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Anutin alleges betrayal in parliament over cannabis legislation


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3 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

They do not know what the people want .

So why not hold a referendum ?

Let the Thai people decide .


Except It should not be for any "people" to decide what herb I grow and smoke and cook with.


Governments should stay out of what people decide to take into their bodies.


The debate about drugs - and the war on them - should never have existed.

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1 minute ago, Bday Prang said:

Another with an irrational dislike of neon signs, is there a name for this phobia.  I don't like some things either so I simply avoid certain places, works a lot better than whinging on here about it 

So many coffee shops are selling " the stuff"  so what ,      But which coffee shops are "smoking it" ?   I have never seen that

5555. Nothing irrational about disliking being close to bright lights.. Especially unnecessary drug adverts. 

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Thailand did it again. When you think that they hit the jack pot on anything - Thailand comes and surprises everybody again. This time on the reclassification of weed. Let's see how that ends as it is clearly nothing but a political push-me-pull-you; very much between Anutin and his so many friends everywhere.

Another thing is Thailand's tick on uniforms; this time round Anutin shows up in yet another set of official wear; with lots of medals, coloured ropes, hats, more regalia ........ which leads me to the question, if there is a ministry of uniforms? 

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25 minutes ago, 1happykamper said:

5555. Nothing irrational about disliking being close to bright lights.. Especially unnecessary drug adverts. 

You could just wear sunglasses.   What adverts do you consider necessary?  Pepsi ?  some of those can be quite bright too, should we ban it?

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4 hours ago, stoner said:

anutin for PM....after next coup of course. 

Be careful what you wish for, there is probably no bigger racist xenophobe in Government house, at least until Big Joke starts His political carreer soon.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:


Anutin Charnvirakul. File photo courtesy of Thai PBS


Interior Minister Anutin Charnvirakul accuses his Bhumjaithai party of being deceived in parliament concerning a bill related to the decriminalisation of cannabis. Despite passing the initial reading, the bill has faced obstruction, leaving the party feeling misled.


Anutin emphasizes the medical benefits of cannabis, urging opponents to provide evidence of any negative effects. The absence of clear regulations governing cannabis usage presents a significant challenge.


The authority to reclassify cannabis rests with the Narcotic Prevention and Suppression Board and the Narcotic Control Committee.


Although no longer overseeing the Ministry of Public Health, Anutin remains a member of the Narcotic Prevention and Suppression Board and pledges to provide scientific evidence supporting the benefits of cannabis.


The final decision on cannabis classification lies in the hands of the board and the Narcotic Control Committee.


Existing cannabis retailers operate under the Ministry of Public Health's regulations, as confirmed by Anutin.



-- 2024-05-10

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To be fair, if they are pushing back against him there, he likely is on the way out, which is good, because he despises us foreigners. 

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"Many coffee shops now are selling the stuff... and smoking it."


Real coffee shops continue to sell only coffee and sometimes tea as well. This concept of a coffee shop selling cannabis is from Holland, it's like an euphemism, when someone says coffee shop there, everyone links it to cannabis. Here in Thailand it's just some cannabis entrepreneurs who copied the concept, the person buys some cannabis and consumes it on the premises, no need to take it home. Because of the lack of regulation some places like this have the chairs and ash tray outdoors, in front of the shop! This cannot happen in the Netherlands 

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5 hours ago, daveAustin said:

Have at it, mate! This guy should be PM not that useless smiling donkey of a mouthpiece damp squib. 

Rarely touch the stuff but having the choice is nice. It has done the country absolutely NO F HARM whatsoever other than upset some fragile expat’s olfactory senses. It is all politics, deflection and a silly national face thing. Leave it alone and focus on making life better in this country, eh what!

I've never in my 67 years heard anyone complain about the smell of marijuana. It's earthy and incense like, and has no poisons in it. I don't smoke it but find the smell pleasant. Tobacco is a different story. Cigarette smoke literally stinks. Secondhand smoke is proven to cause health problems. People who smoke cigarettes around other people regardless of how it effects them are simply inconsiderate pίgs. Cigarette pigs. The fact that they can get away with it here but not in their home countries does not excuse their lack of courtesy and respect. There are reasons why you can't do it in most western countries. 

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45 minutes ago, jonclark said:


I think you'll find its not just weed shops with neon signs in Pattaya. Hua Hin and Phuket - The non-weed shop neon signs 9restaurants, bars, petrol stations etc)  are probably far greater in number. Do you find those offensive as well?  Please remember that just because you find them offensive, it doesn't mean the signs are offensive to everyone. 


As for not wanting to breath that sht - Mate - everyone who lives in Thailand breaths sht far, far worse than weed smoke - but i get your point. As a courtesy to other people all smokers should be discreet and smoke in private areas away from people who do no wish to inhale second hand smoke. 

Does that go for cigarette smokers? Cigarette smoke literally stinks and is also a health hazard, secondhand cigarette smoke causes real health problems. Yeah, entitled cigarette addicts smoking anywhere they please are a scourge. So absolutely ALL smokers of all substances should be respectful and not pollute the air of others. But the cigarette pίgs will go to war with you if you ask them politely to refrain from doing it. 

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8 hours ago, ourmanflint said:

Hang on, didn’t he just go out and say all foreigners owning marijuana companies or shops must be arrested straight away? 

And then have a shower

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5 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

They do not know what the people want .

So why not hold a referendum ?

Let the Thai people decide .

There are good points and bad ones , but , as long as alcohol is allowed , and meth is tolerated in small quantities , criminalizing Cannabis again would be pure hypocrisy .

In Switzerland , they use to hold referendums and ask the population what they want ...

Why not in the Thailand ?

They had an election and the results were overturned ... why expect anything different with a referendum ?


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Very surprised to hear suggestions that this guy should be PM.Is this surprising given his investment in the Ganga industry,  of course he's against it. 

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3 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

And why does that bother a hand full of bitter old expats? The opportunities were there for everybody to invest if they wanted to

You are correct people had the opportunity, but those who did, like Anutin have most to lose, that's why he is 'upset'

Any investment is a gamble!

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5 hours ago, Andrew65 said:

How much is he making out of cannabis?

We have a similar situation in the UK, they have proposed measures to reduce tobacco smoking, but a certain politician is paid way more (by BAT) than the taxpayer pays him to stop it from happening. The same was happening when he was health supremo.

A certain politician....🤔

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5 hours ago, Lucky Bones said:

He's got more badges, wings & squiddly diddley's than a Co-Co Pops packet can handle.

He is my hero......idiot.🙃🙃

What are those mysterious black objects clipped to the front of his civil service uniform? Weed containers?

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All of a sudden, Anutin appears to have been elevated to the ranks of senior military officer, all decked out in medals, pretty badges and his 'rakish' beret splattered all over his baldy head.


He might want to soar with the eagles, but he still quacks like a duck!


He was in construction, wasn't he?


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1 hour ago, Jonathan Swift said:

Does that go for cigarette smokers? Cigarette smoke literally stinks and is also a health hazard, secondhand cigarette smoke causes real health problems. Yeah, entitled cigarette addicts smoking anywhere they please are a scourge. So absolutely ALL smokers of all substances should be respectful and not pollute the air of others. But the cigarette pίgs will go to war with you if you ask them politely to refrain from doing it. 

Judging by the tone of this response..i am not surprised they take issue with you asking them to stop. Maybe you should reflect on how you ask? May i suggest not using the term "cigarette pig" when you ask them to stop. (However i am sure you are only that brazen when posting annonymously on the internet )

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Of course he's outraged - and nothing to do with moral grounds either!


His Bank manager and investors in his "business" are not going to be best pleased at this latest "U Turn" in Government policy!


Personally, the message I would give to Anutin would be "Now you know what it's like to be on the receiving end of a "U Turn" - "Som nam na"!!!  

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