protestant work ethic;. work hard all your life for little or personal gain and when you die you will get your reward in heaven.

Normally preached, many years ago, by Protestant land and business owners to thier Catholic employees.

Maybe that's why the youths in Thailand prefer to get drunk, ride bikes and cause trouble, because the alternative is to work yourself into an early grave for little or no reward, while your boss lords it over you.

Instead of the army, give them opportunities. sadly a long way off in Thailand.

Sheesh, you old gits, we were all young once, well some of us. You make me sick.

try reading graeme greens the power and the glory.

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'Pot calling the kettle black', anybody?

I resent that, especilly coming from someone who doesn't even live in Thailand. You obviously would like to be here but for selfish monetary reasons choose to take your family to Italy - I bet they love it there.

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where are all these beautiful semi nud_e women calling out to men in pattaya, as luckydog says.

all i see are women who like like they have 3 or 4 kids. anything but beautiful.

if these wasters regularly beat up their gfs wouldnt it show on the girls bodies? nothing to bring the value of a girl down then a battered body.

Edited by blizzard
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There are definitely abusers out there... but a lot of it is also likely wishful thinking along the lines of the knight in shining armor syndrome, the symptoms of which are bitterness, frequent money transfers upcountry, and raising other people's children (and secretly loathing them apparently).


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my thai husband agrees with neeranaam SURPRISE SURPRISE.... he loathes the hanging out doing nothing kids... he does have a few in his family and he feels nothing but disgust at their actions... he says there is a big difference between hanging out playing guitar karoake etc once in a while and the every day/nite motorcy roaring up and down the dirt road and harrassing people type stuff going on now... although he is 34 i fear that he may be of the 'older' generation: respect ma and pa, work hard, go home, eat, sleep, wei phra, thats life. he did mention something along the lines of spare the rod, spoil the child and he was obviously speaking from experience (his pa did not spare the rod)...

that's a thai male issaan farm boy perspective...



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The Thai people call them ผู้บ่าวไทบ้าน, I call them wasters. These are the teenage males who sit round all day drinking whisky, riding their motorbikes around late at night and harassing other young people. They don't want to work and probably never will.

Luckily, there are none in my wife's family but the advice I give others is to have a word with the local army and when it comes time for their National Service, 10,000-20,000 baht can give a couple of years peace.

Also, if there are any guys out there who are contemplating marriage to a woman, who already hs a male teenage son DON'T do it!

Does anyone have any other ways to deal with these people?

The Thai people call them ฝรั่งบ่าวไทบ้าน, i call them wasters. These are the ex-pat males who sit around all day drinking beer, riding their motorbikes around late at night and harassing young women. They don't want to work and probably never have.

Mmmmm.... let's say a Thai teenage male had written that about so-called 'Farang wasters', how would Neeranam feel?

Before we can suddenly pounce upon teenage males in today's society we must ponder first our own actions. These folk you call 'wasters' are only a reflection of the adult generation around them.

It is interesting to note too that Neeranam has written about paying 'dirty' money to have such scoundrels do a couple of years of army service. Does encouraging corruption make a fine example for the younger generation to follow?

Before we can simply lambast others, we must look at ourselves first.

I agree Thais have much higher values then Westerns Thai working harder Thais number one if you don't like male Thais then leave.

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The Thai people call them ผู้บ่าวไทบ้าน, I call them wasters. These are the teenage males who sit round all day drinking whisky, riding their motorbikes around late at night and harassing other young people. They don't want to work and probably never will.

Luckily, there are none in my wife's family but the advice I give others is to have a word with the local army and when it comes time for their National Service, 10,000-20,000 baht can give a couple of years peace.

Also, if there are any guys out there who are contemplating marriage to a woman, who already hs a male teenage son DON'T do it!

Does anyone have any other ways to deal with these people?

The Thai people call them ฝรั่งบ่าวไทบ้าน, i call them wasters. These are the ex-pat males who sit around all day drinking beer, riding their motorbikes around late at night and harassing young women. They don't want to work and probably never have.

Mmmmm.... let's say a Thai teenage male had written that about so-called 'Farang wasters', how would Neeranam feel?

Before we can suddenly pounce upon teenage males in today's society we must ponder first our own actions. These folk you call 'wasters' are only a reflection of the adult generation around them.

It is interesting to note too that Neeranam has written about paying 'dirty' money to have such scoundrels do a couple of years of army service. Does encouraging corruption make a fine example for the younger generation to follow?

Before we can simply lambast others, we must look at ourselves first.

I agree Thais have much higher values then Westerns Thai working harder Thais number one if you don't like male Thais then leave.

OK, let me get this striaght - I don't have a problem with Thai males Ihave a friend who has, and have met many in the past who have. What advice would you give?

My brother in law here in KK has been totally spoiled and gets away with murder. He owns 1/3 of a large night club in town and has a drink/drug problem. Howevre, he's a really nice guy, despite being in the local mafia. He works hard now, aged 34, but was a waster in the past. Many of his mates are total wasters but they don't sponge off farang. It's very common for older faang to marry women with teenage sons. What's the best way to deal with these guys? If you have no experience of this, go and hijack another thread.

Edited by Neeranam
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It's very common for older faang to marry women with teenage sons. What's the best way to deal with these guys?

This is the bit I'm having trouble understanding, Neeranam. 'Deal with'. What influence would a farang guy, marrying a Thai mother of such a young guy, have? Why would he have any influence at all? Why should he? Help me out here . . . what are you suggesting?

If there is any 'dealing with' to be done it wouldn't be directly with the son himself, but surely with the wife/mother in terms of outlining what interaction / support etc the guy would have in the new family arrangement.

It all seems a bit wishy washy to me.

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And why must so many of us find yet another small group of "Not Like The Folks Back Home" to demonize? A great Asian wise man said, "Before you tell your friend he has a small speck in his eye, remove the huge block of wood in your own eye."

Asian? Isn't this a biblical quote from Jesus.


Was Jesus not Asian?

Middle Eastern?

Mea Culpa, brain fade, maybe too long in Asia as in 'The Orient' rather than 'The Levant'.

Regards & back to our topic

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ITS true thai sons are treated like little gods So whats it got to do with me ?

I've had to support this little god for 12 years. He slept with a school girl and next day he either had to marry her or go to jail.

He has gone now gone to work with his father in law in BKK gets 199 baht per day wants to leave his wife and come back here.

His sister worked hard at school and is now in BKK going to Uni..

I have a number of Chinese Thai friends there sons are not treated like little gods don't act like little gods and haveyou noticed that they end up running this country. They sure run all the towns around here.

The extended childhood.

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The Thai people call them ผู้บ่าวไทบ้าน, I call them wasters. These are the teenage males who sit round all day drinking whisky, riding their motorbikes around late at night and harassing other young people. They don't want to work and probably never will.

Luckily, there are none in my wife's family but the advice I give others is to have a word with the local army and when it comes time for their National Service, 10,000-20,000 baht can give a couple of years peace.

Also, if there are any guys out there who are contemplating marriage to a woman, who already hs a male teenage son DON'T do it!

Does anyone have any other ways to deal with these people?

teach them the joy of women :D:o:D , they live in LOS for ####"s sake !!!!!.

Instead of drinking whiskey , riding motorbikes and being annoying little sihts they can be charming young lads :D .

I know I would have jumped at the chance when I was 15 , thing was english birds compared thai birds has no comparrison :bah::bah::o , thats why I was a little siht :D .

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teach them the joy of women :D

You don't have to teach them to try to <deleted> everything in a skirt. They are already trying that and that is why they become crappy fathers at young age [some of them].

One of our former housekeepers son had to be married at 16 after being caught in the act with a local girl in their village... :o

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The Thai people call them ผู้บ่าวไทบ้าน, I call them wasters. These are the teenage males who sit round all day drinking whisky, riding their motorbikes around late at night and harassing other young people. They don't want to work and probably never will.

Luckily, there are none in my wife's family but the advice I give others is to have a word with the local army and when it comes time for their National Service, 10,000-20,000 baht can give a couple of years peace.

Also, if there are any guys out there who are contemplating marriage to a woman, who already hs a male teenage son DON'T do it!

Does anyone have any other ways to deal with these people?

A tad nazi no?

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A good dose of 'The Protestant Work Ethic' is what they need in LOS. There seems to be no

such thing in their Buddhist religion........


Really? What else do THEY need? If you want the Protestant Work Ethic thing go back to where it exists and stop trying to impose your values on a culture that has being doing OK without you. BTW do you support GW Bush?

Been doing ok? You think so do you ? What do you bluddy know?

And for the record I LOVE Bushy.....good guy doing his best. Heaven preserve America if the Clintons or old Obarmy get in.....

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[/b]The sight of hundreds of beautiful semi-nud_e young girls, calling out to passing men, from the many Bars (in Pattaya for instance) is a sad, sad sight indeed......

Especially when you just spent 5000 baht to fix the kid's motorbike, and don't have two bob left to indulge...eh?

Edited by Sateev
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