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Al Gore To Tell Bangkok The Truth


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Al Gore will meet Surayud in Bangkok

Tue, July 24, 2007 : Last updated 19:02 pm

Former US vice president Al Gore will discuss with Thau Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont on global warming issues during his trip in Bangkok next month.

Vachara Phanchet, vice president of the Pacific Basin Economic Council (PBEC) said Gore has already confirmed his planned visit to Thailand.

Al Gore will arrive Bangkok on August 8 by his private plan. After the arrival he will meet with Thai Prime Minister General Surayud Chulanont and Minister of Energy to discuss and encourage Thai government to pay more attention to global warming issues.

The Nation

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Global destruction! You don't dare question this, it's too scary

###### right it is! And even a little evidence is enough to convince me to do something about it, the alternative is not worth thinking about.

There, that is exactly what I am saying. The multitudes say "It doesn't matter how much evidence they have, I am buying what they sell because otherwise I am caught thinking for myself".

People’s faith in immeasurable theoretical science is more dogmatic than recognized religions.

Today the priests wear lab coats and prophecy, and the faithful cry no price is too high, no conclusion too thin. Man always needs a cause and a devil.

Science is a business; this is the real inconvenient truth.

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Will the Thais listen? I doubt it, unless Gore is backed by penny whistles, silly 'boing' sounds and a host of teens crying at every silly antic.

In all fairness. Do many of the people in this country know where the poles are? Then in the face of some Thai 'scientist' that claimed rising tides won't affect Thailand, I doubt anyone would listen.

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Al Gore snubs Thailand visit

(BangkokPost.com) – Al Gore has canceled a scheduled appearance in Bangkok to give a talk on global warming scheduled for next month due to workload.

The former US Vice President was originally scheduled to arrive in the capital on August 8 but his representatives have now confirmed that the event will not be taking place due to Gore’s heavy workload.

The Post Publishing Public Co.,

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Well that's that then.

Thais are slowly waking up to global warming. Now the BMA is on the warpath - although very ineffectively, we can see billboards around the city warning of global warming and announcing BMAs goal to reduce CO2 emissions by x% (thinnk 40!).

They have an activity on the 9th of every month as well although it is badly publicised and will, in August, release a report on Bangkok and climate change and the BMAs 5 year plan to combat it.

There are also climate change exercise books that are going into Thai schoosl to teach the subject but how many, and when and by whom is still unclear.

But things are happening and it is coming on the radar - but very slowly.

I'm not surprised Gore cancelled to be honest.

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Al Gore snubs Thailand visit

(BangkokPost.com) – Al Gore has canceled a scheduled appearance in Bangkok to give a talk on global warming scheduled for next month due to workload.

The former US Vice President was originally scheduled to arrive in the capital on August 8 but his representatives have now confirmed that the event will not be taking place due to Gore’s heavy workload.

Gore had earlier accepted an invitation from the Pacific Basin Economic Council (PBEC), an independent business association that links economies of the Asia-Pacific region to come to Thailand to talk about global warming.

Ever since the 2000 election which he lost to President George W Bush, Gore has been channeling his energy on saving the planet from irrevocable change through global warming. His documentary on this topic, “An Inconvenient Truth”, gained worldwide popularity and won an Oscar for Best Documentary in February this year.

Is this a Al Gore moment?

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Al Gore snubs Thailand visit

(BangkokPost.com) – Al Gore has canceled a scheduled appearance in Bangkok to give a talk on global warming scheduled for next month due to workload.

The former US Vice President was originally scheduled to arrive in the capital on August 8 but his representatives have now confirmed that the event will not be taking place due to Gore’s heavy workload.

Gore had earlier accepted an invitation from the Pacific Basin Economic Council (PBEC), an independent business association that links economies of the Asia-Pacific region to come to Thailand to talk about global warming.

Ever since the 2000 election which he lost to President George W Bush, Gore has been channeling his energy on saving the planet from irrevocable change through global warming. His documentary on this topic, “An Inconvenient Truth”, gained worldwide popularity and won an Oscar for Best Documentary in February this year.

Is this a Al Gore moment?

A source close to the issue was surprised by the organisers' announcement, saying Mr Gore had never put Thailand on his schedule.

''His decision not to come here has nothing to do with the military coup,'' the source said.

The former US vice-president had informed the US embassy that he had no plans to visit Thailand, according to the source.


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Former Vice President Al Gore did not snub Thailand, he merely came to the realization that Thailand is in fact too far from the melting Glaciers to be affected by the potentially rising seas. Thus he saw no need to visit here. Thailand is safe. Keep those shrub and other things burning especially the plastic refuse. :D:D:o

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  • 2 months later...

Gore wins Nobel Peace Prize

OSLO, Norway - Former Vice President Al Gore and the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have won the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to spread awareness of man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures needed to counteract it.

Gore, who won an Academy Award this year for his film "An Inconvenient Truth," a documentary on global warming, had been widely expected to win the prize.

Climate change has moved high on the international agenda this year. The U.N. climate panel has been releasing reports, talks are set to resume on a replacement for the Kyoto Protocol, and there is concern about the melting Arctic.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee said global warming, "may induce large-scale migration and lead to greater competition for the earth's resources. Such changes will place particularly heavy burdens on the world's most vulnerable countries. There may be increased danger of violent conflicts and wars, within and between states."

Jan Egeland, a Norwegian peace mediator and former U.N. undersecretary for humanitarian affairs, also called climate change more than an environmental issue.

"It is a question of war and peace," said Egeland, now director of the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs in Oslo. "We're already seeing the first climate wars, in the Sahel belt of Africa." He said nomads and herders are in conflict with farmers because the changing climate has brought drought and a shortage of fertile lands.

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Yes indeed global warming is a fact, But Al Gore is only promoting himself and using Global warming as a means.

What everybody needs to be concerend about is the climate wars that Mr. Egeland of the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs in Oslo is talking about.

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Yes indeed global warming is a fact, But Al Gore is only promoting himself and using Global warming as a means.

What everybody needs to be concerend about is the climate wars that Mr. Egeland of the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs in Oslo is talking about.

An Australian farmer, hit by the draught said: " I don't believe in climate change. It has not rained for 8 years!"

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Gore wins Nobel Peace Prize

Albert Schweitzer .....Martin Luther King ..... Mother Teresa ......

Arafat ..... Carter ...... Gore ............

Just doesn't have the same ring, does it?

To put some third-rate bureaucrat and lifelong hypocrite who did nothing more with his life than enjoy daddy's trust fund and contacts, and create a factually inaccurate film en-homage to his own ego and self-interest, into the same class as people who have dedicated their entire adult lives toward alleviating the hardships of their fellow men, is foul and disgusting decision.

The Nobel selection committe has clearly lost the plot. Alfred Nobel must be rolling over in his grave.

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Yes indeed global warming is a fact, But Al Gore is only promoting himself and using Global warming as a means.

What everybody needs to be concerend about is the climate wars that Mr. Egeland of the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs in Oslo is talking about.

An Australian farmer, hit by the draught said: " I don't believe in climate change. It has not rained for 8 years!"

He might be right:

"ONE of the world's foremost meteorologists has called the theory that helped Al Gore share the Nobel Peace Prize "ridiculous" and the product of "people who don't understand how the atmosphere works".

Dr William Gray, a pioneer in the science of seasonal hurricane forecasts, told a packed lecture hall at the University of North Carolina that humans were not responsible for the warming of the earth."


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Congratulations Al Gore!

He is indeed a great man, well loved by people all over the world.

He is at the top of his game, and has totally vindicated himself from the depths of a Shakespearean defeat that would have destroyed most average men.

He, the supposed loser, now smells like roses.

The "winner" smells like you know what!

Edited by Jingthing
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Hmmm shouldn't he be looking in his own backyard before preaching to others? The U.S. produces around 5 times more greenhouse gas per capita when compared to Thailand's output.

Hmmm, don't get your point as the US population is 5 times bigger than Thailand and the percapitat GDP is way more than that, as is the standard of living healthcare, etc.

Anyhow, I think the manmade component to global warming is a redherring initiative designed to stimulate global economies and create more global organizations. If the goal were to have clean air and water, I'd feel differently. Manmade initiatives to fight global warming are less than a spit in the ocean. It's a spit in the cosmos.

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Gore wins Nobel Peace Prize

yeah..shocking :o

How did it happen?

Do you really believe he deserves this honour?

He was former vice-President..maybe that would make

it's easy for him to get a nobel peace prize!!

that's what i think..anyway. :D

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As Jingthing has pointed out, Gore arose like a phoenix from the ashes to change the world for the better, whilst the winner of that election in 2000 has done quite the opposite. Congratulations to Al Gore.

Hasn't changed one thing - thats the irony of it all. :o

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OK, for those who don't believe in global warming, do you believe that it's a good idea to use up ALL the known reserves of oil, gas and other fossil fuels?

These kinds of arguments have more holes and are more ridiculous than Gore's film.

There is already ample evidence as to what these kinds these kinds of policies cause. Impoverished third world nations continue to have no chance and millions of people continue to die young horrible deaths because they don't even have the basics of electricity and clean water. They can't grow crops to feed themselves because there are no desalination plants for irrigation. Even developed nations like America are forced to pay high prices and have aggressive foreign policies because the stupid politicians and tree-huggers prevent it from exploiting it's own energy reserves, which are estimated to be more vast than those in the middle east.

If these kinds of arguments are followed it would ruin the world economy and drive people back to the stone age. Whether people choose to believe or not, there are two simple undeniable facts. First, oil is the fuel that drives the world economy. Allowing governments to legislate oil usage and production is contrary to current market economics that allow the vast majority of the world's population to survive, whether this is an emerging country or a prosperous one. Second, mankind's effect on the global climate is akin to a swarm of gnats on the ass of a rhinoceros. This has been proven over and over again .... by real scientists .... not wanna be scientists like Algore.

But hey, let's evaluate your proposal to prevent people from using up all of the known reserves of oil, gas and other fossil fuels. Who is going to be the person or governing body to decide who gets to use fuel and who doesn't? The UN? The junta in Myanmar? That kook in North Korea? Ahmedinajad? Castro? Chavez? Gore? Scary, scary, scary stuff.

Imagine what might happen in Thailand if the government started legislating fuel usage? Corruption gets worse. Only those with bribe money or political influence get as much fuel as they want. Common people in the country would lose crop productivity and have a harder time getting their crops to market. Tourist money would dry up and kill many local economies. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Oh wait, I'm sorry, can't say iceberg any more because Bush & Cheney already melted them all. :o

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Why would Al Gore start telling the truth now? An inconvenient Truth was full of convenient lies, misinformation and manipulation of facts. I'll probably get jumped on by several people about saying that and accused of being a planet hater, but I don't hate Earth and don't think it's good to pollute. I believe everyone should do their part to keep the planet healthy, but I don't like it when people like AL Gore use their influence to sell us a load of BS.

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Why would Al Gore start telling the truth now? An inconvenient Truth was full of convenient lies, misinformation and manipulation of facts. I'll probably get jumped on by several people about saying that and accused of being a planet hater, but I don't hate Earth and don't think it's good to pollute. I believe everyone should do their part to keep the planet healthy, but I don't like it when people like AL Gore use their influence to sell us a load of BS.

Well one thing is certain. Gore is far more educated on the matter than any of us in this forum and he is making a difference...which is far more than most everyone can say. People can spew hate all they want, it won't change the fact that he is a far better man than those uneducated people in this thread doing the hate mongering.

I find it amusing that you people doing the griping can stomach going out in the pollution here every day and not wonder about the ill effects it is having on your lives, regardless of whether you believe gore or not, he is supporting a good cause. The health of the planet is most certainly worth of our attention.

At the very least he has everyone talking about it. Good comes from such things. For the global awareness alone, that he has generated by sheer will and hard work, he deserves the Nobel.


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Well one thing is certain. Gore is far more educated on the matter than any of us in this forum and he is making a difference...which is far more than most everyone can say.

He was in some capacity when the US refused to sign the Kyoto protocol.

He was in an even bigger capacity for 8 years after that. Not a squeak came from him or from the government he was the vice president of.

What happened to him in the meantime? Now he understands something? Whatever he understands, it's nothing to do with climate and science.

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