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Opinion: The 10,000 digital wallet will do more harm to the country than benefit it


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Did any of Thaksin's politician explain the details of the 10,000 THB scheme? Especially:

Where does the money come from?

How high will be the administrative cost?

Where and for what can the money be spent?

Who (shops) can receive the money from these wallets?

What happens with wallets where the money is not or only in part spent?

How is all this regulated?

What is done to makes sure this is transparent?


We can be sure about one thing: Thaksin and his party wouldn't do this just because they have such a good heart. They will do it for a similar reason like the rice scam: They want more power and more money - and maybe give a poor a little to make them feel better.

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This bribe has all the hallmarks of the tablet debacle, when every school kid was supposed to get a fantastic electronic tablet.


As this inevitably goes wrong, the military-industrial complex will swing into action, and use this as evidence of corruption and malfeasance by the redshirts.


Then when the time is right they will create astroturfed protest movements, which will lead to the 14th military coup. And return Thailand to its former 'glory'.

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41 minutes ago, proton said:

It was a bare faced bribe for votes and should be illegal in the first place.

If I recalled, PTP didn't win the election and all political parties have election pledges. MFP promised to raise wage with yearly revision, debt relief and subsidize housing loans. UTN will increase monthly grants per person and subsidies to buy goods and services. PPR offer 30,000 B to 7.5 million farming households, increase monthly grants for state welfare holders and subsidies for petrol, diesel and cooking gas. All bare face bribes and illegal? 

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