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Al Gore To Tell Bangkok The Truth


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Al Gore to tell Bangkok the truth

Published on July 19, 2007

Former US vice president Al Gore will give a speech on global warming next month in Thailand to inspire local executives to take more action on environmental issues.

Vachara Phanchet, vice president of the Pacific Basin Economic Council (PBEC) said Gore will talk about global warming and environmental issues, which are featured in his documentary film "An Inconvenient Truth". The dinner event will be held on August 8, with executive guests invited to participate.

"Global warming is a hot issue in Thailand and Southeast Asia. We would like to alert Thai society to the dangers of global warming. A speaker like Al Gore is very influential, especially for the business sector. Hopefully people will become more aware of environmental issues in Thailand," Vachara said.

Pongphon Sarnsamak

The Nation

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Hmmm shouldn’t he be looking in his own backyard before preaching to others? The U.S. produces around 5 times more greenhouse gas per capita when compared to Thailand’s output.

You are kidding, right?

He is very active in his back yard.

But unless the entire world is involved, USA, China, India, etc,, abandon all hope.

I already have based on denial cases like you guys.

Look, if you're already old, it won't effect you so much. But if you think the earth and the human species is a pretty cool thing, you have to at least listen to this guy. He isn't running for anything and he is rich enough. He could write trash novels if he just wanted to make more money.

BTW, Welcome to Thailand, President Gore.

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terryp, haven't you heard of True Corp.?

I never saw Al Gore's movie but I know it has some inaccuracies, such as using Mount Kilimanjaro as an example of global warming, which it most likely isn't, but it doesn't mean everything he says is wrong.

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I am not a scientist, so on matters of science, I do choose to trust mainstream science. And mainstream science agrees with Al Gore. Mainstream science believes evolution is real. Bush republicans deny it. They also deny global warming. Which side are you on? Science or some kind of Hummer driving fundamentalist hooey?

Dr Graeme Pearman, Past Chief CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research, Senior Research Fellow at Monash University and Director GPO Consulting

“The movie (AL GORE'S AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH) is based on sound science and as such reflects the mainstream view expressed in the international peer review literature. There were a few cases where the graphics assumed one particular view of the future without adequate caveats. But overwhelmingly the presentation was sound and did not drift into sensationalising what is a serious global issue.”

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I love the global warming deniers. Lets just keep on cutting down a football field of forest every 2 seconds, burning up fossil fuels, consuming like crazy, increasing the GHG level in our atmosphere and think everythin is going to be ok, and the link between Co2 levels and temperatures is all crap, and Gore and others like Nicholas Stern are part of some big conspiracy to make us all greener for no reason so they can line their own pockets. And all those idiots tracking encroaching deserts and animals moving towards the poles due to increased temperatures are all psuedo-scientists who spend oto much time on research and don't have a clue about how the greenbhouse effect works. Blah blah blah...

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In fact, even those oil companies like Chevron and even Exxon now who ackowledge the link between Co2 and climate change are part of a bigger conspiracy as well!!!! Gore is secretly working with them to get rich and run a new world order. The whole need for clean energy is just a ruse!!!!!

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Global warming is real. The causes are not in full agreement among scientists, however. You find many arguing on both sides. But don't listen to the alarmists who blow it out of proportion with incorrect proof and scare tactics. Those people are not scientists.

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Global warming is real. The causes are not in full agreement among scientists, however. You find many arguing on both sides. But don't listen to the alarmists who blow it out of proportion with incorrect proof and scare tactics. Those people are not scientists.

Nobody can exactly predict the earth's future.

However, you don't have to be a brain surgeon to agree that living greener is good for everyone. Less pollution, less dependence on Middle East oil, most likely less global warming. If Al Gore is correct and major action is not taken soon, then it will be too late. Half way indecisive measures like lets study this for another 20 years won't cut it. Is he correct? Are you feeling lucky? The stakes are rather high (as in everything). Especially if you have children.

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I'm not arguing that living greener is not good. I'm just saying those alarmist who try to incite panic in everyone aren't doing any good. The problem is, you see many disagreements among the experts.

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You see very few respected scientist working independantly who will not acknowledge the link between CO2 levels and global warming. When you have Exxon now acknowledging a link, you know that the sheer weight of science has tipped in that direction. If there was still lively debate amongst leading scientist like there was 2 years ago, companies like Exxon would still be saying there is debate and noonce can be sure. But when they turn, you know the debate is over.

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I really don’t want to waste much time on this, but according to mainstream science, in which you have placed your faith. The Earth has heated up and cooled on many occasions. However it is difficult to blame Exxon for any of the previous climate changes. The fact that the climate is changing is only a sign that things are as they always have been, perhaps human activity is actually slowing down a more rapid warming. It is obvious the scientists do not understand what caused the other warmings and coolings of the Earth. And if you haven’t noticed, global warming is quite the little industry making many PC scientists and activists into celebs, maybe even into presidents.

I will hold off judgment until 2+2=4

I agree we can still make a move towards a cleaner environment, that in itself is it’s own reward.

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Yep... cant trust the data he puts forth... its just backed by some of the best minds of our time.. but hey.. If Rush Limbaugh says its bunk who am I to disagree ..

I dont know whether to be more concerned if Gore actually belives the bullshit he is spouting, or whether he is cynically latching on to the latest "cash cow"


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You can cite a dissenting opinion on just about anything. I recall reading that the core of Gore's scientific assertions are supported by over 90 percent of world's scientists in relevant fields. I like those odds. Better than betting the future of the planet on the skeptics. But if was betting my own money, I would bet we do almost nothing, and we will find out for real. I do feel Al Gore is a flaming optimist for even trying to get his message across and imagining that it will make a bit of a difference.

Good luck!

I am already a bit old and have no kids. But for people with children who aren't concerned about this, I do wonder what you are thinkng even having children in the first place.

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Probably fruitless to deny the global warming, again, and even to deny that it is likely caused by deforestation and fuel consumption this time. But I fear the issue is different than just telling people to quit cutting trees and buying transportation.

People may be contributing but until we address the fact that increasing population around the world is a big part of the issue we will fail miserably to fix any part of the problem. So population control has to be the driving issue, not consumption alone.

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Even if Global warming is disproved I don't see any benefit to increasing pollution and dependence on foreign oil. Do you like sitting near a smokestack and breathing in the fumes? If not than it makes sense to support green technologies. I would place my money on going green having benefits above continuing as we are not having any negative consequences.

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Its simple guys - the earth has warmed and cooled over millenia, naturally. But due to ice-core drilling where scientists can see what the level of CO2 was in our atmosphere thousands if years ago, and also the temperature from other data, they have established a very difficult to deny link between CO2 and temps.

Now, since the industrial age, we humans have been pouring CO2 into the atmodsphere in a very UNnatural way and are altering the earths delicate balance that lead to natural heating and coolin periods.

Never befire has the earth had to deal with CO2 levels at almost 400 part per million. Given the link between temps and CO2 levels, we could be leading ourselves down to path to some very serious MAN-MADE or MAN-INFLUENCED sh*t if we don't reduce the build up of C02 in the atmosphere.

Remember simple science? GHGs TRAP the suns heat, they don't let it pass back into space. So we put more GHGs in, we trap more heat. Simple guys, really.

So noone can say for sure what is really going to happen. But we wold have to be STUPID not to start worrying about the build up of GHG and start reducing. And in fact we ARE worrying. When big oil starts addressing renewables and ADMIT the link, things are happening.

Its like the cancer debate - eventually eveyone will come around to the fact that the science is in and somethings got to be done.

the WORST thing we can do is nothing,...

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So population control has to be the driving issue, not consumption alone

Increasing populations drive consumption, so yes, we need to reduce people. But now you have countrie in economic booms that need increasing populations to maintain it. Some are looking abroad at immigration, others promoting more children.

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Yep... cant trust the data he puts forth... its just backed by some of the best minds of our time.. but hey.. If Rush Limbaugh says its bunk who am I to disagree ..
I dont know whether to be more concerned if Gore actually belives the bullshit he is spouting, or whether he is cynically latching on to the latest "cash cow"


And 35 years ago "some of the best minds" of THEIR time were spouting on about the impending doom, caused by global COOLING !!!!

Guess why? Because thats where all the money was to be had

Now governments around the world are opening their (OUR!) coffers to anyone that mentions studying/discussing global warming, all and sundry are jumping on the gravy train

Live Earth anyone?

Simply washed up, or upcoming celebs raising the public awareness of themselves

One person i wouldnt trust as far as i could throw him would be a person that looks like he has just stepped off the set of The Sopranos :o

Gore missed out on the gravy-train that was the US presidency, and now is ttrying to make up for lost time, IMO


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Yes, well, regardless of US politics here (discussion of which is not appropriate in this forum anyway).

It sounds as tho this is an invitation only dinner:

The dinner event will be held on August 8, with executive guests invited to participate.

So, unless you are a local exec, it seems you won't have much chance to attend.

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Its simple guys - the earth has warmed and cooled over millenia, naturally. But due to ice-core drilling where scientists can see what the level of CO2 was in our atmosphere thousands if years ago, and also the temperature from other data, they have established a very difficult to deny link between CO2 and temps.

Now, since the industrial age, we humans have been pouring CO2 into the atmodsphere in a very UNnatural way and are altering the earths delicate balance that lead to natural heating and coolin periods.

Never befire has the earth had to deal with CO2 levels at almost 400 part per million. Given the link between temps and CO2 levels, we could be leading ourselves down to path to some very serious MAN-MADE or MAN-INFLUENCED sh*t if we don't reduce the build up of C02 in the atmosphere.

Remember simple science? GHGs TRAP the suns heat, they don't let it pass back into space. So we put more GHGs in, we trap more heat. Simple guys, really.

So noone can say for sure what is really going to happen. But we wold have to be STUPID not to start worrying about the build up of GHG and start reducing. And in fact we ARE worrying. When big oil starts addressing renewables and ADMIT the link, things are happening.

Its like the cancer debate - eventually eveyone will come around to the fact that the science is in and somethings got to be done.

the WORST thing we can do is nothing,...

So what you’re saying is although the previous climate changes were just something that happens sometimes, this climate change is our fault. You say this because scientists say they have linked the atmospheric CO2 content of tens (hundreds) of thousands of years ago to temperature data from tens of thousands of years ago. In other words their best guess at the ice ages and warm ups happen to coincide with their best guess at carbon content in the air at the same time. That’s fairly convenient but no smoking gun.

Two problems:

1) At one point scientists say the earth had tropical zones nearly all the way to the Arctic Circle. Yet you say right now we have considerably more CO2 in the air then ever in history. Why is the amount of visible change today so minute? It took decades of debate just to agree that warming was even happening. Are you going to say warming takes a long time to occur? The eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines had and immediate effect on global temperatures; which, by the way, was a cooling effect despite the massive amounts GHGs. The sun is on all day, if we were going to heat up based on today’s level of atmospheric CO2 holding in the heat, we would heat up in months.

2) Scientists have continually altered benchmarks for earth history to match up to current theories. In truth all the evidence they have is a circular argument of geographic evidence, fossil record, and glacial gases. Each one of these requires the other to establish the age of the each. Matching them all up in a sequence that seems to link up is not hard science; only a hypothesis. But hey it's all we got right?

Scientists don’t pay for their toys, motivated corporations, individuals and foundations do. You want the big toys and the paycheck; you got to find the right answers.

Fear is an industry. Al Gore has found a hot ticket, Global destruction! You don't dare question this, it's too scary.

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All I'm saying is what the vast and growing majority of scientists are saying around the world. All you are saying is some argument that you believe and possibly a shrinking number of scientst are saying around the world now.

Are you saying all the scientists, every one of them, from learning institutions of great repute (Carnegie Institute / CSIRO / Oxford University et al) and from organisation whose funding comes from many and varied places that all link climate change with human activity - every single one of them is conjuring up evidence to support their funding? Every single one of them is linking dodgy evidence to keep some cospirators in the business of fear happy? Are you serious?

The problem with that is, the scientist who are establishing climate change is human influenced are not the same ones who research solutions. So when the world believes climate change IS human influenced (and YES the world does now believe this and every country and every university and every major company is doing something about it) the funding to decided whether it is or not stops, and it starts on funding to research solutions.

And are you also telling me, some dude behind a computer on some Thailand forum, that world leaders, CEOs of the top companies, scientists from the worlds leading institutions, community and civic leader - all those people of great education, standing, and respect, have all been duped by these scientist who are making up connections between climate change and man-made GHG emissions, and are all way off the mark when they say we have to reduce our emissions to slow or reverse the impact of climate change???????????

Good effort at an argument mate, but whatever, I'm sticking with the rest of the world on this one...

Global destruction! You don't dare question this, it's too scary

###### right it is! And even a little evidence is enough to convince me to do something about it, the alternative is not worth thinking about.

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