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Microsoft Has Released A Iso Image:

Guest Reimar

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Guest Reimar

This DVD5 ISO image file contains the security updates for Windows released on Windows Update on July 10th, 2007.

This DVD5 image contains the following updates:

KB923689 / (MS06-078)

Windows XP - 24 languages

/div> KB925398 / (MS06-078)

Windows Server 2003 - 18 languages

Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition - 11 languages

Windows XP - 24 languages

Windows XP x64 Edition - 2 languages

Windows 2000 - 24 languages /ul> KB926122 / (MS07-039)

Windows Server 2003 - 18 languages

Windows Server 2003 for Itanium-based Systems - 4 languages

Windows Server 2003 x64 Edition - 11 languages

Windows 2000 - 24 languages

KB935807 / (MS07-038)

Windows Vista - 36 languages

Windows Vista for x64-based Systems - 36 languages

KB939373 / (MS07-041)

Windows XP - 24 languages

This ISO Image can be downloaded from MS: http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/b...3086-200707.iso

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Attached is a screen shot of what I am trying out. It runs a program on the external drive and goes to MS update and gets the updates you need it then makes an ISO that includes an installer. It even restarts the PC and then cont. with other updates which are stored on the drive. can get updated iso anytime you want. Its like being at windows update site and being off line at the same time. With updates on the ext. drive they install alot faster then downloading. I will let you know how the iso worked after the next crash and I need to use it. With MS thats not far off. Oh source

http://www.heise-security.co.uk/articles/80682 four page instruction on site. FREE ITS FREE and legal not a hack site.


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Yes it goes to the windows update site for you with a command line script. downloads the updates with your langauge choices, then makes an archive on your ext. drive or in the drive you install their scripted program at. then it makes the iso for you that your PC needs. then you burn it to a CD with CDrecorder or other burner or <and I am looking for the details for> it can be run off the ext drive. As up to date as your last ISO is can be run offline, then go online and touch up any missing updates from the last month or what ever. The ISO from MS are normally just the latest patchs and this program builds from complete archive. I have yet to see the first use of this as my PC has not had its schduled crash yet, but I can't see why it won't work. I asked people at MS years ago why they don't do this and they won't answer. rumor is best way to sell new OS is kill the updates on old one. Was a big spike in XP sales when support for 98 ended. best thing is when support ends your last iso will be the best it can be and may run alot longer after support ends. If XP goes the way of 98 I am not going I have already started using live linux and building a working system. By the time XP is gone I won't care. I found I can get the same no answers, bugs, crashes, hanging app all for free. Linux is also far more secure. MS is history in my book.

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this site will get you the updates if you are using firefox http://www.windowsupdate.62nds.com

I bookmarked this site. It would be good after running ISO. If you rebuilt a drive and come to this site you still have 200mb and ten restarts to do. Run the updates off a CD and then tune up the missing ones online. Two weeks ago I lost a drive and MS live one care backup failed to do its job. I had to start from OEM disk. Something like 92 updates and it took hours because ms server only ran about 80k at the time. Making the ISO is for when the big one eats XP and it won't recover without re install. Iam hoping to learn how to slip it into the oem disk and make an recover disk that includes personel settings, and none of the app I don't use or drivers that are not needed.

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Thank you for your answer RKASA, but I was asking about Reimar solution. I'll use the solution you recommend if MS solution does not provide a tool to know which updates need to be installed.

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