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Record TV programmes


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There lingers a question in my mind.
When we had Truevison, we had two HD PVR boxes. They allowed us, to record TV programs. For that purpose, for paying customers ( those who had to pay for the HD PVR box), Truevision provided an external HD which was connected to the Truevision box.
We didn't pay for the boxes, but we had to buy the external HD by ourselves. I bought a 2.5 SATA 1TB HD and bought an ORICO enclosure which had the correct connectors to connect toe the HD PVR box. 
I must explain why I wanted to record programs from True. At that time, in 2019 our daughter Amy was playing tennis and trained every weekend, either in Surin or in Buriram. For that purpose I wanted to record tennis matches. Amy gave up tennis after 2½ years. Shortly after we stopped with Truevision.
Now, I still have that ORICO box and I ask myself if there is any possibility I could use it to record programs from a TV.
BTW, ever since we stopped Truevision, I never looked at the recordings as I didn't know how to view the recordings.

Maybe someone can help.

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Put the hard drive in to a new SATA to USB enclosure  one that uses the standard USB cables   then plug it onto your sat box   you should then be able to record  and maybe also pause and rewind the program you are watching.

Unlike the True recordings  you should be able to view these recordings on any computer/device  using for example VLC

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Thanks a lot, John for your message. You seem to be the only one in the know on this forum. I will give it a try. Thanks again!

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