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Thaivisa Cliches

November Rain

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The continual branding of poor sods teaching English without degrees as major league criminals who deserve the chair.

Quotes that come to mind are:

Suck it up and do the time as he did the crime

He got caught breaking the rules

I do not feel sorry for this guy at all

It is 'breaking the rules and get into trouble,' stuff adnaseum as if other than the fact they are probably teaching poor grammar, they are actual criminals worthy of the time and effort of the authorities. :o

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The continual branding of poor sods teaching English without degrees as major league criminals who deserve the chair.

Quotes that come to mind are:

Suck it up and do the time as he did the crime

He got caught breaking the rules

I do not feel sorry for this guy at all

It is 'breaking the rules and get into trouble,' stuff adnaseum as if other than the fact they are probably teaching poor grammar, they are actual criminals worthy of the time and effort of the authorities. :o

Funny ain't it - maybe they are giving their Anubaan 1 kids(4 year olds) an American accent - now that should be a crime

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BTW, to all Newbies and Trolls.. :D

Only kidding, To all people who do not yet know this... You can reduce the number of pages on this and any other thread in your control panel: (which you'll find at the top of this page to the right)

Choose from the control panel page. the left hand menu option "board settings" then scroll down that page and sellect "view posts per page".

If you set it to the max. (40) you'll not have seven pages of people talking about about their pet peeves, but only 4 pages (at the time of this post) :o

Edited by kayo
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Trolls on here can be quite entertaining if you allow yourself to suspend belief or condemnation for a few posts. Whereas a lot of the people first to scream "troll!" have undergone recent triple; irony / charisma / humour bypass operations. Get well soon. :o

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People who show the depth of their sincerity by typing RIP instead of rest in reace!

is it so difficult?

I would expect it is more acceptable to write "RIP" than "rest in reace"? If I am wrong I will take myself to one side and give myself a good talking to.

:o Doh!!!

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Trolls on here can be quite entertaining if you allow yourself to suspend belief or condemnation for a few posts. Whereas a lot of the people first to scream "troll!" have undergone recent triple; irony / charisma / humour bypass operations. Get well soon. :o

Possibly a lumpen lupine?

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Show me your Earth Passport, I've never seen one.

:o:D :D

There is such a document as a world passport. A Nigerian scammer was in possession of the one I saw.



The World Passport is a 30 page document printed in 7 languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Chinese and Esperanto. Each passport is numbered and each page contains the World Citizen logo as background. Two pages are reserved for affiliate identifications: diplomatic corps, organizations, firms, etc. There are nineteen visa pages. In the inside back cover, there is space for home address, next of kin, doctor, employer, driving license no. and national passport/identity number. The cover is blue with gold lettering.

The World Passport represents the inalienable human right of freedom of travel on planet Earth. Therefore it is premised on the fundamental oneness or unity of the human community."

(from the website)

Edited by Old Croc
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Obvious sex tourists/sexpats who protest that they are no such thing.

Posts about why the Thai government isn't doing anything about sexpats are throwing themselves off Pattaya balconies. Um, maybe coz they don't care?

Sexist/racist bulls*

I miss MTW's posts -- it was better than a reality tv show!

But overall, I like TV! :o

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Posters who slip around the forum rules against foul language by inserting numbers or other characters to say the same thing.

I mean, what the h3ll is THAT about?

Rules so strict that words in such common usage that we hear them every day on television are banned.

I am far more offended when reading comments by people (sorry but including moderators) who label others as morons or idiots (and much worse) simply because they do not agree with their opinions.

What a bunch of dumm!es, eh? :o

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Posters who slip around the forum rules against foul language by inserting numbers or other characters to say the same thing.

I mean, what the h3ll is THAT about?

That's a d@mn good one!

And what a posters who don't know the difference between "your" and "you're", e.g.

your wrong jim jim :o
okay here ya go hope your happy :D


I also hate posters who change their original post because they've thought of something else. Total <deleted>.

Edited by JetsetBkk
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It seems like many of the same subjects come up again & again, on TV, in one guise or another, which is predictable, if you think about it, as we have many similar experiences or questions.

But are there any thread subjects or responses that members come out with, time after time, that make you angry? Or want to throw your hands up in despair?

Please don't mention any particular member or thread, just the cliche.

Mine are: All Thai men are lazy, alcoholic wasters. (Oh, and cowards - forgot that one!)

If you don't like it, go home.

Any thread that stereotypes women (of any nationality)

So, anyone else bothered by any TV cliches? :o

Makes me angry that you've taken the time to post crap like this. Maybe you have to be in the click.

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It seems like many of the same subjects come up again & again, on TV, in one guise or another, which is predictable, if you think about it, as we have many similar experiences or questions.

But are there any thread subjects or responses that members come out with, time after time, that make you angry? Or want to throw your hands up in despair?

Please don't mention any particular member or thread, just the cliche.

Mine are: All Thai men are lazy, alcoholic wasters. (Oh, and cowards - forgot that one!)

If you don't like it, go home.

Any thread that stereotypes women (of any nationality)

So, anyone else bothered by any TV cliches? :o

Makes me angry that you've taken the time to post crap like this. Maybe you have to be in the click.

As with all threads, you don't need to read them, and you certainly don't need to lower yourself to respond to anything you consider to be "crap". I've found that if a member whose views or attitude I dislike starts a thread, it's often a good rule of thumb not to even bother reading it. Saves me from getting "angry", like you profess to be. Have a nice day. :D

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Wow. With all the negatives I've read over the last 4 pages (at 40 posts/page), I'm surprised anyone posts on TV at all !

Well, perhaps not that surprised after all. TV has quite a large membership, and has been rolling along nicely for a few years now. Part of the reason for it's success is of course the members themselves. The diversity of it's members, the wide range of topics, the efficient moderation and the continual improvements all contribute to the success of this site.

Like any community large or small, there will always be people who are not happy with some things, and some people who are not happy with any thing. The ability to express and exchange opinions as well as information has helped this site grow over the years into one of the best Thailand related sites on the internet.

Imagine how boring and stagnant this site would be if everyone always agreed with each other on every thing. There are sites like that, mostly due to the way in which they are managed. Agree with my point of view or get banned. Needless to say, sites like that tend to have low memberships and not a lot of useful information.

But you have to be able to accept the good with the bad. Whether it be certain types of members, certain types of posts or any of the other "pet peeves" noted in the previous (150+) responses. Everybody is an individual, and we all have our own ways of thinking and doing things. Some people may need to broaden their thinking and acceptance to take that into account.

Not everyone here is a "native english speaker". Many of the members are not as computer or internet "savvy" as others. Some members are wealthier than others. Some are better educated. Some live here, some don't. Some are happily married, some are happily avoiding marriage. Some stealJaiDeessmiliesforaliving, some don't. :o

Sometimes you just have to step away from the keyboard, take a second to smell the som tam, and remember:

1) Don't sweat the "small stuff".

2) It's all "small stuff".

If all else fails, blame kayo !

This post has been edited by kayo. OK I own up, I am the anti-everything. But I do have a dimple. Today 2017-07-17 23:04:43

This post was funded by the "Blame kayo for Everything Foundation", a non-profit organization dedicated to proving that everything bad that has ever happened is kayo's fault. Please support this worthwhile organization by adding your 2 satangs worth of opinions.

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Makes me angry that you've taken the time to post crap like this. Maybe you have to be in the click.

you mean the clique?

and the best way to join the clique is to post 15 posts a day. i'm told a smiley goes a long way too, though i have no intention of ever using one.

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Posters who believe that anyone is interested in how much they pay for electricity.

Posters who believe that every glance, every mistake, every slight, constitutes a "scam".

Posters who deny a characteristic, and then reinforce it with the next sentence. For example, "I'm no homophobe, but queers make me sick." Or, "I'm no pedophile, but I think 13 year old women are at their sexual maturity."

i personally am very interested in the price of electricity as mine has doubled in the last 6 months. I suspect that someone is piggy backing off my line. it is very a very common scam here.

I am not usually one to judge, but i think you are a typical angry farang.

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