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Is there a Thai generic version of valsartan available in Thailand?  I was originally prescribed valsartan among other drugs for high blood pressure in The US.   At some point here in Thailand, valsartan became impossible to buy so I switched to Losartan.  My BP has stayed pretty much within safe limits but I was recently reviewing my meds and think valsartan's longer effectiveness may be beneficial.

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There's also Diovan from Novartis.


You can buy it at any Watson's, Boots, Fascino pharmacy, or if you want it cheaper, at Diamond pharmacy next to Sirirat hospital entrance.


Don't know about Thai generic versions.

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Bear in mind there are different strengths between the two hypertension medications, also their activity times differ. 

Also, if your taking a 2nd or 3rd tablet as part of a prescribed cocktail then further considerations need to be taken before switching.

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Locally made brands of Valsartan are:

  • Diforge-160
  • Valsartan GPO
  • Viotan

They can be hard to find, and still cost more than Losartan, though less than imported brands of Valsartan.


What does of Losartan are you on? Because the difference in length of action mainly pertains at lower doses e.g. 50mg. At 100mg dose, Losartan effects last 24 hours.



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2 hours ago, Sheryl said:


What does of Losartan are you on? Because the difference in length of action mainly pertains at lower doses e.g. 50mg. At 100mg dose, Losartan effects last 24 hours.

 I take 25mg of Losartan daily.  When I switched to Losartan after Valsartan became temporarily unavailable (some contamination issue IIRC) I did extensive research and sought advice from my primary care Dr. in the US.  It was generally advised that people over 70 not use a larger dose than 25mg if their BP remained within limits.  The reason I'm considering changing back to Valsartan is that I have noticed my BP in somewhat elevated in the evening though not alarmingly so.  Valsartan reportedly has a 24 hour duration while Losartan's effectiveness is said to trail off at 16 to 18 hours.


While I have your attention another issue I discovered: I have taken Metoprolol since bypass surgery in 2017. I was originally prescribed Metoprolol Succinate.  I just realized that for the last 5 years, I've been buying Metoprolol Tartrate: 25mg per day.  I did not realize until today that the tartrate has a very short effectiveness.  I wonder If it is actually having any kind of beneficial effects.  There are strong warnings about just stopping taking it.  It's suggested one taper off but I only take 1/4 of a 100mg tablet as it is.  I don't know how I'd halve that small an amount.  Should I attempt to find Metoprolol Succinate locally?


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You have been taking the tartrate only once a day? As needs to be twice a day due to short duration of action


Metopropolol succinate is available here in brand name Betalic Zok but comes only in 100 mg tabs. 


Although you have been getting sub-therapeutic dose should still not discontinue without discussing with your carfiologist



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