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"PRIME MINISTER Srettha Thavisin is moving to draw A-list performers to Thailand to boost tourism"


I remember prior to Covid when tourist figures were at an all time high, the Government were saying that tourism didn't account for much in the way of GDP. (From memory they were quoting round about 5%)


Then Covid hit, and the bottom dropped out of the tourist market and they suddenly realised just how important tourism was - not just for hotel bookings, but all the other businesses that depend on tourism - from 5 Star hotels to mama and papa shops on the corner, and just as suddenly the GDP jumped into double figures! (Well done TAT!)


Some people even said that we ex pats were helping to keep the country going by our continual presence in the country, and even the new Chief of Immigration said that he was going to make it easier for ex pats to obtain visas to stay in the country. He probably realised that on average an ex pat will spend at least 500,000 baht a year, and is here all year round rather than a few weeks tourist who will spend a fraction of that amount. (I know that ex pats number only in their thousands while pre Covid visitors numbered in the millions, but I am talking about the money spent per capita) 


So why instead of making things easier, they seem to be making it more difficult for ex pats to get their visa extensions? Why do we need to provide the same information year after year although our circumstances have not changed in any way? My last application for an extension by way of marriage entailed me having to provide almost 150 photocopies of everything from pages of a bank book to copies of my wifes housebook from a house where she has not lived  for 15 years???!!! And this year, for the first time, in order to acquire his extension based on retirement, my next door neighbour has to provide photos of himself standing outside his house with the house number clearly visible? (With a little pot of black paint he could paint his house number on any wall of any house and it would look like he lived there!)


The reason for this post is to try to show that in this country, in many cases the prorities are all wrong - Immigration and the RTP having a widely publicised ongoing battle trying to nab a few people who are on overstay (but presumably still spending money!) while the carnage continues on the roads due to poor driving skills, and the apparent reluctance of the RTP to apprehend offenders (except farangs riding motor bikes without a helmet!) And in the meantime, the Prime Minister tries to  persuade a few pop stars to perform in the country "to boost tourism", where they may end up in "hot water" for incorporating the Thai flag into their act, when in actual fact this may well be to try to demonstrate "unity" with their audience!

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53 minutes ago, sambum said:

So why instead of making things easier, they seem to be making it more difficult for ex pats to get their visa extensions?

They created the LTR visas which make life a lot easier for people on higher incomes with proper health cover. Isn't this making perfect sense from the Government's point of view?


IMHO authorities see people on yearly extensions as having a poor cost, benefit, risk ratio.

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6 hours ago, CharlieH said:

This is forum support?




Sorry Charlie - late night! P.S. Moved to which Forum - can't see it!

Edited by sambum
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5 hours ago, Ben Zioner said:

They created the LTR visas which make life a lot easier for people on higher incomes with proper health cover. Isn't this making perfect sense from the Government's point of view?


IMHO authorities see people on yearly extensions as having a poor cost, benefit, risk ratio.


".....people on higher incomes with proper health cover."

So the Government only look after the wealthy? Ooops - sorry I asked!


And the thousands of ex pats that live here year upon year are a "risk"? I would think less of a risk than the Chinese "businessmen" that are here making money rather than spending it!!!


I have been living here for many years (as have many others) and I and my acquaintances always pay our way - I have only recently had to pay out almost 100,000 baht for an operation, and I spend a small fortune on monthly medication. Why? Because I (and once again, many others) am too old to get "proper health cover" as you call it!


And what do you mean by "poor cost"? Do you mean Immigration don't make a lot of money out of the annual 1900 baht extensions? I didn't realise it was supposed to be a money making exercise?


And what do do you mean by "poor benefit"? The same as above? 


Sounds like because we are not prepared to fork out for Elite visas etc you would class us as "undesirables"? 

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21 minutes ago, sambum said:

I have been living here for many years (as have many others) and I and my acquaintances always pay our way

So,since you've managed to stay here "many year" you have no reason to be a whingeing Pom now.


23 minutes ago, sambum said:

So the Government only look after the wealthy?

Strange way to put it, LTR only tries to attract middle class foreigners. And BOI made a commendable effort for that. No one is "wealthy" with an 80000 USD pension.


27 minutes ago, sambum said:

Why? Because I (and once again, many others) am too old to get "proper health cover" as you call it!


You should have secured a health cover before leaving your home country to move to a third world country. I just hope you didn't expect to be able to get such cover after you'd gotten old and sick.



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On 2/17/2024 at 5:10 PM, Ben Zioner said:

So,since you've managed to stay here "many year" you have no reason to be a whingeing Pom now.


Strange way to put it, LTR only tries to attract middle class foreigners. And BOI made a commendable effort for that. No one is "wealthy" with an 80000 USD pension.


You should have secured a health cover before leaving your home country to move to a third world country. I just hope you didn't expect to be able to get such cover after you'd gotten old and sick.



I had health insurance for two years in Thailand. I got suspicious about it, so asked the insurance company for a copy of what is covered etc in English and they refused.

I asked someone qualified what I should do and was advised to cancel it so I did.

If I had kept it going I would not have made  any claim, and after paying out several hundred thousand Baht. I would have probably been told I was too old then cancelled it and that, after the insurance company took all that money from me.

For expats to take out life insurance, it has to be genuine and fair, as it is now it is just a rip off.

Edited by NoshowJones
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1 hour ago, NoshowJones said:

I had health insurance for two years in Thailand. I got suspicious about it, so asked the insurance company for a copy of what is covered etc in English and they refused.

I asked someone qualified what I should do and was advised to cancel it so I did.

If I had kept it going I would not have made  any claim, and after paying out several hundred thousand Baht. I would have probably been told I was too old then cancelled it and that, after the insurance company took all that money from me.

For expats to take out life insurance, it has to be genuine and fair, as it is now it is just a rip off.

But that's exactly why one has to ensure that he has his health cover secured before he leaves home. And then I think it is better to keep a "base camp" at home so that one can retreat and benefit from the good health systems we have left behind.


I came here with an excellent cover from my former employer, but if this collapsed, I'd be left dying in the street

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1 hour ago, Ben Zioner said:

But that's exactly why one has to ensure that he has his health cover secured before he leaves home. And then I think it is better to keep a "base camp" at home so that one can retreat and benefit from the good health systems we have left behind.


I came here with an excellent cover from my former employer, but if this collapsed, I'd be left dying in the street


The trouble with Insurance is that basically they are in the business to make money, and not to pay it out!


Even before I left the UK, the Insurance companies I looked at had so many "pre existing conditions" not covered, that it seemed pointless to pay out a lot of money for insurance that would not cover me for the eventualities that I needed covered.


A few years ago when I was a "tourist" and spending a few weeks here every year, I had what I thought was good Insurance cover, so I used the same company for a few years. Unfortunately, I lost a tooth, and had to have a root canal filling and a porcelain crown fitted. They paid out, but a couple of years later, I had a similar problem which was more complicated and had to go to a special Dental Hospital in Bangkok for treatment. I had the treatment, but the Insurance company wouldn't pay out because "We've noticed that you have made a similar claim before" So you are only allowed to have a tooth problem once in your lifetime?

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6 hours ago, Alidiver said:

I hope you feel better getting that off your chest.

Remember you are a "dirty farang"

They don't like us.


If you are referring to the above post, the Insurance Company was in the UK!

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