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What do you think is the biggest threat to humanity/civilization?


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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

You seem to be including legal drugs in your nonsense.

For one thing, I never spew nonsense. Disagreeing because you don't understand a subject doesn't mean I'm wrong about something. If you look at what HE said, it was a ridiculous statement. Not many people use illegal drugs. Millions use illegal drugs, and there is proof everywhere of that.

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10 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

For one thing, I never spew nonsense. Disagreeing because you don't understand a subject doesn't mean I'm wrong about something. If you look at what HE said, it was a ridiculous statement. Not many people use illegal drugs. Millions use illegal drugs, and there is proof everywhere of that.

You're wrong about god.

You're wrong about you're 'crazy wives'

And you judge everyone, even though your god tells you not.


Edited by BritManToo
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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

I suspect your former wives (all 3) also despise you.


going a bit off topic now,

Was out with a pal having an Indian meal Friday night.

Brit guy with his Thai wife (plenty of tats) sitting next to us.

She was looking at him as if he was dog poo she had just stepped in.

My pal and I concluded most wives seem to look at their husbands as if they were dog poo. And the strange thing is the husbands never seem to notice these looks.

It's not just a feature of Thai wives either.


One former wife was addicted to prescription drugs, and was hallucinating because of them, and died last year of a heart attack, almost assuredly because her body was overcome by so many pain killers and couldn't handle them. She and I got along fine. I left because she wasn't herself because of these drugs, prescribed by "doctors". My first wife I could care if she despised me or not. She practiced witchcraft, wasn't around for the children so I had to do most of the parenting, was always out getting high with her friends while I was home with the kids, most likely cheated, and kidnapped my kids and took them to another state with her new boyfriend. i got them back, and raised them to adulthood. This wife here was abusive, a liar,a cheat and also kidnapped my daughter 4 times before I had to divorce here to get my daughter back home. She's lucky. If she did this in the US she would be in jail or a lot worse. She wants to come back, has told myself and others, but I don't go back to someone I can't trust. I have picked mentally ill women a few times. Sadly it was ones I've had children with. Maybe now you can understand what my situations were like, and that I do what a dad is supposed to do.

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15 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

You're wrong about god.

You're wrong about you're 'crazy wives'

And you judge everyone, even though your god tells you not.

You are probably more dysfunctional than GammaGobulin, Bob Smith and Bignok put together.

How am I wrong about God, especially if you believe he doesn't exist. How can you comment on this? I'm dead on about my ex wives. Were you there? No, so you have nothing to comment about. I don't lie, as I don't need to. I had custody of my children, which should help you to understand what they were about, at least a little. I don't judge anyone. I see things as they are, and comment accordingly. God judges, not anyone else. If you read what I say, AND comprehend it, you would see I'm the opposite of dysfunctional. I don't buy women, I treat them as equals. I care for my girlfriend, much more than anyone ever has, including her own family. I don't abuse anyone, nor cheat. I take care of my children, and I'm living here, for now, until I can bring my daughter to a better place to live, because of her. I have been a homeowner, and sold my house to build a house for my ex and daughter here, making a mistake in my choice of a wife here, but tried to make things work, when a narcissist ex tried to control. I'm a person who reads a lot on psychology, depression, narcissism and relationships, because I want to help, not hurt, others, including those close to me. If you see this as dysfunctional, then you don't understand what the term means., because in a few words, I have my sh**t together.

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6 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I can forgive anyone a crazy wife, everyone makes mistakes.

But three 'crazy wives' starts to sound like a problem with the guy that chose them.

Better to try and fix yourself than to blame everyone else for your ongoing problems.

I "fixed" myself by reading more on narcissism, especially the covert type, so I don't make that mistake again. Picking a few women who are mentally ill has happened to almost everyone who's had more than 10 girlfriends. I've been with almost 100 women, and many were good, and many weren't. Some you live with and some you leave. Some you stay with are the ones that make you bleed. Then you move on , hoping to find one that doesn't.

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2 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

Not that many people use illegal drugs? This does sound like someone hiding in their "mum's" basement without any TV or computer access. There are millions of people addicted to heroin, cocaine , yaba, and meth users and millions more addicted to drugs prescribed by doctors. Everyone has a life. Some waste it by letting themselves be controlled by drugs and alcohol.

8 Billion people and rising. Do you think they are all on bad drugs or is it just stupid western people with too much money?

I'm not referring to alcohol as that is pretty universal.

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42 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

I "fixed" myself by reading more on narcissism, especially the covert type, so I don't make that mistake again. Picking a few women who are mentally ill has happened to almost everyone who's had more than 10 girlfriends. I've been with almost 100 women, and many were good, and many weren't. Some you live with and some you leave. Some you stay with are the ones that make you bleed. Then you move on , hoping to find one that doesn't.

Where do you find the time?

I had more than that, but only one nighters while on holiday in LOS. I'd never have had time for 10 girlfriends, as I actually had things to do other than hang out with girls.

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48 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

How am I wrong about God, especially if you believe he doesn't exist. How can you comment on this? I'm dead on about my ex wives. Were you there? No, so you have nothing to comment about. I don't lie, as I don't need to. I had custody of my children, which should help you to understand what they were about, at least a little. I don't judge anyone. I see things as they are, and comment accordingly. God judges, not anyone else. If you read what I say, AND comprehend it, you would see I'm the opposite of dysfunctional. I don't buy women, I treat them as equals. I care for my girlfriend, much more than anyone ever has, including her own family. I don't abuse anyone, nor cheat. I take care of my children, and I'm living here, for now, until I can bring my daughter to a better place to live, because of her. I have been a homeowner, and sold my house to build a house for my ex and daughter here, making a mistake in my choice of a wife here, but tried to make things work, when a narcissist ex tried to control. I'm a person who reads a lot on psychology, depression, narcissism and relationships, because I want to help, not hurt, others, including those close to me. If you see this as dysfunctional, then you don't understand what the term means., because in a few words, I have my sh**t together.

One divorce is unfortunate, 2 divorces are a mistake, 3 divorces IMO are refusal to learn from one's mistakes.

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3 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

I have to agree with him on this one. Trump has proven to be the worst president we've ever had. Of course, like all presidents who have Congress to answer to, he's done some things that are good, many of which were other's ideas, but I knew this man's character long before he became president, and sadly, half of my family actually likes him. People are blind because they think because he's a billionaire, he must be smart and could help our economy. He was given millions before he did anything, and used those millions to create more, something anyone with any intelligence at all could do, especially if they have help. He made a billion dollar wall, which hasn't stopped the daily illegals entering, wasting money that could have gone towards something a lot more helpful, like homeless families and those with PTSD. He is a malignant narcissist, something which many leaders have, and something which doesn't help others but is used to control. He had enough money so he wanted to be God. Many have turned against him because they've opened their eyes. Hopefully he gets what he deserves and disappears from our view.

Does having that rant make you feel better?


He made a billion dollar wall, which hasn't stopped the daily illegals entering,

How come you Trump haters always distort reality?

You have to know that he didn't get to finish the wall and biden cancelled it, which left big gaps for the illegals to walk through.

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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

One divorce is unfortunate, 2 divorces are a mistake, 3 divorces IMO are refusal to learn from one's mistakes.

Divorce is only a mistake if you tried everything in both of your powers to try and make the marriage work. When one is a liar, cheater, abuser or neglects their duties as a partner, the other has no recourse but to separate, to divorce. You never fully know a partner unless you spend a lot of years with them. People sometimes change for the worse the more years they live, especially if a mental illness like depression is involved. Narcissism of course never gets better, as there is no real treatment that works unless the one with it understands what they are doing to others, and takes responsibility for it.                                                                                 People should only stay together if they are helping each other, consistently, and not damaging their partner or children. Some people can effectively hide what they really are for quite sometime, either because they are seeing a financial gain or some other reason to stay with someone.                                                                                                                                                                                 A person who likes relationships, and hope they work, doesn't stop them from making bad choices in partners. They have hope that their next choice might not hurt them in time, that they have finally picked  a partner that clicks with them in most ways. Many people stay in marriages from fear of the unknown, or fearing a financial loss. Many people suffer from their mistakes and choose to never settle down again and only go from one partner to the next, not trusting anyone but just using until some problem appears, so they exit. Some learn and take a long time to get to know someone before they settle down with them. They still have no guarantees that their partner won't revert back to what they suffered in childhood, and turn on them.                                                                                       A relationship that works is a combination of two's desires to make things work, to stay no matter what happens, and never to cheat on, abuse or neglect their partner. Two that have chemistry and know what a commitment means, to not run and hide when things go wrong, but to stay and figure out how to make it work. It takes two.

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3 hours ago, tkramer said:

"What do you think is the biggest threat to humanity/civilization?"


Interesting question. Just by coincidence, last week I happen to review an old George Carlin interview, taped just one year before he died.


And while it is long (1:20:22)...at 1:14:00, he gives his opinion to this very question. And unfortunately, I happen to totally agree with his (most likely not so popular) opinion about the Human Species.


Have a look, it only takes a minute to hear.



I listened to it and I agree with him. Humanity is a disappointing species, and has wasted the gifts and opportunities we were given.

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I consider social media to be the most destructive force in contemporary culture today. Children are growing up now in a world where they expect immediate response, gratification and notification. Their brains no longer have time to evolve; they must adapt to change in an instant, and the results are distressing. The difficulties of growing up have never been so public. Social technology provides a platform where things can run wild. Imagine the stress of high school – the competition for popularity, the pressure to fit in, the judgmental nature of social activities – at an accelerated pace. We try to protect our children from wandering off into the darkness on their own, and it turns out they are doing exactly that – online. When they get older and “ready,” we send them off to college, where they face more pressures. But social media has an infamous dark side and the more people share, the more serious this side becomes. As it turns out, living your life online has serious consequences for your self-esteem, your relationships, and your career prospects. 


And it is a strong indication of just how bent, warped and misguided contemporary culture and society is, that someone can be considered an idol or celebrity just because they have alot of followers on Tik tok, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. 

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7 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

Divorce is only a mistake if you tried everything in both of your powers to try and make the marriage work. When one is a liar, cheater, abuser or neglects their duties as a partner, the other has no recourse but to separate, to divorce. You never fully know a partner unless you spend a lot of years with them. People sometimes change for the worse the more years they live, especially if a mental illness like depression is involved. Narcissism of course never gets better, as there is no real treatment that works unless the one with it understands what they are doing to others, and takes responsibility for it.                                                                                 People should only stay together if they are helping each other, consistently, and not damaging their partner or children. Some people can effectively hide what they really are for quite sometime, either because they are seeing a financial gain or some other reason to stay with someone.                                                                                                                                                                                 A person who likes relationships, and hope they work, doesn't stop them from making bad choices in partners. They have hope that their next choice might not hurt them in time, that they have finally picked  a partner that clicks with them in most ways. Many people stay in marriages from fear of the unknown, or fearing a financial loss. Many people suffer from their mistakes and choose to never settle down again and only go from one partner to the next, not trusting anyone but just using until some problem appears, so they exit. Some learn and take a long time to get to know someone before they settle down with them. They still have no guarantees that their partner won't revert back to what they suffered in childhood, and turn on them.                                                                                       A relationship that works is a combination of two's desires to make things work, to stay no matter what happens, and never to cheat on, abuse or neglect their partner. Two that have chemistry and know what a commitment means, to not run and hide when things go wrong, but to stay and figure out how to make it work. It takes two.

I think that if one has two divorces, one should have learned that getting married at all is a huge mistake and just not do it again.

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24 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Where do you find the time?

I had more than that, but only one nighters while on holiday in LOS. I'd never have had time for 10 girlfriends, as I actually had things to do other than hang out with girls.

Was always in a relationship, not wanting one nighters, although had a few. Some lasted a few weeks, and some months. If your future plans aren't the same, you need to go your separate ways, and not waste more time with someone that you think won't stay the distance. Some people get married and divorced in a week. Some date for years, then stay married 50 years miserable. Some marry their high school sweethearts, and stay together until death. I always had time to hunt, fish, and spend times with friends, along with having a girlfriend. I'm 67, and if you subtract the 22 years I was married and spent 3 years with another girlfriend, and started at age 20 dating, you get 22 years left to date those many girls. An average of almost 5 a year, which isn't any different than many other men.

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3 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

I consider social media to be the most destructive force in contemporary culture today. Children are growing up now in a world where they expect immediate response, gratification and notification. Their brains no longer have time to evolve; they must adapt to change in an instant, and the results are distressing. The difficulties of growing up have never been so public. Social technology provides a platform where things can run wild. Imagine the stress of high school – the competition for popularity, the pressure to fit in, the judgmental nature of social activities – at an accelerated pace. We try to protect our children from wandering off into the darkness on their own, and it turns out they are doing exactly that – online. When they get older and “ready,” we send them off to college, where they face more pressures. But social media has an infamous dark side and the more people share, the more serious this side becomes. As it turns out, living your life online has serious consequences for your self-esteem, your relationships, and your career prospects. 


And it is a strong indication of just how bent, warped and misguided contemporary culture and society is, that someone can be considered an idol or celebrity just because they have alot of followers on Tik tok, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. 

It's unusual for me to agree with you, but this is the second time, so perhaps it's becoming a habit ????

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2 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I think that if one has two divorces, one should have learned that getting married at all is a huge mistake and just not do it again.

Marriage is only a mistake if both don't really want it, or where one lives in a fantasy world where instant gratification must always come without working for it. Marriage can work if you pick the next partner who thinks the same way as you do.

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4 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

I have to agree with him on this one. Trump has proven to be the worst president we've ever had. Of course, like all presidents who have Congress to answer to, he's done some things that are good, many of which were other's ideas, but I knew this man's character long before he became president, and sadly, half of my family actually likes him. People are blind because they think because he's a billionaire, he must be smart and could help our economy. He was given millions before he did anything, and used those millions to create more, something anyone with any intelligence at all could do, especially if they have help. He made a billion dollar wall, which hasn't stopped the daily illegals entering, wasting money that could have gone towards something a lot more helpful, like homeless families and those with PTSD. He is a malignant narcissist, something which many leaders have, and something which doesn't help others but is used to control. He had enough money so he wanted to be God. Many have turned against him because they've opened their eyes. Hopefully he gets what he deserves and disappears from our view.

I can imagine how sad the other half of your family feels for you. Maybe you should listen to that half of your family...


If you want to rank the worst US presidents ever, first place on any list will go to Biden, but Democrats hide the embarrassment by constantly blaming Trump for all his f***ups. Soon you'll have Harris to vie for first place on that list.

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Another hazard for humanity is over population. There are 23 nations that have the highest birth rates. 22 are in Africa, all are Muslim. I have nothing against moderate Islamic people. But, many others need to get their act together. Am I allowed to say that? Why are some of the poorest people in the world having so many kids? In centuries past it was necessary, as many would not survive long, and they were needed on the farm. Does that still apply? 


Fortunately, many are predicting a decline in world population, as many people simply refuse to bring a kid into today's world. That is a very good thing. Lower population and lower economic growth is a huge benefit to mankind. 

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22 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Does having that rant make you feel better?


He made a billion dollar wall, which hasn't stopped the daily illegals entering,

How come you Trump haters always distort reality?

You have to know that he didn't get to finish the wall and biden cancelled it, which left big gaps for the illegals to walk through.

I don't hate Trump. I have no feelings for him and only see him for what he really is. His wall wouldn't have worked, no matter how tall or wide, because people can tunnel, fly over, and walk around it.

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2 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

Was always in a relationship, not wanting one nighters, although had a few. Some lasted a few weeks, and some months. If your future plans aren't the same, you need to go your separate ways, and not waste more time with someone that you think won't stay the distance. Some people get married and divorced in a week. Some date for years, then stay married 50 years miserable. Some marry their high school sweethearts, and stay together until death. I always had time to hunt, fish, and spend times with friends, along with having a girlfriend. I'm 67, and if you subtract the 22 years I was married and spent 3 years with another girlfriend, and started at age 20 dating, you get 22 years left to date those many girls. An average of almost 5 a year, which isn't any different than many other men.

I dated a few girls but never enjoyed it, so didn't any more. Seemed it was more about them getting free meals or movies than because they liked me. After a while had no regrets for not doing so.

I still had platonic female friends, but never went further.

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2 minutes ago, JensenZ said:

I can imagine how sad the other half of your family feels for you. Maybe you should listen to that half of your family...


If you want to rank the worst US presidents ever, first place on any list will go to Biden, but Democrats hide the embarrassment by constantly blaming Trump for all his f***ups. Soon you'll have Harris to vie for first place on that list.

My family doesn't feel sad for me because they know I understand what Trump is all about, and they are beginning to see it for themselves. Denial sometimes takes time to overcome. I don't believe we should have a president anyway. No man should be left in charge to try and adjust and fix our problems. Any man can make suggestions, which Congress has to approve anyway, so he's not needed. A group of like minded people who are trying to help everyone would work better. That means no more infighting, but egos and money work against many things.

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2 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

I don't hate Trump. I have no feelings for him and only see him for what he really is. His wall wouldn't have worked, no matter how tall or wide, because people can tunnel, fly over, and walk around it.

You certainly come across as a Trump hater from what you write.


Walls never work without humans to back them up.

The vast majority of the horde currently invading the US would not be able to tunnel under or fly over it, but they can walk around it because biden stopped construction leaving gaps.

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7 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Fortunately, many are predicting a decline in world population, as many people simply refuse to bring a kid into today's world. That is a very good thing.

It is a good thing but it's probably only educated women having less or none.

The uneducated ones are having lots of them, which does not bode well for the future.

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