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Johnson and Johnson products causing cancer, are you entitled to compensation?

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In the latest major pharma fail, to put it mildly - 

"$6.48 billion proposed settlement of tens of thousands of lawsuits alleging that its baby powder and other talc products contain asbestos and cause ovarian cancer."



Another unsafe product dished out with zero quality control it seems from big pharma. Cant even make safe baby bum powder. 

This comes hot on the heels of their Covid vaccines been withdrawn a couple of years ago.
The experts seem to be making a hell of a lot of blunders. 




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Only if you get on one of the class-action lawsuits.  Then you may get a few bucks - maybe.  Otherwise you'd need to get a lawyer and line up for years of litigation.  They'll hide behind the word, "rare" and it will be up to your lawyers to prove that the "rare" malady actually affected you.

But it should be a warning that can be applied to other products like 🤔 EUA Covid shots - The drug corporations don't give a flip about you!  If their product kills or injures you but they still make a substantial profit even after paying out damages?  We'll heck - they don't care. Plus they have legal team that can litigate way longer than you can and they just write if off as an expense on the balance sheet.

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1 minute ago, connda said:

The drug corporations don't give a flip about you!  If their product kills or injures you but they still make a substantial profit even after paying out damages?

Correct its all built into the cost risk Analysis. The cost of doing business. Anybody who says any different has not researched the matter. 
Very good podcast on this that digs into the deception of pharma companies and their fairytale studies. More interesting than any action movie but it's not fiction. 

Dr. JOHN ABRAMSON has been on the faculty of Harvard Medical School for twenty-five years, where he teaches health care policy.  He also served as a family physician for 22 years, during which he was named a “top doctor” six times in local, state, and national surveys. He served as an unpaid consultant to the FBI and Department of Justice, including in a case that resulted in the largest criminal fine in U.S. history. 

t Harvard Medical School and a family physician for over two decades. He's the author of the new bke American healthcare and how we can fix it.


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