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Anutin alleges betrayal in parliament over cannabis legislation


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4 hours ago, JackGats said:

Except It should not be for any "people" to decide what herb I grow and smoke and cook with.


Governments should stay out of what people decide to take into their bodies.


The debate about drugs - and the war on them - should never have existed.


"Let the Thai people decide ."


Like they did at the last elecion? Hmmm?

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4 hours ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

Yet another member of the powerful and wealthy Thainese with their dirty fingers in lots of dirty pies, complaining about things but never speaking the truth - the issue is loss of their money from whatever they are complaining about. The sooner that Thais start reducing the power of the wealthy Thainese 'families' in this country, who are masters of manipulation, corruption and graft, the better off Thailand will be in the long run. 


I agree, but unfortunately not likely to happen.

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2 hours ago, Smokey and the Bandit said:

You are correct people had the opportunity, but those who did, like Anutin have most to lose, that's why he is 'upset'

Any investment is a gamble!

I seriously doubt Anutin will be out of pocket personally, whatever happens, at worst he may not make as much as he intended, but I'm sure he has done just fine so far, and with another year , at least, to go he will will have made millions

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2 minutes ago, Dan O said:

I know what he has said publicly and seen his reactions in public.  so maybe if you learn to read and stay up with current affairs in the country you could know too.  You can go back to sleep now

I know exactly what he said , but unlike a few on here I don't take it personally, I treat it like any other remarks by politicians. I think I will go to sleep now You on the other hand don't have time for that , you have other matters to attend to , like growing up , developing a thicker skin , and getting a life.  Off you go , crack on , and keep me updated on your progress

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5 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

 Some "fragile"  people are unbelievably still obsessed by this , But he was absolutely correct , some are filthy.  Although whether that is a factor in transmitting covid is a different matter.     Do you think any of them actually like foreigners?  

Well according to the bs reply you just sent me no one knows what they think but suddenly you seem to imply you do.

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2 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

I know exactly what he said , but unlike a few on here I don't take it personally, I treat it like any other remarks by politicians. I think I will go to sleep now You on the other hand don't have time for that , you have other matters to attend to , like growing up , developing a thicker skin , and getting a life.  Off you go , crack on , and keep me updated on your progress

Another keyboard warrior full of yourself. Troll on with your bs 

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3 hours ago, Jonathan Swift said:

Does that go for cigarette smokers? Cigarette smoke literally stinks and is also a health hazard, secondhand cigarette smoke causes real health problems. Yeah, entitled cigarette addicts smoking anywhere they please are a scourge. So absolutely ALL smokers of all substances should be respectful and not pollute the air of others. But the cigarette pίgs will go to war with you if you ask them politely to refrain from doing it. 


"But the cigarette pίgs will go to war with you if you ask them politely to refrain from doing it."


I am an ex smoker (up to 2 packs a day for 50 years) an I can honestly say that in my experience, most smokers are the opposite to what you portray above. Personally, I don't mind someone smoking next to me - as long as it is not in a restaurant, or they deliberately blow smoke in my face - which has only happened once to me! 


There is a saying where I come from in the UK and that is that "there is no one so anti smoking as an ex smoker - and he'll let you know it "

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1 hour ago, jonclark said:

Judging by the tone of this response..i am not surprised they take issue with you asking them to stop. Maybe you should reflect on how you ask? May i suggest not using the term "cigarette pig" when you ask them to stop. (However i am sure you are only that brazen when posting annonymously on the internet )

That's uncanny I was just about to comment pretty much exactly word for word what you have written.  I am admittedly as brazen as anybody , but even I understand that most people, smokers included will respond positively to a request to moderate their behaviour slightly, as long as they are spoken to politely and in the correct manner.   Even drunkards will comply if spoken to appropriately.      Its a social  skill that  some will never master.


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8 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:


In Switzerland , they ... hold referendums and ask the population what they want ...

Why not in Thailand ?




Good question/suggestion but also ask yourself why not hold referendums and ask the population what they want in Europe, UK and the US or any other so-called democracy?


The bottom line is the dollar sign.

Money & Power.




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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

 Some "fragile"  people are unbelievably still obsessed by this , But he was absolutely correct , some are filthy.  Although whether that is a factor in transmitting covid is a different matter.     Do you think any of them actually like foreigners?  


No, not fragile, but possibly some people think that his comments were not something that you would expect from a Government Minister.


And in this country of contradictions, you can get jailed and/or heavily fined for criticising the standards of service and food in a hotel?

Edited by sambum
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, ourmanflint said:


BREAKING: Interior Minister Anutin Charnveerakul said Thurs the many foreigners owning marijuana shops must be arrested. The remark came after PM Srettha announced a crackdown on drugs Tues & to recriminalise marijuana for recreational purposes



Did he specify exactly what they should be arrested for ?  In many cases he is probably correct, I would imagine many do not have their paper work in order.  I have only been in one cannabis shop since this all started and to be honest I was a little bit irked when a slimy british guy tried to sell me a ready rolled joint of brick weed for the" bargain" price of 600 effing baht !     I reckon he deserves at least 10 years for that .   slimy southern kant 

Edited by Bday Prang
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Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, Dan O said:

Another keyboard warrior full of yourself. Troll on with your bs 

  lifestyle changes not going very well then I see, but don't give up, rome wasn't built in a day, you'll get there in the end , and ultimately  be a better person for it 

Edited by Bday Prang
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2 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

lifestyle changes not going very well then I see, but don't give up, rome wasn't built in a day, you'll get there in the end , and ultimately  be a better person for it 

My life style is excellent and I have no issues with my lifestyle. You seem to be the lost soul in search of a purpose but news flash,  your opinion is yours to own and live with and others may have a different and more accurate one they live by.  You have a good day and don't forget your nap, hopefully you'll feel better after you wake up, maybe not 

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13 minutes ago, sambum said:


No, not fragile, but possibly some people think that his comments were not something that you would expect from a Government Minister.


And in this country of contradictions, you can get jailed and/or heavily fined for criticising the standards of service and food in a hotel?

Then sadly they are a either little naive, or as usual expecting things here to be done  exactly the same as in their own miserable countries, where, unbelievably some have been forced to resign over a few ill chosen words

Anybody posting negative comments regarding restaurants etc on social media really needs to educate themselves as to the possible consequences of doing so. It is a country of contradictions but If I can survive here for nearly 30 years unscathed it is obviously not that difficult to do so

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5 minutes ago, Dan O said:

My life style is excellent and I have no issues with my lifestyle. You seem to be the lost soul in search of a purpose but news flash,  your opinion is yours to own and live with and others may have a different and more accurate one they live by.  You have a good day and don't forget your nap, hopefully you'll feel better after you wake up, maybe not 

  You will never overcome your problems until you admit them to yourself,  I don't doubt some have  more accurate opinions than me,  but you just aint one of them

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2 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

  You will never overcome your problems until you admit them to yourself,  I don't doubt some have  more accurate opinions than me,  but you just aint one of them

You seem to be the only one with a problem. Deflecting your issues with your inadequate replies 

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13 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

Probably the only thing he's done that suits the people was allowing weed......but then someone much higher up quashed that ruling......!



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14 hours ago, 1happykamper said:

Says you! 5555. It's an eyesore... Neon signs and Ganga signs everywhere in Pattaya.. Hua Hin.. Phuket... Its more visual pollution. Many coffee shops now are selling the stuff... and smoking it. I don't like cigarette smoke of ANY kind. Why should I breathe in that sht? 





Clueless of you

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6 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

Then sadly they are a either little naive, or as usual expecting things here to be done  exactly the same as in their own miserable countries, where, unbelievably some have been forced to resign over a few ill chosen words

Anybody posting negative comments regarding restaurants etc on social media really needs to educate themselves as to the possible consequences of doing so. It is a country of contradictions but If I can survive here for nearly 30 years unscathed it is obviously not that difficult to do so


".........some have been forced to resign over a few ill chosen words" Which is why one would expect a better standard of rhetoric from a Government Minister.


This country really is becoming a sort of N.Korea/China if you can not criticicise the accommodation where you choose to stay. What's the point of having something like Trip Advisor if all the negative comments are not allowed?


I have also been here for a fair length of time (20 years) and like yourself, have come through it "unscathed", but surely that doesn't mean that if you like something, (e.g. hotel) you are free to sing its praises to all and sundry, but if you don't like it you have to "button it"? e.g. if I don't like your style of rhetoric, and I criticise it on "Social Media", then you can sue me?


So TAT in particular should be singing the praises of Thailand, but warning all tourists that you can say how much you have enjoyed your stay, but don't complain about anything that you didn't enjoy, i.e. "damaging to the image of the country" or there is a risk that you might get arrested?  

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1 hour ago, sambum said:

".........some have been forced to resign over a few ill chosen words" Which is why one would expect a better standard of rhetoric from a Government Minister

But  I was talking about the UK when I said that, but it no different here

             We both know the mine fields MP's have to pick their way through these days in a desperate attempt not to come unstuck, there are certain things considered so unacceptable that they will result in resignation. If a minister referred to dirty smelly black I'm pretty sure he would be toast. 

However referring to "dirty farangs"  is just not considered a big deal here by either his fellow ministers or the majority of the public, There are things that politicians here can't say, with similar consequences,  but criticising foreigner's is not considered the heinous crime it is in the UK so its not on the list of "the unsayable"  So it would be a bit unrealistic to expect a minister here to use any better standard of rhetoric,  they just don't feel the need

after all who cares? just a few  farangs, and expats at that.  And that's how it is here and how its always been

              I was not arguing the rights or wrongs of the ridiculous defamation laws and the way that they are applied, but it is what it is , and its not exactly a secret,  A normal negative review would not be a problem and I'm not sure  If you were referring to the latest case withe the brit guy , but that was  a little bit more than a review ,  more like a targeted hate campaign which i think has been the case with "all" the other recent reports of this nature. 

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17 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Have at it, mate! This guy should be PM not that useless smiling donkey of a mouthpiece damp squib. 

Rarely touch the stuff but having the choice is nice. It has done the country absolutely NO F HARM whatsoever other than upset some fragile expat’s olfactory senses. It is all politics, deflection and a silly national face thing. Leave it alone and focus on making life better in this country, eh what!

Dave, sorry to say, kid's are smoking at school, and young children are smoking it at home, the THC isn't controlled, kids aren't smoking it for medical reasons. 

It's turned Thailand into a basket case. And it's only about money. 

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23 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:

I have to weigh in here. After a decades-long hiatus, I bought a gram, asking the seller for the mildest they had in their shop. When I had some time to kill in the safety of my home, I took two hits - it kicked my ASS!!! This is not your grandparent's weed at all.


I can understand the need to regulate it. It wasn't quite a hallucinogen, but it was damned close!

after decades of abstention normal brickweed would kick ones  ass   simply due to having a relatively much lower tolerance

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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

Dave, sorry to say, kid's are smoking at school, and young children are smoking it at home, the THC isn't controlled, kids aren't smoking it for medical reasons. 

It's turned Thailand into a basket case. And it's only about money. 

Kids smoking it at school or home is not as common as the media would have you believe. On the rare occasions it does happen its clearly a breach of basic regulations and nothing to do with adults being allowed to use it . Alcohol is freely available for adults pretty much anywhere, yet there are few reports of school kids getting drunk at school, or indeed at home. Why would that be?  Do you honestly think its solely due to the restrictions on selling it within close proximity to schools? or the age limit for buying it ?   Restrictions which also apply to selling weed if I am not mistaken

Stories and reports of that nature are little more than reefer madness propaganda or clickbait

Edited by Bday Prang
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9 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

But  I was talking about the UK when I said that, but it no different here

             We both know the mine fields MP's have to pick their way through these days in a desperate attempt not to come unstuck, there are certain things considered so unacceptable that they will result in resignation. If a minister referred to dirty smelly black I'm pretty sure he would be toast. 

However referring to "dirty farangs"  is just not considered a big deal here by either his fellow ministers or the majority of the public, There are things that politicians here can't say, with similar consequences,  but criticising foreigner's is not considered the heinous crime it is in the UK so its not on the list of "the unsayable"  So it would be a bit unrealistic to expect a minister here to use any better standard of rhetoric,  they just don't feel the need

after all who cares? just a few  farangs, and expats at that.  And that's how it is here and how its always been

              I was not arguing the rights or wrongs of the ridiculous defamation laws and the way that they are applied, but it is what it is , and its not exactly a secret,  A normal negative review would not be a problem and I'm not sure  If you were referring to the latest case withe the brit guy , but that was  a little bit more than a review ,  more like a targeted hate campaign which i think has been the case with "all" the other recent reports of this nature. 


I know you were talking about the UK, (well, I assumed so,) which is why I said Government Minister without being specific to any country. Basically what I was saying is that you expect better standards from those that have been selected to rule the country - whether it be the UK, here, or Outer Mongolia!


I, and many others, (Thai as well!) think that his "dirty farangs" tirade was out of order, and he obviously just does not like farangs, as is obvious by his latest scourge in Phuket of foreigners and marijuana shops. 


The worrying thing is that some Thais will blindly follow his anti farang sentiments, and the media in particular seem to be having an "anti farang" campaign on the go at the moment, thereby giving the younger Thais in particular an excuse to treat foreigners with contempt and sometimes open hostility. ("Because that's how Anutin would say/do it") I mentioned in a previous post of the change in attitudes of the younger Thais working in supermarkets, and I put that partly down to the likes of Anutin and his comments. I wonder how his working relationship is with TAT whose job seems to be to glorify the number of tourists and farangs that THEY have persuaded to holiday here, while he goes out of his way to denigrate them? Buddha help us if he ever gets to be PM!


Regarding my comments concerning the defamation laws, I merely put that in as an example of the "double standards" we encounter here sometimes e.g. Anutin and his ilk can say whatever they like about "farangs", but if we mention something unfavourable about Thailand, we can get "hung, drawn and quartered" for it!


And yes it is their country, and we "aliens" have no say in the way that it is run, and if we keep our heads down, everything will be OK, but that kind of defeatist attitude is one of the failings (IMHO) of the Thai people in general - look what happened to the MFP at the last election? But that is for discussion under a different thread, which has already been covered I believe?

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18 minutes ago, sambum said:


I know you were talking about the UK, (well, I assumed so,) which is why I said Government Minister without being specific to any country. Basically what I was saying is that you expect better standards from those that have been selected to rule the country - whether it be the UK, here, or Outer Mongolia!


I, and many others, (Thai as well!) think that his "dirty farangs" tirade was out of order, and he obviously just does not like farangs, as is obvious by his latest scourge in Phuket of foreigners and marijuana shops. 


The worrying thing is that some Thais will blindly follow his anti farang sentiments, and the media in particular seem to be having an "anti farang" campaign on the go at the moment, thereby giving the younger Thais in particular an excuse to treat foreigners with contempt and sometimes open hostility. ("Because that's how Anutin would say/do it") I mentioned in a previous post of the change in attitudes of the younger Thais working in supermarkets, and I put that partly down to the likes of Anutin and his comments. I wonder how his working relationship is with TAT whose job seems to be to glorify the number of tourists and farangs that THEY have persuaded to holiday here, while he goes out of his way to denigrate them? Buddha help us if he ever gets to be PM!


Regarding my comments concerning the defamation laws, I merely put that in as an example of the "double standards" we encounter here sometimes e.g. Anutin and his ilk can say whatever they like about "farangs", but if we mention something unfavourable about Thailand, we can get "hung, drawn and quartered" for it!


And yes it is their country, and we "aliens" have no say in the way that it is run, and if we keep our heads down, everything will be OK, but that kind of defeatist attitude is one of the failings (IMHO) of the Thai people in general - look what happened to the MFP at the last election? But that is for discussion under a different thread, which has already been covered I believe?

I doubt too many are influenced by the words that come out of Anutins mouth, but I'm sure many will have changed their opinions to one degree or another  following what appears to have been a targeted media campaign.  I would not like to say whether that was sanctioned or encouraged by any higher authority, or if it was just the media being their usual obnoxious selves

 The media is far more powerful in shaping public opinion than any politician could ever hope to be, 

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57 minutes ago, Bday Prang said:

after decades of abstention normal brickweed would kick ones  ass   simply due to having a relatively much lower tolerance


I have to agree with HappyExpat57 on this one. I smoked a bit of "weed" in the 60's/70's, and remember  Moroccan Black, Lebanese Gold/Red etc and the type of "buzz" it gave me.


However, one day somebody turned up with some "Skunk" one day, which was "nit noi" higher in THC content, and I was almost "tripping"! 


A point that was made by the late great musician David Crosby in one of his interviews. (For the record, David Crosby - of the Byrds, and Crosby Stills and Nash was heavily involved in all kinds of drugs during his life from "weed" right through to heroin) In the interview he said that the only drug problem he had in the 60's was getting ENOUGH ! But he also said that "the stuff that the kids are smoking these days would have blown my head off - they should make it illegal!" He said it jokingly, but he did say he was serious about the possible hallucogenic effects of the "new breed of weed"

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